
Duke MQM 面经 [2020.04.10]

[日期:2020-08-07] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:partlycloudy123 [字体: ]

发个杜克面经回馈 CD.

面试官是个 MBA 在读的黑人小姐姐,没有口音,闲聊了两句之后进入正题。先进行了短暂的自我介绍,然后开始提问。整体比较严肃多数时间低头记笔记,但是如果赞同我的观点的时候也会很积极给 feedback.全程 57 分钟,时间有点长,说到后面我基本上都没过脑子了,感觉答得文不对题,但如果有认真准备面经的话基本不会有太大问题。整体比较 conversational,中间面试官被我逗笑了几次,偶尔也会瘪嘴表示不同意,但是不同意的部分没有给 feedback.

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Tell me more about your interests and hobbies.(主要是第一题主要讲 academic & professional experience 了,所以补了第二个问题)
  3. Why MQM?
  4. What tracks did you select? Why did you select strategy as your second priority?(之前已经充分解释了选 first track 的原因,所以问了 second track)
  5. Why Fuqua?
  6. What does Team Fuqua mean to you?
  7. Share your leadership experience. How do you motivate the team? What did you learn from this experience?
  8. Do you have any leader you looked up to in your experience? Why do you admire him/her?
  9. Share your experience when you work in a team and you disagree with other members.
  10. What's your understanding of diversity?
  11. Can you share with me your experience working in a team with diversity?
  12. Have you received any negative feedback or criticism? How did you deal with that?
  13. What's your back up plan if not admitted?
  14. Any questions about me or the program?

最后说了一下出结果的时间 & wish me good luck.




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