
[已录] IC ESB 面经 [2020.03.19]

[日期:2020-07-28] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:加油冲冲冲 [字体: ]


  • 01.10 左右投递的
  • 03.19 才收到面试邀请
  • 03.30 DDL


  1. 传统自我介绍。
  2. 如何 manage time between big goals and small goals. 这个题可能是新题, 楼主傻了, 坐实咸鱼本质。
  3. 你的什么爱好一直追求到了很高的境界?
  4. 电梯里遇到敬重的 ceo, 怎么介绍推销自己?
  5. 给一个在 career fair 碰到的 senior executive 写 follow up letter 想去人家公司。
  6. 计算新产品的市场需求咋算。


  1. 完成一个自认为成功的实习,给实习经理写一封感谢信。实习结束,不满意自己的状况,写封"thank you and farewell" 的 e-mail.备注: 成功就不要加括号里的话, 不成功就加上括号里的话。
    Dear Mr. Wang
    I am writing this letter to extend my warm thanks to you for managing my internship for a period of three months. Although it seemed to be a short experience, this experience means a lot to me . Working with you has especially helped me to improve my theoretical knowledge skills and put them into practice at the same time . In the customer credit management program , you encourage me to study new skills such as python and helped me to figure out all kinds of problems which makes me had a deeper understanding of data analyzing. What's more, I became good friends with several colleges here. It was a really pleasure time to work here and I hope that I did add more value to your company by doing my job here.
    In the next period of my life, I am going to study in London for postgraduate program and taking efforts to improve my professionalism . I will use what I have learnt from this internship and try to solve the problem that I met during this period.
    I will be missing all of my colleges and this great company. I do believe that it will be my great pleasure to come back to work for this company again in the future. So if there is any chance for me to apply for a full-time position and help my team mates for another projects please contact me . I will come back at any time and make contribution to your company after I got master's degree in UK. I do believe at that time my professional skill and knowledge will improved into a higher level and become more valuable to your company.
    However, I also want to express my apologies for the errors that I committed in my daily work. I know that because of my errors, me team had to face lots of inconvenience while doing the projects. After reflecting about my mistakes, I found out the reason was that I didn’t master the quantitative analytical skill. The regrets of not having a satisfied performance made me more aware of the efforts I have to take to chase my career goal.
    In the next phase of my life, I will take advantage of what I have learnt during this experience and work hard to be a more qualified employee in the future. To reach my goal, I am determined to sign up for some online programming courses to consolidate my quantitative analytical skill. In the meantime, I will take effort to learn financial professional knowledge in the postgraduate program.
    I do believe at that time my professional skill and knowledge will improved into a higher level and become more valuable in the future. Thanks for your help again! Looking forward to meet you in the future!
    Look forward to hearing from you again.
    Thank you.
    Yours sincerely.

  2. 取消会面安排的回信/被迫取消 coffee meeting
    You've arranged to have coffee with an executive from a company you'd like to work for. The morning of the meeting, she/he emails you saying they will need to cancel the meeting. In around 250 words, draft an email response.

  3. 一个你不熟的同学在一个你很想去的公司工作,如何让校友为你引荐到这个公司?
    在 career fair 上见过一个 recruiter,写 follow up 邮件想进他们公司。
  4. 想约一个目标公司的 hr 喝咖啡,如何写信?
  5. 回复:收到理想公司实习的 offer.
  6. 劝说同学选你加入 student council//学生会竞选如何劝别人支持自己?
  7. You’ve just received an offer from your second-choice internship while still waiting on an offer from you first choice. You might still have a chance at your preferred company, but don’t want to lose the offer. In around 250 words, draft an email response to the internship that has just given you an offer.写信挽留第二志愿,想等第一志愿 offer.
  8. 回复:收到理想公司实习申请的拒信。
  9. Introduce yourself to fellows/向manager 介绍自己, 向同学介绍自己并邀请conversation.
  10. 拒绝一个不想去的 offer.
  11. 你一个朋友想去你认识的 ceo 的公司里工作,希望你 introduce 她。
    Your mentor introduces you to a CEO, how will you write an email to ask whether he is willing to


