之前在 CD 看过这个项目的分享帖,今天命中了几题,来做个反馈。
这是目前以来面试问题问最多的(30 分钟十个问题) 来赞下人品做个回忆吧。
- Tell my about yourself and why are you want to go for this program.
- What is your career goals you want to achieve?
- What is big challenge you’ve ever encountered?
- What is your most current job?What specific responsibilities for your job and most currently challenge in your work?
- What is proudest accomplishment you ever achieved?
- Tell me about one of your failure experience
- How you describe your leadership in words?
- This is a program covering different creative fields,what is the aspect you want to study besides your main professional area?
- What are you expected to learned from other people in this program?
- Any question for me?
我问了她们在寻找项目候选人的时候最看重什么品质;会采取什么样的具体教学方式在这个项目;以及申请是否会受 Coronavirus 影响。