
HEC M2M 面经 [2020.02.10]

[日期:2020-05-25] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:莉莉98 [字体: ]


  • 01.06 提交
  • 01.30 HEC 面试邀请
  • 02.10 法国时间中午 12:30 HEC 面试(北京时间晚上 19:30)
  • 02.26 法国时间中午 11:15 录取(北京时间晚上 18:15)

HEC 面试 02.10 With Tracey Delorme

  1. 用五个词形容你自己,为什么?可以举个栗子吗?
  2. 为什么选择我们的项目?(提到了国际化&想做咨询)
  3. 你有国际经验吗?遇到过矛盾或冲突吗?
  4. 你觉得为什么很多人想做咨询?
  5. 你觉得咨询行业是否已经饱和?
  6. 你做咨询想做什么样子的,在哪里?
  7. 很多人都想做优秀的咨询师,你为何脱颖而出?
  8. 如果有个公司它想走向国际市场,退出中国市场,找你咨询你有什么建议?
  9. 在你所有经历过的公司里,或者你知道的其他公司,你最喜欢哪个,为什么?
  10. Q&A.想了解一些 HEC International Consulting Club 的情况?面试官并不是很了解, 但是推荐了可以查询的网站和可以请教的同学。

HEC 官方面试范围(确定面试后会发送到申请者邮箱):

  1. Why did you choose HEC Paris and this specific program?
  2. Why is this program the perfect fit for you to achieve your career goals?
  3. Explain your internship/professional experience in detail
  4. Be aware of what is going on in the world! We are keen on getting students Who are passionate, which implies we also frequently ask questions about recent news.
  5. Other questions may depend on your profile: as we want to get to know you better, we will certainly ask about the most striking experiences on your CV, be they professional or extra-curricular.


Why school/program 篇:

  1. What’s the difference between this university and your home college?
  2. How did you know this program?
  3. Why HEC?
  4. What other programs you applying?
  5. What can HEC bring you to achieve your career goal?
  6. What can you contribute to HEC?
  7. Why France?
  8. 对 HEC 校区地处郊区能否适应?
  9. 对巴黎和HEC课程设置了解多少?有没有感兴趣的课程?
  10. 有没有认识的HEC校友及情况, 熟悉程度, ETC.
  11. Have you already travelled around Europe? Like and Dislike?
  12. Why did you choose to come to Europe?

Career 篇:

  1. What’s your career path?
  2. 追问:工作地点和职业路径&五年十年二十年之后你觉得自己会在做什么?
  3. 有没有除了 consulting/startup 之外会考虑做的事情?
  4. 你会选择 gap 一年在法国或者其他欧洲国家实习工作吗?

Leadership/Teamwork 篇:

  1. Do you see yourself as a natural leader?
  2. Did you have any problems working with others?


  1. 跨文化交流之后有什么变化/收获?有没有什么不同的交流方式?从教学方式、学生、课程来说?
  2. Why did you take an exchange semester at another US university?
  3. How does your experience in the US change your personality?
  4. Why did you take these summer classes?
  5. 你在HEC只有一年的时间,如何增进与同学的关系?


  1. What would a person who doesn’t like you describe you?
  2. If the interview process you just experienced is the Kira excercise, what Do you think of the exercise? what do you think of your performance?
  3. 你认为实习中身边最聪明的人是谁?那这个聪明的人有没有给你一些很好的建议?


  1. 你认为未来 10 年手机会有什么大的变化吗?
  2. 你如何看待 Brexit 问题?会很快决定还是会继续拉锯?
  3. China GDP growth rate slow down? what do you think?


  1. 你在本科学习中最喜欢哪门课,为什么?
  2. 你的成绩好不好,为什么?
  3. 有没有辅修双学位?
  4. What do you like to do in your free time?
  5. Why did you choose GRE instead of GMAT? (???)
  6. Why did you go to the States for college?
  7. Why did you choose this college? What were your criteria for choosing this school?
  8. What other schools did you apply to back then?


  1. 在大学学习中除了本专业的学习,有没有学习类似 accounting、finance 的课程?
  2. 为什么不继续学习本专业?
  3. 你的专业是 finance, 为什么不选择 investment banking 而是 consulting 呢?
  4. You have finance internship, why switch to consulting and management?




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