
CWRU MSF Kira 面经 [2020.02.16]

[日期:2020-04-27] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Yrannn [字体: ]


  1. Introduction of yourself. What else do you want us to learn from you outside your application. 1m+2ms
  2. Written 8 min: why case? what interests in Weather head? how Weather head help you achieve your career goal? how to enrich the learning environment in Weather head?
  3. Share us other programs and schools you applied, reason? 45s+90s

随机题 45s+90s:

Teamwork & Leadership

  1. Think about a time when you were in a leadership role. Please tell us about how you established a set of goals either for yourself or your group, and the process you went through in order to achieve them.
  2. Tell me an experience that you lead a team successful. What is the technique?/ 你有在一个团队里的经验么?你的团队成功么?什么原因让这个 team successful?/说一个你在的 successful 的 team,是什么原因让这个 team successful?
  3. Describe a situation when you delegated responsibility and authority to members of your team. How was your delegation effective, and did you encounter any problems?
  4. Tell us about a time when you realized that you needed to involve other members of your team in order to achieve a shared objective. How did the other team members react to getting involved, and what was the outcome?
  5. Tell me an experience that you noticed a team member who is quiet or less participated in your discussion. What did you do? What is the outcome?/你的团队有一个人在讨论中特别安静,你是怎么解决的?
  6. A time you make others to contribute and how he/she responded?
  7. 你怎么 motivate others 去做事情?做新的事情?去尝试?
  8. Team members 差距很大,如何让成员贡献/说你曾经领导的一个团队,其中团队成员差异性很大,你怎么领导的?最后这个团队怎么成功的?
  9. In the past, how have you ensured that team members were informed of details of an important project or organizational development? How did you keep them informed?
  10. Discuss an example of a time when your teamwork skills proved useful when you recognized that your team had reached its limit in terms of productivity. For example, they were burning out, or could not solve the problem. What did you do to relieve the situation, and what was the outcome?
  11. 团队缺少某种 skill,怎么办?
  12. 团队能力发挥到极致的时候,如何发挥 teamwork?
  13. 你在一个 malfunction 小组的经历,怎么解决的?
  14. 团队士气低落,然后你怎么办?
  15. Tell me about a time when you collaborated on a project and the group was not working well together. What issues contributed to this, and what role did you play in resolving the problem?
  16. Recognize everyone’s efforts in a group work, how you recognize and what outcome?
  17. Describe a time when you showed appreciation to others for a job well done. How did you show appreciation, and how were your actions received by others?
  18. please give an example when you noticed that a team member did not have the right resources or tool to do the work. What did you do as a leader, and how did your actions affect the team member’s work?
  19. 失败的 teamwork.
  20. 作为一个 leader 怎么确保组员 equally input?
  21. 有和组员意见不合的情况吗?你觉得这意味着什么?
  22. Discuss a time when you helped your team reach an agreement after you all seemed unable to reach a consensus. What did you do that helped the team get “unstuck”, and what was the outcome?
  23. 描述一次你需要团队队友帮忙的经历,你是怎么同意分工的,结果如何/ Provide an example of a time when you required assistance from other team members to complete a project or activity. How did you agree on the division of tasks, and what was the outcome?
  24. Please give me an example when you gave your team members more autonomy and asked them to take more responsibility. What did you do, and how did it turn out?
  25. Please give me an example when you helped a team member at work or at school. What did you do, and how did it turn out?/ How have you helped someone else to complete a project or activity in the past? How did you help, and what was the overall outcome?
  26. 一个事例你在组内做了 beyond usual responsibilities 的事情。
  27. Teamwork 的时候,你怎么确定哪些信息是重要的哪些是不重要的?
  28. Describe a time when you recognized an opportunity to improve your team’s performance. Please tell us how priorities were set, and how you ensured a quality outcome.
  29. 你在团队中担任过什么不适合你的角色?结果怎么样?


