
IC BA 面经 [2020.02.17]

[日期:2020-04-28] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:琪琪琪0122 [字体: ]


  1. Self introduction.
  2. How to manage time + how to achieve short and long term goal?
  3. The most challenging thing in your study/work that did not end up as your expected? how to recover?
  4. Interes outside study/work.
  5. 写作: 你的 professor 坐在高管的旁边,写封邮件让 profess 引见你和 a senior executive of a company you want to work for 来一次 conversation.
  6. 专业题:horizontal coffee demand,如果你提高了你的 coffee 的价格会怎么样?


  • 2019.12.04 申请 ID
  • 2020.02.04 收到面试邀请
  • 2020.02.17 面试

今天面试感觉脑子和嘴巴都不在线,一分钟的答题时间都没有说的清晰完整, 把总结的题目发给大家(不一定全,仅供参考),造福社会,来点好运气和好消息, 祝大家面试顺利成功拿到 offer!

第一题:Self introduction


  • Failure and howto recover + long term career goal and plan to achieve. /One time when you felt that you lacked the skills required for a specific task or job. What did you do? / 遇到过什么挑战,怎么迎接挑战?
  • A setback to achieve your goal.
  • Long-term goal still have not achieved; still try? why?
  • 短期 goal 如何实现的?
  • The goal achieved which makes you the most satisfied./ Your biggest achievement. What you get from it?
  • How to define success in career?

第三题:communication skill:向理想的公司、同学介绍自己、;teamwork skill

  • Introduce yourself to business managers + intro to IC classmates.
  • You are at the final stage of interview, what do you talk to boss about your passionate for this job?
  • You want to execute an overdue promotion but your manager hesitated. How do you convince her?
  • 遇到理想公司 recruiter,如何让他记住自己/脱颖而出?
  • When having disagreement with team members,how to express your opinion without damaging relationships?
  • How tounite the team?
  • 有队友遇到困难怎么办?
  • 如果和组员意见不同怎么办?
  • How will you do if a new member join your team?
  • 激励团队。

第四题: 课外的兴趣爱好、经验

  • Interest you pursue and benefits it gives you.
  • Your attribute and quality.
  • Community.
  • Skill strengthen through hobbies or interests; how benefit work/study?
  • What do you like to do outside of the classroom? Why important?
  • Tell me a hobby that you have pursued to a high level, how much you spent on the target.
  • Describe a project benefited others outside the classroom/ a project outside class benefit other.
  • Most unique interest or hobby. how you discover it?

第五题: 写作:回复 offer letter、邀请别人推荐自己、回复拒信、实习顺利以及不太顺利的感谢信

  • 向 manager 介绍自己 + 向同学介绍自己并邀请 conversation.
  • 让 profess 引荐 a senior executive of a company you want to work for/email to an alumni you dont know well and ask him/her to recommend you into his/her company.
  • Response to offer letter.
  • 为什么自己合适 student concuill?
  • 实习不太顺利结束了写邮件给 manager.
  • 写信感谢实习经理,毕业后想去那里工作?/在实习中表现很不错,实习结束写一封感谢信并表示希望能在完成 IC master 之后回到公司工作的意愿。
  • 写一封邮件回复 internship 被拒。/写作:收到实习公司的拒信,回复/回复拒信。
  • 校园招聘会上,看到你想去的公司的senior manager,怎么给他发 e-mail?


  • New product market demand+Ownership and property right.
  • Quantitative easing.
  • Market structure.
  • 如何分析 market demand?
  • 通胀和紧缩的区别,为什么不喜欢紧缩?
  • 一家只做国内贸易的公司,foreign exchange rate 对它不会有影响,你同意吗?/ Would currency fluctuation influence a domestic oriented firm in terms of market share and profitability.
  • The demand curve of coffee is a vertical line. If you increase the price, will people buy more or less coffee? Why?
  • Barrier to entry




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