
[已录] Duke MQM 面经 [2020.02.21]

[日期:2020-07-14] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:meowqingqing [字体: ]

录取了 Duke MQM 的 marketing track. 收到 offer call 的时候,AO 说非常 enjoy reading your application, and the interviewer commented she had such a wonderful conversation with you.我的 BG 不高,所以应该是文书起了非常大的作用。写下来希望能给下一届的同学们一些启发。

Timeline: R2

  • 01.15 提交
  • 02.12 面试邀请
  • 02.21 面试
  • 03.12 录取 call + 邮件

下面是我写的 25 Random Things 的文书中的一小部分,想参考的朋友可以看一下:

On my trip to Bhaktapur when I was fourteen, I spent all my pocket money buying books for a Nepalese girl to support her education. The tour guide told me I was frauded, but I would rather believe she urgently needed the money. I always see the best in people.

I have magic powers when it comes to matchmaking. I have successfully played cupid for three couples this year.

I embarked on my most adventurous trip at 17. I flew to Kenya alone to build schools in Murang’a village. A monkey stole my glasses when I was cementing the bricks.

I enjoy building and enabling connections. One of my fellow interns was very shy. She wanted to get on a project but could not bring herself to articulate it. To help her, I brought her along to lunch/coffee with different managers, where she was able to speak to them and join them on projects

面经 & 我的回答框架,仅供参考:

  1. Tell me about yourself.(2 句话总结自己学校 + 背景,列出自己的 3 个优点,并一一列举经历证明这些优点,最后 3 句话表明自己的兴趣以及和 fuqua + mqm 很 fit,excited to see how Fuqua can prepare me as a young professional)
  2. Leadership Experience.(当 leader 并解决矛盾的经历,一定要突出这个矛盾很严重,然后你解决的很有效)
  3. Characteristics of a Successful team.(提出 3 个点,并一一解释原因,每个原因 1 句话)
  4. Interaction styles.(提出 3 个点,用 1 个经历证明/解释这 3 个点)
  5. What do you do outside the class/work? (体现出你愿意为爱好付出时间精力、最好能侧面证明你的 leadership,teamwork,diversity 之类的)
  6. Career Plan after?(我的 plan + 为什么想是这个 plan)
  7. What track? Why the track?(用实习经历说明了为什么想要 marketing)
  8. How do you plan to improve leadership at Fuqua?(用过去的经历说明自己如何在 fuqua 建立一个 club)
  9. Q&A.

最后,有条件的同学,一定一定一定要请 native speaker 帮忙修改一下!即使你英语很好,但是 native 就是可以帮你表达地更简洁,更 efficient.我找了 2 位 native 帮我反复修改,效果真的好很多。





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