  1. Self introduction.
  2. 有没有你的 achievement 得到的经验对之后的学习工作有帮助?
  3. Team work 里面有不同性格的人,如何更好的运用自己的方式管理?
  4. The goal achieved which makes you the most satisfied/talk about a goal that you are satisfied from achieving.
  5. Need to finish a deadline for group work under time pressure how will you motivate your team? 赶不上 ddl 的队伍。
  6. 除了工作学习之外 在哪方面特别成功?如何 step 做到?What's your ambition/passion outside your career and studies, what you have done to achieve it?
  7. Setback, how to recover? 针对碰到困难一般都怎么恢复?
  8. One time you confront your colleagues who was producing inadequate results. what did you do?
    Team member is distracted , how to motivate him?
  9. 你设定过不现实的目标,以及你从中学到了什么?
  10. Unpopular decision 不受欢迎的决定。
  11. Learn from failure. Setback to achieve your goal.
    What did you do after the failure?
    你的组员在学校的 project/coursework 不做事 inadequate results,你是怎么处理解决的?
  12. 小组成员相处不好,作为 leader 会说什么?
  13. 你设定过的没有达成的目标,从中学到了什么?
  14. 和梦想公司的 manager 说这个 IC 的项目对你未来的工作有哪些帮助?
  15. What motivates you to succeed?
  16. 见到心仪公司的招聘人员怎么推荐和介绍自己具有 skill?你在这个 program 毕业之后如何保证自己能够在事业上成功或者说就业?如果在毕业后找工作,你觉得 IC 学到的什么可以帮助到你/毕业的时候跟老板说,你认为你在 IC 学到了些什么?
  17. 在团队中是什么角色?
  18. What is your life goal?
  19. 你不同意你们队长的观点,你怎么解决这个事情?组内出现 disagreement , 你如何express your opinion?
  20. 告诉我们当你对于一个特定的工作没有被要求的技能,你是怎么解决的?Any challenges,what motivates you?
  21. Your interests,how do you discover it?
  22. 你有什么 unique 的特质?
  23. 通过 networking 去融入组员,有什么好处?
    当 hobby 设计到 higher level 的时候就用 movie.
    Hobby:one of greatest passion and how to pursue?
    Hobby: persuade to a high level.
    Do you have any interests how to pursue?
    说一件除学习以外很能让你 motivate 的事情和经历 personal things.
    Hobbies 对于你 future career 有什么帮助?
  24. 当 hobby 只是问 hobby 是啥的时候,只是为了娱乐的时候。Hobby. what's your interest and hobbies. why people need interest and hobby?
  25. Long term goal have not been achieved yet, still do it why?
    Long term career goal and plan to achieve.
  26. What type of things 你会在 set long term goal 的时候考虑的。
  27. Interests you pursue and benefits it gives to you. Achievement out of classroom and why important?
  28. 已完成和未完成的目标。
  29. Introduce yourself to your business manager. If you bump into the CEO that you most admire in the elevator, how would you introduce yourself?
  30. Introduce to ic class mates.第一天来 IC 如何介绍自己?
  31. How to define success in career and progress?
  32. 给 networking 认识的人发邮件咨询问学校项目。
  33. 说你平常是怎么样去做,以此来达到你的 goals?
  34. What will be the biggest hurdle in your future development and how do you plan to overcome it?
  35. What is the biggest thing you learn from participating in student clubs, organizations, societies?
  36. 你最好的朋友会怎么形容你,为什么?
  37. 你是否完成了你制定的目标,如果没有,为什么?
  38. Talk about a personal activity that help you feel confident to work outside of your comfor zone?
  39. 组员对你的意见很犹豫,如何说服组员?(感觉是新题)
  40. IC 这个 program 会对你有什么帮助?


