
Chicago Booth 面经 [2020.02.13]

[日期:2020-07-09] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:煎饼不加葱 [字体: ]

1 月份交的 R2 申请,然后 02.13 和校友电话面的,校友是在国内做 PE 的中国人, 大概聊了 1 小时 50 分钟,感觉还是比较轻松愉快的,没什么压力,大概问题按顺序如下:

  1. Walk me through your resume.
  2. What is the organizational structure of your current office and your daily responsibilities?
  3. What is your career goal? Short-term, long term?
  4. What preparations have you done for the above-mentioned career goals?
  5. Why MBA, why Booth, why now?
  6. What courses would you like to take at Booth, why?
  7. What activities and why?
  8. Have you spoken with any alumni/students or attended any admissions events?
  9. Work-related questions: leadership, accomplishment, failure, teamwork, multicultural communications, etc.
  10. If you are admitted by both Booth and XXX, which one would you choose and why?
  11. Any questions for me?

然后闲聊了很多学习期间的生活轶事,校友回国以后的职业发展路径,还出于好奇请教了一下国内在看的行业中美 PE 投资的不同之处。

申请过程中从 CD 学到了很多,也希望能帮到大家!预祝大家申请顺利!




打印 | 录入:steven


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