
UCSD Kira 面经 [2020.02.17]

[日期:2020-04-28] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:一个cd账号 [字体: ]

刚刚录完 UCSD 的面试第一题和第三题第四题第五题都和其他人一样,分别是

  1. What does the three to four years look like after you graduate from your Master's program here at the Rady School of Management in terms of your career? Are there certain positions, industries, or companies that interest you?
  2. Share with me the most complex programming that you've done to solve a situation. What program was used? How did you use it, and why did you choose that? Is that the programming language that you prefer? Please share any details with us about your abilities in programming so that we understand your abilities and what you will bring into this class.
  3. Please share with me a project that you've completed either in school, your personal life, or at work that used analytics.What did you use - statistics, probability, or regression? What problem was being solved, and how did you solve it?
  4. Writing: It’s important to be able to describe complex ideas in simple terms. Think about a complex problem you worked on recently. Please write an email describing this problem to an acquaintance who doesn’t have a technical or quantitative background. Be sure to describe the original issue and goal, your approach, the tools used, the solution and/or outcome, and what you learned.

最诡异的情况出现在第二题,因为网很差第一题做了三次才成功上传,看到第二题我惊呆了,不是 market sizing 的题目也不是任何逻辑题,而是一道常规的问你经历过哪些 failure 并学到了什么的题目,没错就是 practice 里的第一题。因为网太差视频一直出不来我又刷新了两次,但题目一直没变。不知道啥情况,有人跟我情况类似吗,真的太神奇了。


  • 11.27 提交的,
  • 12.16 收到邮件说没有我的雅思成绩,让我邮件发一下快递单号啥的
  • 02.12 收到的面试




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