  1. Whether or not domestic companies will be affected by fluctuation in exchange rate?国内公司会被汇率变化所影响吗?
    Yes. If the domestic company needs to import goods, then an appreciation in your own currency will make your import material cheaper and therefore be good for your company.
    A depreciate in your own currency can make your import inputs be more expensive, which will be a negative effect to your own business. For example , before the exchange rate changed, you may buy ten kilograms of rice from America and after a depreciation of your own currency you may only by 9 kilograms of rice from that country now.
  2. Inflation and deflation and why do politicians and economists do not like deflation? 通货膨胀和通货紧缩的区别以及为什么经济学家和政治学家不喜欢通货紧缩?
    If the government increase the money supply to fulfill the demand surplus of money, then the value of money will decline, indicating that the purchasing power of money decreases, this is inflation;
    On the contrary, deflation is a unit of money worth more than before, indicating that the money will be more valuable.
    The reason that the politicians and economists do not like deflation is that deflation is dangerous because the existed debt will be cost more, the producer has to sell more product to payback the debt, which slows down the economy and increase the risk.
  3. What is your understanding with the price discrimination? 价格歧视。
    Price discrimination is selling same products at different markets at different prices. Price discrimination tends to be used by producers who have significant market power, they can sell one product in higher price in one market and sell the same product in another market at a lower price to maximize their profit.
    There are many examples for price discrimination, and the most typical one is movie tickets. For example, we have student tickets and adult tickets. We also have normal tickets and VIP tickets. The movie services are all the same, but the prices are different for different groups of consumers.
  4. How does one tell if a company has market power?市场力
    Market power refers to the ability of a seller or buyer to affect the price of a commodity.
    Market power is a relatively common phenomenon of market failure, it can make the market unable to allocate resources efficiently. If a company has market power, it means that it can be a price maker and make it more profitable.
    The manifestations of market forces are mainly industrial monopolies, natural monopolies, monopolistic competition, and production alliances.
    Take China's communications industry as an example. We have three giant companies, China Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom, so they have market power in the market.
  5. Barrier to entry and give an example.市场壁垒
    Barrier to entry is the producers who have high market power use their lower production cost, patent, favorable policies, and unique services to make one market hard to entry for new firms.
    An example could be for automobile producers, like Toyota. Because they have a high economy of scale, they can lower their price by cutting down the production cost.
    Therefore, it will be a barrier because the new firms with high production cost can never win the price competition against Toyota in the car market.
  6. Buy side and sell side' difference.买方卖方的差异
    In the world of finance, The Buy side mainly refers to companies engaged in asset management and investment. A buy-side business will purchase stocks, securities, and other financial products based on the needs and strategy of their companies.
    The sell-side refers to the part of the financial industry that involves in the creation, promotion, and sale of stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, and other financial instruments. Sell-side individuals and firms work to create services and products for the buy-side of the financial industry.
    For example, if I worked at the private investment company I am on the buy side business. And the next year I worked at a financial consultant company, I am on the sell side business
  7. How do you calculate a new product’s market demand? 新产品计算市场需求 example.
  8. Quantitative easing (QE):量化宽松 example.
    Quantitative easing is an expansionary monetary policy. It means that a central bank purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to increase the money supply and encourage lending and investment.
    It Is also simplified to refer to the indirect printing of money. Specifically, quantitative means the expansion of a certain amount of money issued, easing means reducing the pressure of Banks.
    QE is usually used when interest rates are approaching 0 percent. Monetary authorities will only take this extreme approach if conventional tools such as interest rates are no longer effective.Rather than fine-tuning the economy's monetary policy, central Banks have prescribed a powerful dose of medicine to their economy .
  9. Market structure:市场结构 There are four kinds of market structure.
    1.In perfect competition market structure, there are identical products, low barriers to entry, and a perfectly elastic demand curve such as rice industry.
    2.In Monopolistic competition market structure, many manufacturers produce and sell similar but not the same commodities such as cloth industry.
    3.Oligopoly market is run by a small number of firms that control the majority of the market share such as the communication industry in china.
    4.In Monopoly market,there is only one provider of a product or service , and this company will be the prize maker and set certain amount of output to maximize its profits.
  10. What is ownership or property right?产权