  1. Describe a project that you worked on where you had to gather and analyze vast amounts of information. What factors were considered in analyzing this information, and how did this information help with the completion of the project?
  2. Please tell me about a time when you analyzed a complex issue based on various factors. How did you conduct your analysis, and what was the conclusion of your analysis?
  3. Describe a problem you had to solve that required you to gather information from a few different sources. How did you determine what information was most essential, and what information was less relevant?
  4. Please give an example where you analyzed information to inform a decision maker. How steps did you take, and how did your analysis affect the decision?
  5. 说一个你分析问题的步骤、结果是什么/ Describe a problem you had to analyze. What steps did you take to analyze the problem in order to address the critical issues? What was the solution?
  6. Can you tell us about a specific problem you’ve had to analyze? What components did you determine were contributing to the problem, and how did that help you find a solution?
  7. Please describe a situation in which you broke down a task into several steps. What steps did you take, and what was the outcome?
  8. 一个事情体现了你发现一个事情中不同方面之间的关联性,然后得到了对这个情况的更好的理解。/一个事例体现了你发现一个 situation 中不同的 aspect 之间的 linkages,然后得到了对这个 situation 更好的 understanding.
  9. Tell me about a time when you were faced with a difficult problem. What was your strategy for solving the problem, and what was the outcome?
  10. 有没有一件事情超出你的 comfort zone 的事情?
  11. 你是否曾经 troubleshoot (原词就是这个)一个完全没有任何原因的问题,结果如何
  12. The role assigned to you is not suitable for your skills, what the outcome of the situation. /在完成一项任务时缺乏技能或知识,怎么处理,结果是啥?
  13. Use your knowledge in an unconventional way.
  14. Please describe an unforeseen problem or difficulty you have faced in the past. How did you go about solving a problem you weren’t anticipating?
  15. Describe a situation in which you were able to anticipate certain obstacles were going to occur and create a problem. What did you do to deal with the anticipated obstacles?
  16. 一个例子你会预见一个成功的 solution.如何预测的,Why?
  17. 是否遇到一个事情,你觉得不好并提出了解决方案,结果怎么样?
  18. 你自主的一个决定(a decision/choice).
  19. A time you make decision or recommendations without any guidelines, how you handled it and how it ends?
  20. 学校工作中不足的政策,你提了个建议,别人怎么接受的?
  21. 你遇到一些情况是需要用新的方法解决的么?最后是怎么解决的?/ New way you provide since best solution isn’t apparent, and you had to interpret guidelines or procedures. What did you do, and what was the outcome?
  22. Please tell us about a time when you implemented an innovative idea at work or school. How did you come up with the idea, and what was the outcome of the implementation?
  23. Please tell us about a time when you felt that a new approach was needed for better results at work or school. What did you do about it, and what was the outcome?
  24. Please describe a time you had to think outside the box to solve a difficult problem. How was your approach unconventional? What was the outcome?
  25. Please describe a time when you were asked to do something differently, or use unique approach to help achieve an objective of some sort. How did you adjust to doing this differently, and what was the outcome?
  26. Please describe a situation where you came up with an improved approach to getting work done or addressing an issue. How was it an improvement over the existing approach?
  27. 处理多线程工作的经历?你用了哪些 strategies?

Personal 30s+60s:

  1. please give us an example of an academic or extracurricular activity from your previous education that has taught you something important or changed your perspective in some way. Why do you think this is?
  2. 有没有一个 project 对你的人生有 potential long term 的影响,描述一下影响还有 outcome?
  3. What experience in your life has had the most significant impact on your outlook?
  4. 你的一个 achievement,你在其中的 role.
  5. Tell us about your most meaningful accomplishment outside the classroom or workplace. What steps did you take to make this accomplishment happen?
  6. 你在 study 和 work 之外最刺激人心的 accomplishment 是什么?
  7. 你的一个 milestone 和如何实现的(步骤)?
  8. How do you remain involved in your community outside of school and work?
  9. Tell me the most interesting thing about yourself that I won’t discover elsewhere.
  10. 空闲时候花时间最多是在干什么?
  11. If you had unlimited time, what would you devote yourself to, other than school or work something outside of study or work that is important for u, how to be committed?
  12. 为了以后的 program 做了那些准备?




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