
[已录] UR BA 面经 [2020.03.23]

[日期:2020-07-23] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:加油冲冲冲 [字体: ]


  • 2 月交的申请
  • 03.20 左右收到的面试邀请
  • 03.23 面试
  • 03.27 收到 offer, 还有小额奖学金

Grace 面试的我,这个小姐姐真的很 nice, 会给出积极的反馈, 大家不要紧张哦,完全是对话的形式面试。


  1. 这个老师的话是盲面,也就是说只看到简历,那么肯定围绕简历去问问题,也就是要注意的是,简历的东西必须滚瓜烂熟。
  2. 在总结了题目的 path 之后,简历好好看看,多看几遍,最好是换成中文写一遍背下来。


  1. 为啥选择 mba?
  2. 为啥选择 simon?
  3. 有没有别的计划,别的申请
  4. 每个实习跟 msba 的相关性。
  5. Leadership.
  6. 印象最深刻的实习。
  7. 短期职业目标。
  8. 会要求带着她讲这个四个实习经历。


  1. Self introduction.
  2. How to adjust yourself facing cultural shock?
  3. What would you do with a full day of free time?
  4. What's your favorite type of music to sing?
  5. What do you wish more people knew about you?
  6. Biggest weakness & Strengths.
  7. What will be the biggest challenge if admitted?
  8. 为啥选择 msba?
  9. 为啥选择 simon?你对 simon 有什么期待?
  10. Why is graduate school the right choice for you now?
  11. Why Simon should admit you?
  12. 有没有别的计划,别的申请?
  13. 每个实习跟 msba 的相关性/主要背诵一下 tool.
  14. Leadership.
  15. 看自己简历有没有做 leader 的经历?
  16. 很有可能会问在做这个 head 的时候碰到过什么?
  17. 印象最深刻的实习。
  18. 短期职业目标。
  19. 会要求带着她讲这个四个实习经历。
  20. 简述一下你的教育背景——最好是说理科教育背景。
  21. 什么品质对于一个 Leader 来说是重要的?
  22. 有没有去过国外旅行?
  23. Multicultural 的经历。
  24. Challenge at work.
  25. Have you ever met conflict in a team, what did you deal with it?
  26. Other schools applied, any offer?
  27. What are the factors for choosing schools?
  28. How do you know the program?
  29. What do you do out of the program?
  30. 实习过程中学会的最重要的 lesson?
  31. 这个 lesson 在你做 project 的时候怎么帮到的你?
  32. Your role in a group.
  33. Do you like travelling? 都去过哪里?
  34. 这个暑假有没有找实习。
  35. Programming skill.
  36. Hobby.
  37. Where you want to travel?
  38. How to fit into this program?
  39. Want us know sth else.
  40. Any negative comments from internship or team work.(follow up:anything that you want to improve in yourself) 在团队合作中遇到与队友的争执你是怎么处理的?
  41. Recent criticism.
  42. Short-term and long-term goal.
  43. Back-up plan.
  44. What's a goal you hope to accomplish in 2020?
  45. What would be a dream internship for you?
  46. The data analyst in the morgen stanley company.
  47. Tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision. Recent conflict.


  1. Backup plan if short-term goal cannot be achieved?
  2. Do you think you are more or less likely than your peers to take a risk?
  3. 介绍一个最近令你感兴趣的艺术创新,科学发现或者科技进步的事件。




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