    Ownership is the state or fact of exclusive rights and control over property, which may be an object, such as real estate or intellectual property.In addition,Property right refers to the eligibility of using the thing for production and using the thing for making profit for themselves. It is illegal for other parties to use the same thing to generate profit if they are not permitted by the property right owner. For example , only if the author who called jk Rollin gives the right to the film maker of the intellectual property of her books. Then we can buy the ticket to watch the Harry potter in the cinema and they can generate profits for themselves.
  11. Demand curve:需求曲线。
    Demand curve reflected an inverse relationship between price and quantity, This is a chart or curve showing the quantity of a commodity that a buyer is willing to purchase at each price level with all other things being equal.This curve reflect that if price increase, quantity demanded will decrease. if price decreases, the quantity demanded will increases. There are three types of demand curve which are individual demand curve, market demand curve and firm demand curve . Most of the time , the slope of a demand curve is negative.
    But if the demand curve is vertical, it indicates that no matter what price it charges, the quantity demanded will be the same; If the demand curve is horizontal, it means that given a certain price, the quantity demanded will be infinite. All of the goods produced may be purchased by the customer.
  12. 如果咖啡的 demand curve 是垂直的,你觉得人们买咖啡的需求会增加和减少吗?explain briefly. 咖啡需求是 horizontal,你改变消费者的 respond.
    If the demand curve of coffee market is horizontal, it indicates that given a certain price, the quantity demanded is infinitive. All the goods produced will be purchased.
    In other words, it represents a perfectly competition market. In this market, because all of the good are identical and they have the same price. If the price increases in a company, the consumers will buy coffee in other companies in a lower price, so the quantity demanded will be zero.
    If the demand curve is vertical, it means that no matter how price changes, the quantity demanded will always be the same. In other words, the market structure is monopoly.
    Assuming that there is only one company in the coffee market, then the consumer still has to purchase the coffee if they want to drink, even the price is increasing. Therefore, as the price increase, the quantity demanded will not change.
  13. 为什么 innovation 不一定会提高 firm productivity——innovation 的负面性?
    In my opinion, innovation have multiple effect on firm productivity. On one hand, innovation can improve our working efficiency and increase productivity, especially for the innovation in artificial intelligence and big data analysis. On the other hand, innovation needs a huge investment or experiments or human resource inputs, so the capital inputs into the production will decrease. Take the economy of scale into consideration, the final productivity overall may decrease .The benefits of these two effects depends on the certain company, so we cannot make a simple conclusion. If it is about a huge company like bloomberg , I will recommend them to use some high tech to solve problem but if it is about some startup company I think it is a waste to invest huge capital in developing innovative tech skills.
  14. Imagine that you would like to open a small ice-cream shop, and know that up-front start-up costs are 50,000 pounds. You also know that every year the business will generate about 20,000 pounds in profits. How would you decide whether your business idea is financially viable?
    假设你想开一家小冰淇淋店,你知道前期的启动成本是 5 万英镑。你也知道每年生意会产生大约 2 万英镑的利润。你如何决定你的商业想法在经济上是否可行?
    Starting up the company costs 50 000 pounds and this is the fixed cost of the ice-cream shop. And 20 000 pound profit means that combining the variable costs every year, it can still make 20 000 pound profit. Most of time people will use net profit value method to consider whether this company is financially viable or not. If the npv is larger than 0 we will decided to open the business. If the npv is negative we will decide not to invest. As the revenue is able to cover the variable cost, the project can have a positive NPV if it has a lifetime over 3 years with normal expected return rate. Finally, if we do not take the opportunity cost into consideration, this business is financially viable and I will open this ice cream shop.
  15. If the central bank has cut off interest rate, what impacts will bring about?央行降低利率。
    If the interest rate reduced, the cost of borrowing will decrease and money demand will increase, so there will be more production and more start-up companies in this country and the employment will be better, but it will speed up the economy and then cause inflation. People in our country might try to borrow money from the bank and try to invest in their own business.
    Also, lower interest rate means the return on investment project will decrease, which will also decrease the attractiveness for domestic projects in the eyes of foreign investors. As a result, there is fewer capital inflows which will make the currency depreciated.
  16. Tax incidence 税收归宿。
    Tax incidence is an economic term for understanding the division of a tax burden between stakeholders, such as buyers and sellers or producers and consumers. Tax incidence can also be related to the price elasticity of supply and demand. When supply is more elastic than demand, the tax burden falls on the buyers. If demand is more elastic than supply, producers will bear the cost of the tax.
    Tax incidence reveals which group—consumers or producers—will pay the price of a new tax. For example, the demand for prescription drugs is relatively inelastic. Despite changes in cost, its market will remain relatively constant.Producers will increase the sale price by the full amount of the tax, transferring the tax burden to consumers.
  17. 如果你领导一个项目资金使用完了,如何劝说投资者继续投你的项目?
