
WUSTL 面经 [2020.03.18]

[日期:2020-07-14] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:宴星 [字体: ]

6 题 + 小作文,这个题目有点多,我是半夜做的,第二天爬起来忘记了一半……只把记得的列出来:

  1. Three words that describe yourself.(感觉这个题目几乎是固定的,一定会出现)
  2. Tell us about one place in St.Louis that you are excited to visit.
  3. What makes you a competitive candidate?
  4. Traits and skills that will help you become a professional in finance.
  5. How do you think Olin will prepare you for your future career?
  6. 还有一个忘记了,大概也是关于 program 和 Olin 的。

作文:A student has been extremely busy trying to wrap up a project for his/her internship employer, so unfortunately the student has not devoted a sufficient amount of time toward the completion of his/her final paper. The final paper is due tomorrow and the student still has not finished the paper, but the supervisor of the internship has requested that he/she join the team out at a local restaurant to celebrate the finalization of the project. Faced with this dilemma, what should the student do? (2020 Fall 似乎一共就两种小作文,面经都有,算是白给)




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