
USC CMGT 面经 [2020.02.24]

[日期:2020-05-14] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:kellyMoziying [字体: ]


  • 01.31 发邮件进入 review
  • 02.22 发面试通知
  • 02.24 完成面试


  1. Where is your hometown and what is it know for?(万年不变家乡题)
  2. Do you laugh often? Why?
  3. Do you think the reputation of a university is important?


Grade/ Study:

  1. Is it good or bad to study abroad for a year?
  2. Would you recommend someone to take the same major as yours? Why?
  3. Is there somebody you know who is smart but has bad grade? Why is that? Does the person make any changes?
  4. 学习的时候喜欢吃什么零食,会让你 feel better 嘛?
  5. 你和教授课外有什么交流?
  6. Who will care more about your grade, you or your parents?
  7. Do you want to live in campus or outside of campus, why?
  8. 碰到 boring class,怎么样?
  9. Are students today too stressed? Is it a problem or something students should learn to cope with.
  10. Do you prefer one big exam or lots of smaller ones?
  11. 大学的课程哪一门想花更多时间学习 infinitesimal calculus。
  12. graduate program认为最重要的是?


  1. Which one do you think is better, going to a university near home or far away from home?
  2. What surprised you most as a university student?
  3. 大学的 reputation 重要吗?
  4. 回顾 undergraduate study, what do you would have done differently?
  5. 你的大学有什么特别?
  6. What is the biggest social event in your school? Did you go?
  7. 你高中到大学的 change?
  8. Something that you would like to share with your parents about your student life in university, what will you surprise them?
  9. What can the headmaster do to improve your undergraduate program?
  10. What else will you choose as you undergrad major?


  1. 有人认为在家呆着看孩子是全职工作,你怎么看?
  2. 你觉得哪些本科生专业是被公司低估价值的,为什么,这些学生应该怎么办?
  3. How would you know it is time for you to stop working and retire?
  4. 男女职场最大区别?
  5. What is the most exciting job you have ever heard of?
  6. 你喜欢 collaborate with others or work alone? The disadvantage of your choice?
  7. Online working 好不好?
  8. Empathy 在工作中重要吗?
  9. How would you feel if you were in your 30s and your boss was younger than you?
  10. The most useful thing someone has ever told you about work?
  11. Do you think what you have learned from your job is more important than that from you college?
  12. Does it make you better at managing you time if you have a part-time job?


  1. Do you look forward to your graduate school?
  2. 你一直知道你要申请 graduate school 嘛?
  3. Is it easy or difficult for you to decide to study in the U.S.?
  4. What should Annenberg do to make it easier for international student to apply?
  5. 你觉得 Annenberg 最 exciting 的 single moment 会是?
  6. Cultural shock in USC?
  7. 若被录取,我们做什么你会选择我们的项目?
  8. 你觉得取得Annenberg学位对你未来帮助,它为什么比其他更好?
  9. 如果有机会来本校,你会怎么做?
  10. Does your government make it hard or easy for students to study in the USA? Why?
  11. 如果有人 13 岁告诉你要申请 USC Annenberg 项目,你会想什么?
  12. If you could take this master program online, would you do so? Talk about the 好与不好?
  13. What you will enjoy most in USA? And what you will miss the most?
  14. Do you think students have more different expectations and demands than students 10 years ago?
  15. Who will you tell after you are admitted?
  16. How did you know USC? What are your impressions about USC?
  17. 你什么时候开始考虑 anneberg 和 CM 专业的?你对我们学校和这个专业了解多少?


  1. What do you think of communication’s importance in a job?
  2. A time miscommunication caused a problem.


  1. Last time you laughed, what makes you laugh?
  2. Do you laugh enough? Why?

Likes and Dislikes:

  1. What is the thing you are scared of? Will you always be scared of it?
  2. What makes you happy and why?
  3. 喜欢的漫画超级英雄?
  4. What was your favorite toy when you were a child? Do you still have it?
  5. Who is the most important person that is alive to you?


  1. Last time you tried a new thing?
  2. Tell me about a friend of yours, why are you good friends?
  3. We will always meet someone who is hard to get along with, how would you deal with that?


  1. How is creativity important in economy?
  2. Are you proud of humanity and what we as humans have achieved so far?
  3. What is the youngest time that a student/young man can start part-time job?
  4. Is Olympic good or bad?


  1. Where is your hometown? What is it known for?
  2. Some people argue that college is becoming too expensive for students. What, if anything, should be done about this?
  3. If you meet a peaceful alien species tomorrow, how would you react?
  4. Graduate students 和 undergraduates 有何不同?
  5. 想拥有什么超能力?
  6. 你认为世界上有外星人吗?Why?
  7. Zombie 在各地流行很多人被感染,你觉得你可以 survive 吗?
  8. 如果你的教授是 zombie,你有什么想法?
  9. If you had 5 million dollars, but you had to spend it to help others. How would you spend it to do the most good?
  10. Please describe the first person landing on Mars in your mind?
  11. 如果让你给一个刚入大学的 freshman 建议让他更好的度过大学生活,你会给什么建议?
  12. Do you prefer go to class in the morning or at the evening.
  13. Do your parents have a dream career that they think you should pursue? What is it? And do you agree with that pursuit? What do your parents think of that?
  14. 看过 izombie 吗?里面的 zombie 是干啥的?
  15. 如果回到 5、6 岁,梦想以后干什么?
  16. If you can eliminate a disease by only clicking your finger, what disease would you choose?
  17. Biggest regret.
  18. 你听说过的最奇怪的职业?
  19. 你们食堂最好吃的东西和你最希望你们食堂有但是你们食堂没有的菜。
  20. 你为啥适合这个 role?
  21. 你第一次和你父母说你申请 USC 时,他们说了什么?和你期待的一样?
  22. What's your personality characteristic that makes you successful in USC-Communicative?
  23. 最喜欢的学习环境?
  24. 讲一个 teaching experience, or when the time you had to explain the things to others. do u think it is successful, why?
  25. How do you like your university experience. Do you look forward it in your graduate school.
  26. List three important things when you select your graduate school.
  27. 最 effective 的 team experience.
  28. Tell me about a time when you were on a team and it did not work well
  29. Talk about a current event evolving in the world headlines and why you find it interesting?
  30. Give an example of where you pushed yourself to do more than the minimum.
  31. Please tell us what math and computing coursework you will have taken in your last year of study?
  32. Tell us about a time when you worked with someone who had a different perspective from you.
  33. When facing a conflict, which of the following characteristics is most important in solving the conflict? Why?
  34. Tell me about a time when your expectations were not met and how you respond
  35. What is the biggest risk you have taken? What was the outcome? What would you do differently if you did it again?
  36. Can you please share something fun/unique about yourself that we may not already know?
  37. 给你 30 天,你会做什么?
  38. 讲一个你需要去解决问题的例子 你是怎样 handle 它的。
  39. 讲一个你自己的想法被 group study 所接受的例子。




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