
[已录] JHU BARM Kira 面经 [2020.01.08]

[日期:2020-07-13] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Mandy1997 [字体: ]


  • 01.08 早上 6 点起床录 kira 后马上提交
  • 03.05 早上收到 offer

准备 Kira 的时候我是按照下面的题目,每个都准备好对应的素材。这样针对其他学校如 Wustl/CMU/Rochester 等都适用。(斜杠表示该题目的变形,可以用同一素材)


  1. What do you find within Carey's MSBARM Program different from similar programs in other schools / 在 JHU 学习的挑战?
  2. 我们为什么要录取你 / Fit in?
  3. 你有什么 ability 或 skill 能带给 carey 的吗?


  1. 遇到的问题怎么解决 / 小组作业发生分歧 / project 需要推翻重来 / 没有守约 / 没法贡献自己的能力/ 不知道怎么开始 project / 需要中途修改 plan?
  2. 一次解决文化问题的经历 / Have no idea what to do next?
  3. Describe an experience that you knew you handed a completed incorrect assignment.
  4. Tell me about a time when you became lost while travelling in a country other than your own / 和另一个国家的人学习 / 尴尬地开口帮忙?
  5. Tell me about a time when a member of your team received less credit than deserved for a successful group project. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
  6. A competition that you won second place. What have you learnt?
  7. Tell us about a time when you think you are more qualified than your mentor, what's the outcome / 和老师持反对意见?


  1. If you could talk to a politician, philosopher, business leader, artist in history, who would you talk to and why / 和名人共进晚餐 / 从法国文化中学习?
  2. If you are presented with a business idea that profitable in your country but not in other countries, will you accept it and Why?
  3. Imagine that you are preparing a business case for a project that would make a positive impact on hunger or malnutrition in different parts of the world. How might you pitch this aspect of the project to a socially conscious stakeholder / 最想解决的社会问题?
  4. Imagine that your best friend offers you a job in a country other than your own. Where would you want it to be, what job will it be, and why?
  5. Imagine that you are asked whether or not you think it is important for students to learn that people from other cultures can have different values. How might you approach your answer to that question?
  6. Imagine that you are trying to resolve a cultural dispute between two individuals of different cultures. What would you do and why?
  7. 你需要批评一个人但是那个人不会很好的接受,这个经验的结果是什么,你学到了什么?
  8. 你需要做一个作业解释经济危机对一个国家的影响乃至影响整个世界,你会用什么方法去完成这个作业,为什么 / 无法解决的问题?
  9. If you are asked whether or not you could help solve the problem of the world,what will you respond?
  10. 你最想学习哪种文化传统,为什么?
  11. If you want to live in a country where speaks the language you don't know, where will you choose and why / 选一个生活的国家 / If you have unlimited funds and can travel to any where in the world, where do you want to go and why? / 选 foreign currency?
  12. You are the team leader of a group. Your team members with different culture have difficulties in understanding each other. What will you do?
  13. If u can introduce a product in our country to another culture, what will you choose to introduce and why / 如果你是CEO,想生产什么 / Global Citizen?





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