
BU MSMS Kira 2020 Fall 面经 [2020.02.15]

[日期:2020-04-23] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:olina05 [字体: ]

前几天把 BU 的 video 面试录了,感觉之前的帖子帮助很大,我把自己摘录总结下来的题目附在下面,希望也可以帮助到后面的同学。

今年变成 5 道题目了,但是还是有之前重复的原题出现的。


Why are you looking to obtain an MS in Management Studies from Questrom?
How do we fit into the plan for your short term?

  1. Describe a time when you take a risk and how is the result?
  2. What creative presentation you ever took and how is the result.
  3. What is the best idea you ever had?
  4. If U could change the world for only one way what would u do and why
  5. Did you use a new way to do something and how is the result?
  6. Imagine you are developing a new language, where would you start?
  7. 最喜欢的社交平台是什么?希望该平台增加什么功能?
  8. Tell me about a time when you think "outside the box" what happened?
  9. What do you think is the most innovative invention of the last 25 years, and What is one way you would improve on it?
  10. Describe a time when you faced a significant obstacle to succeeding at an important school project or activity.
  11. How did you ultimately find success?
  12. Give me an example of a decision that you made quickly and one that you took more time to make. Which was easier to do?
  13. Describe a time where you presented an idea that not everyone was on board with.
  14. How did you persuade your group to have faith in you?
  15. Sometimes, it’s easy to jump to conclusions. Tell me about a time when you resisted this urge and made a decision when more facts became available. What was the outcome?
  16. Describe a time when you inspired creativity in others. What happened?
  17. Give me an example of a project you completed that relied heavily on quantitative analysis. Why was this important?
  18. If you could start any company now, what would it be and why?




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