
[已录] Ivey MSc BA 面经 [2020.03.09]

[日期:2020-07-06] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:linkeB [字体: ]

分享 Ivey MSc BA 的面试题目,希望给自己增加人品!顺利拿到 MMA offer. Ivey 的速度特别快,提交申请之后 3 周就能拿到面试/拒信,每年申请开始也可以算是最早的,今年 BA 改成了 2020 年 9 月份开学,第一轮居然 2019 年 9 月份就截止了,大部分那个时候才刚开学吧。

楼主赶得第二轮 10 月 14 号截至的。提供一个 Ivey 招生 DDL.

  • Round 1 Deadline September 3, 2019
  • Round 2 Deadline October 14, 2019
  • Round 3 Deadline January 16, 2020
  • Round 4 Deadline April 6, 2020
  • HBA Deadline (Current Ivey HBA Students Only) Deadline April 20, 2020
  • Round 5 Deadline May 4, 2020

International applicants should apply no later than our Round 4 deadline to ensure sufficient time to process the application and apply for any necessary VISAs.

申请 Ivey 一定要趁早,越早申请机会越大,身边被拒的朋友大部分都是因为申请的太晚了,人数已经招够,就不收了。最建议的申请时间是赶第二轮!

Kira 基本上都是准备一分半钟,说 2 分钟,比多大的 kira 友好多了!


  1. Tell me about a unique thing about you that you want to share with your Ivey classmates.
  2. Tell me a work you keep on doing for a long period of time and why you can stay on that?

In-person interview:

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Why BA in MSc at Ivey?
  3. Tell me a project you finish?
  4. 如何让别人同意我的 idea,你是怎么劝说大家的?
  5. 如果有 conflict between you and other classmates 怎么处理?
  6. Your weakness.
  7. What is your challenge in life and BA can help you to overcome this challenge?
  8. When you get negative feedback?
  9. Tell me a time when you as the leader to lead a group of people to finish the project.
  10. Tell me a news,你是怎么获取 news 的?

Ivey 的 in-person interview 时间特别长,能有 30-45 min,和 MMA 面试官对比,MMA 的面试官只会记录不到一面的问题,但是 Ivey 能记录 4-5 面的内容,楼主只能回忆起这些问题了,问的大部分都是 behavior questions,类似工作面试。

今年的申请已经告一段落啦,希望每个人都能获得心仪的 offer!




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