
DUKE MQM 面经 [2020.02.23]

[日期:2020-05-12] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:jane1999 [字体: ]

第一个真人面试就是我的梦校 Duke, 在此分享一下面试经验和我总结的题库攒人品!大家冲呀 好运,我总结的面试题型主要分成五个模块。


  1. Walk me through your resume
  2. Tell me about your past experience
  3. Self-introduction

第二模块:Teamwork/ Leadership

  1. Failed teamwork/leadership experience.
  2. Teamwork experience with conflict.When you have to work with someone you do not like.
  3. Experience of giving other constructive feedback.Feedback from the team and the leader.How did you handle negative feedback at work/How to deal with others’ constructive feedback.
  4. Diverse teamwork experience.
  5. If you know no one in a new team?How to approach others when you go to a new environment?
  6. Your role in a team/ preferred role.Your expectation of teamwork/ successful teamwork.An important quality of a team member.The leadership style you like and how to use this style?A leader you admire/ a quote you like.
  7. Teamwork experience when inspiring others.Yours strength and weakness in teamwork.
  8. How your teammates describe you?How do your friends and family describe you?


  1. If you are not admitted to duke what are your other options?What other school did you apply?
  2. Your favorite course interests outside of class.Tell me something other than your academic and professional.What would you do given an extra 6 month.A story that proves listening is important (what do you do to understand others’ requirement).
  3. Your proudest accomplishments/most successful experience.Another accomplishment in an academic or professional setting.
  4. How do you work under pressure?
  5. What you have learned from your past three internship?How do you find your internship?About two interns, pros and cons.Your favorite internship.Feedback from the previous internship?

第四模块:Your Plan Your Fit

  1. Career goal desired working environment.
  2. Weakness and how to solve it in FUQUA. How to improve yourself in FUQUA. What club do you want to join and how to improve leadership in this progress.
  3. Your understanding of team FUQUA. What FUQUA attracts you the most?Why MQM/ why this track at this stage(how flexible are you with switching)Why FUQUA/DUKE?What does FUQUA mean to you?
  4. The most important assets that you can bring to FUQUA/ contribution to. FUQUA/contribution to the community in class/ the plan.How will you use your network at FUQUA. Experience in using your network to get an internship?


  1. What else do you want to share?
  2. What do you want to ask me?




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