
IC ESB 面经 [2020.02.21]

[日期:2020-05-26] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:小辣椒酱 [字体: ]


  1. Self-introduction
  2. Tell me about a time when you had to demonstrate high levels of drive to achieve a goal
  3. Describe one of your favorite instances as part of team and what you did to make this experience so favorable
  4. Tell me something about yourself that we won’t learn anywhere else on your application (套了 hobby 的答案)
  5. 向 Hub 的同学介绍自己
  6. Ice cream:

参考题目 & 答案:

Imagine that you would like to open a small ice-cream shop, and know that up-front start-up costs are 50,000 pounds. You also know that every year the business will generate about 20,000 pounds in profits. How would you decide whether your business idea is financially viable?

Start-up cost 50000 pounds are the fixed cost to the ice-cream shop. And 20000 pound profit means the revenue is able to cover the variable cost each year, so it can make 20000 pound profit. As the revenue is able to cover the variable cost,it can be financially viable and use the profit to cover the 50000 pounds fixed cost within three years.

PS 建议大家用手机热点面试,效果不错!

但是打完作文之后因为太紧张所以平复心情了很久,复习了一阵专业题才敢继续开始。可是发现这个时候就卡了,刷新了几次。不太确定跟中间停止了一段时间有没有关系? 总之可以一气呵成就最好啦。 另外今年不存在断网刷题的高招了,就算刷新题目也是一样的!!而且频繁断网会有作弊嫌疑,系统都是有记录的。





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