
Yale M2M 面经 [2020.02.14]

[日期:2020-05-25] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:莉莉98 [字体: ]

Yale Timeline:

  • 01.06 提交
  • 01.16 收到 Yale 的 Next Steps
  • 01.31 Yale 面试邀请
  • 02.14 美东时间早上 8:00 Yale 面试(北京时间晚上 21:00)
  • 02.26 美东时间晚上 17:00 带奖录取(北京时间 2.27 清晨 6:00)

Yale Next Steps 01.19(只可以录制一次 前两题固定&最后一题随机)

  1. Introduce yourself to your future Yale SOM GBS classmates. Tell them about your passions, interests, and hobbies, and anything else that makes you unique. (1 min)
  2. Tell us about your motivation for applying to Yale SOM’s MMS in Global Business and Society. How will the GBS program help you take the next steps in your future career?(1.5 min)
  3. 描述一次在团队合作中产生冲突的情况,以及你是如何解决的(1 min)

Yale 面试 02.14 With Kate

  1. Self-introduction (Brief &Personal)
  2. How do you know this program?
  3. Why program?
  4. Mission of Yale SOM is to educate future leader of business and society, how do you think of this mission?
  5. Short Term Career Goal.
  6. Could you share more about your internship experience? Takeaway?
  7. International Experience.
  8. How do you decide to choose Yale?(Only one reason)
  9. Contribute to the SOM Community/ how to contribute to the diversity?
  10. What do you like to do in your free time, as hobbies? Extracurricular activities(只可以说一个)
  11. Q&A.

Q:同学们会选择中间 GAP 一年吗? 项目需要入学前 12 周的 full-time 经验, summer 算吗?
A:大概一半一半, 视个人情况而定。Summer Internship 算的, 我们希望你在入学前能对商业有了解,这样子收获更大。
Q:Yale 的商学院和 university 联系是最紧密的。关于课程,可以选其他学院或 MBA 的课程吗?
Q:可以分享一些在 Yale 的生活吗?有什么建议吗? A:丰富多彩, Sleep Socialize Study 千万记得保持睡眠哦。


  1. Career plan/goal after graduation+追问(short-term and long-term, location, companies, why these companies)
  2. Could you share more about your internship experience? (如果没有具体说哪一段, 则要自己去general地讲所有的internship。如果只问一段, 有可能是随机选一段, 也有可能是自己选最重要的, 可能是研究经历)
  3. Since when you became interested in finance?(因为提到了对finance的兴趣)
  4. How do your classmates or colleagues in club sor internships describe you?
  5. How do you plan for the one year at GBS
  6. Share one of your leadership experience
  7. What is your favorite course
  8. Do you have anything more to share?
  9. Your University's education in general
  10. What others you want to gain from Yale?
  11. What's your plan for 1st year? Why HEC?

个人背景:陆本 Top 2 工科+金融 3.69&3.73/4.00 108 331 5 实习大部分都是咨询 2 段 big name 2 段 4 大 2 段研究(工科+金融)




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