    In view of the previous cooperation, I believe that investors already have a certain understanding and confidence in my project. These years I already made an appropriate profits for our company and I am more certain about the potential benefits of this project can bring to our enterprise. Therefore I will inform the investors of the progress that we already made in recent years, and also explain the potential benefits in the later years and finished deadline of our project. Then I will promise to my investors that they we be awarded by their reinvestment after I finished our project. In a sincere manner, I will explain to investors how crucial their reinvestment means to this project and to me. At the same time, I will express my appreciation if they decided to send money to this project again.
  18. CPI —— 居民消费价格指数
    The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure that examines the weighted average of prices of a basket of consumer goods and services, such as transportation, food, and medical care. It is calculated by taking price changes for each item in the predetermined basket of goods and averaging them. Changes in the CPI are used to assess price changes associated with the cost of living. In addition, the CPI is one of the most frequently used statistics for identifying periods of inflation or deflation.For example. the rise of CPI means that consumer prices are rising and there may be an inflation. And it leads to currency depreciation, which ultimately reduces purchasing power.
  19. Comparative advantage &competitive advantage.比较优势和竞争优势。
    Competitive advantages are conditions that allow a company or country to produce a good or service of equal value at a lower price or in a more desirable situation.
    These conditions allow the productive entity to generate more sales or superior margins compared to its market rivals. Competitive advantages can be broken down into comparative advantages and differential advantages.
    Comparative advantage is an economic term that refers to an economy's ability to produce goods and services at a lower opportunity cost than that of trade partners. A comparative advantage gives a company the ability to sell goods and services at a lower price than its competitors and realize stronger sales margins. For example, the opportunity cost of Australia to produce one pound of beef is lower than that of China.
  20. Difference between retail banking and corporate banking/ whole sale banking.零售银行和公司银行/批发银行的区别?
    Retail banking, also known as consumer banking or personal banking, is banking that provides financial services to the general public. Retail banking is a way for the everyday consumer to manage their money, have access to credit, and deposit their money in a secure manner. Services offered by retail banks include checking and savings accounts, mortgages, personal loans, credit cards.
    Corporate banking and wholesale banking are more about investment banks and large commercial banks, it helps large firms and corporations underwriting bonds and stocks in the primary market, it also can help large companies in merging other firms.
  21. Microeconomics and macroeconomics 分别学过什么?
    Macroeconomics takes the activities of the general process of the national economy as the research object, focusing on the investigation and explanation of how the national income, employment level, price level and other economic aggregates are determined and fluctuated.Macroeconomics is the opposite of classical microeconomics.
    Microeconomics, sometimes called the Price Theory, studies the economic behavior of individual consumers, companies, or industries, and their production and income distribution.These two theory can be obviously different.
  22. What's the difference between company's strategy and its vision?
    The most important task of strategic management is to help the enterprise to establish its fundamental mission and business objectives。And adopt the appropriate strategy to achieve the business objectives of the enterprise will help complete the mission of the enterprise.
    The strategic management of all enterprises have an ultimate goal, that is to help the enterprise to continue to win, Create and maintain long - term competition and excellent business performance in business activities.
    The vision is to solve the problem of where to go。Vision is a state that describes the development direction and expectation of an enterprise in a certain period of time in the future. Vision is more concerned with the image perception of enterprises in the eyes of stakeholders. Compared to strategy,vision is more about curious and culturally.
  23. Growth rate 题
    The real economic growth, or real GDP growth rate, measures economic growth as it relates to the gross domestic product (GDP) from one period to another, adjusted for inflation, and expressed in real terms as opposed to nominal terms. The real economic growth rate is expressed as a percentage that shows the rate of change in a country's GDP, typically, from one year to the next. Another economic growth measure is the gross national product (GNP), which is sometimes preferred if a nation's economy is substantially dependent on foreign earnings.
    The average annual growth rate (AAGR) is the average increase in the value of an individual investment, portfolio, asset, or cash stream over the period of a year. It is calculated by taking the arithmetic mean of a series of growth rates. The average annual growth rate can be calculated for any investment, but it will not include any measure of the investment's overall risk, as measured by its price volatility.
    The average annual growth rate is used in many fields of study. For example, in economics, it is used to provide a better picture of the changes in economic activity (e.g. growth rate in real GDP).




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