
CASE MSM-Finance 面经 [2020.02.07]

[日期:2020-06-29] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:lucky2020 [字体: ]

昨天凌晨收到 JHU MSF 的 offer(R2 统一开奖),晚上收到 CASE MSM-Finance 的 offer(好像只有 R2 是统一开奖),还有 20% 奖(10200 刀)。想起来做 CASE 面试的时候差点崩溃,发波面经回馈 CD.

首先 CASE 的面试是在 kira 平台,题目是最多的,8 道题,没看到更多的了。

其中 3 道固定题,5 道随机题。固定题包括 1 道 writing,其他都是 speaking.

每道题准备时间和答题时间很乱,Q1 是 2 min 回答,Q2 是写作 8 min,Q3~Q7 都是 90s 回答,然后 Q8 又是 60s 回答。


  1. Introduction of yourself. What else do you want us to learn from you outside your application. (1 min/2 min)
  2. Writing: why case? what interests in Weather head? how Weather head help you achieve your career goal? how to enrich the learning environment in Weather head? (8 min,点开就倒计时,没有准备时间)
  3. Share us other programs and schools you applied, reason? (45s/90s)


  1. Please give an example when you encouraged team members to have more autonomy and take more responsibilities. What did you do, and how did it turn out?(新题,45s/90s)
  2. Describe a problem you identified that was not apparent to others. What information led you to the identification of this problem, and what solution did you implement? (新题,45s/90s)
  3. Please describe a problem you have faced that was outside of your comfort-zone in terms of knowledge and training. What did you do?(45s/90s)
  4. Discuss a time when you helped your team reach an agreement after you all seemed unable to reach a consensus. What did you do that helped the team get “unstuck”, and what was the outcome?(新题,45s/90s)
  5. Please give us an example of an academic or extracurricular activity from your previous education that has taught you something important or changed your perspective in some way. Why do you think this is?(新题,30s/60s)


  1. 录取之后总结了一下,通过各个学校的面试,比如 JHU,发现其实 kira 主要还是看口语表达,没说完内容没关系,跟托福还挺像的。

  2. 准备 CASE 面经的时候,可以把 Q4~Q8 的素材全部准备 90s,然后重点内容放在前 60s 说完。这样万一 Q8 抽到 90s 素材,也能在 60s 把重点表达出来。


感觉 CASE 学风很严谨,申请的时候没考虑太多,看到排名可以就申了,但是面试是很重要的 part,我就是准备面经的时候才看的学校官网和课程设置。(然后才发现课程偏财会,所以不太喜欢)

说实话 CASE 的面经太多了,准备的时候一度想放弃,极其崩溃,也深刻地感受到我和学校不 match.但是为了申请费还是把面试做了。


  • 01.14 submit
  • 01.31 kira invitation
  • 02.07 kira
  • 02.12 under review
  • 03.05 offer + 20% 奖

祝大家 offer 多多!




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