
帝国理工 MSc International Management 面经 [2020.02.22]

[日期:2020-05-11] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:CHUKST [字体: ]


  1. Team hard to reach consensus, what would you do and why?
  2. Thank you letter to 之前实习的公司(毕业后也想去的)。
  3. How to keep business knowledge up to date and why?


  1. 自我介绍。
  2. Unique and contribution.
  3. What skills are you excited about to get at the Msc Programme?
  4. Your teammate is struggling. What would you do?
  5. 写信推荐朋友给 CEO.
  6. 未来五年 boost 的 sector


  1. Self introduction.
  2. Unique and contribution to IM.
  3. A feedback you sought and how to use it?
  4. Memorable teamwork experience.
  5. Writing: You met a senior executive at a career fair, follow up through email.
  6. Company’s strategy and why you like it?


  1. Self introduction.
  2. Unique & what makes you a great candidate for IM.
  3. Experience of offering an innovative solution to the problem.
  4. 如何保持 team morale?
  5. Writing: self introduction to members in The Hub(似乎是一个 ic 的组织)。
  6. AI 怎么影响你的 business sector?


  1. 自我介绍。
  2. Unique.
  3. Last time to change plans.
  4. Teammate 总包揽所有活。
  5. 给毕业校友写信。
  6. 五年内哪个产业会 shrink?


  1. 自我介绍。
  2. Unique points.
  3. 你在工作或者学习中自学了什么技能?
  4. 队员有问题合作,你是怎么解决的,什么结果?
  5. 写一封 follow up 给在 career fair 中认识的人。
  6. Streaming 极大影响了了过去 10 年中的 Music Industry,你认为未来 10 年的 trend是什么呢?


  1. Introduce yourself and hold your id for more than 20 seconds towards the camera.
  2. What makes you unique and how will you contribute to IC?
  3. What skill have you achieved recently, how was it useful?
  4. Explain an instance in which you noticed that a team member did not speak up, what you did and what was the outcome.
  5. WRITTEN: You met a senior executive at a career fair, follow up through email.
  6. How did digital analytics improve a sector of your choice?


  1. Self-introduction.
  2. What unique about you and why do you think you will be a strong candidate for IC IM program?
  3. 忘了
  4. A feedback you sought and how you use it.
  5. Email: 你的教授和你想去的一家公司高管在一个 board,写 email 给教授希望帮你 arrange an introduction to 高管。
  6. 选一个国家讲这个国家的 demographic change,explain 这个 change 会怎么影响当地business。


Self introduction. 对 IC 的 contribution 会是什么? 你的 team member 与你意见不合怎么办? 给想去的公司的 ceo 写 email 介绍自己。 你觉得未来十年有哪些 future trends.


  1. Introduction.
  2. Unique point.
  3. Score/mark you do not deserve 你有没有一次觉得得到了不值得的分数,你是怎样回应的?
  4. Setback.
  5. Career fair follow-up email.
  6. A global company why successful?


  1. Self introduction.
  2. Uniqueness and Imperial Candidate.
  3. A time you are not sure what to do with a problem and how you solved it.
  4. Teammate conflicts in your project; what you did; how was the outcome?
  5. Follow up email to recruiter.
  6. Biggest challenge in business world nowadays.


  1. 自我介绍 + 展示 ID.
  2. What's unique about you. how do these make you an excellent candidate for IC?
  3. An innovative idea you contributed in a teamwork.
  4. What would you say if your team members do not work together well?
  5. A recent interesting business news. what did you learn from it?
  6. 写作。向一个在你目标公司工作的校友介绍你自己。


  1. Self-intro.
  2. Uniqueness contribute to IC.
  3. 最好的 team 经历。
  4. 学了啥 skill 有啥成果?
  5. AI 对你 choice sector 的影响。
  6. Mentor 引荐 ceo 写邮件 coffee chat.


  1. 自我介绍。
  2. What's unique about yourself.
  3. An experience in which you have to use your network to do sth 这题我回答偏了。我回答的是做啥,但是现在想想问的重点是怎么用人脉沟通?
  4. A case in which you have to change your strategy halfway?
  5. 引荐朋友给认识的 CEO.
  6. 最近引起注意的 business news.


  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. Uniqueness and why makes you a great candidate for ic.
  3. Feedback, how was it useful?
  4. Tell the most memorable experience you work with a team, how you contribute to the team?
  5. Written: draft a message to ceo.
  6. Factors for a successful business sector.


  1. 自我介绍。
  2. What's unique about you and what will it help with your study in IC?
  3. A time you receive an unexpected feedback and what do you respond?
  4. Imagine you have a different opinion with the rest in the team, what would you do and why?
  5. 作文:给一个在心仪公司工作的校友写信介绍自己。
  6. What business sector do you think will shrink the most in the future? /a company that you admire its strategy and why?




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