
[已录] DIY加拿大Laurier MFIN COOP 申请总结+面经汇总整理 [2020.02.03]

[日期:2020-04-10] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:sophieandhercat [字体: ]


太难了从去年焦虑到今年,终于在昨天收到了我的第一个也是最想去的offer,laurier mfin coop,申请季顺利收官啦!剩下western MFE和麦马金融都不打算去了。Laurier一直是个特别小众的学校,但我从大二开始看到就很喜欢,刚刚面试完那个晚上我觉得我凉了,床上滚到两点没睡着还恨不得锤扁自己,第二天搜“被梦校拒绝是什么体验”,还好Laurier捞我起来了呜呜呜呜,所以写一写这个帖子,佛渡有缘人哈哈哈哈哈哈!


  • 双非 3.61/4.0;
  • 86.8; 雅思7(Speaking 5.5);GMAT 660;
  • 商业银行*2 + 券商行研 + 四大审计一共四段实习;
  • CFA level I passed; LSE SUMMER SCHOOL A.


  • Ivey BA 1.16 Round 3申请,1.28无面拒;
  • Laurier MFIN Coop 1.5 申请-1.11视频面试-1.24通知真人面-2.3 真人第一波面试2.11 offer;
  • western MFE 2.1 申请,毫无动静;
  • 麦马 MFIN 1.6申请,毫无动静 *2;
  • HEC MONTREAL 最终没申请,如果没录取劳里埃我就再补申,我的second choice,但是因为申请三月才截止所以一直没动,打算等Laurier结果出了再申,现在要去劳里埃啦~~
  • FSFM 没申请+1,填了一半申请就来offer了,就不申请了哈哈哈~

其实我的BG跟CD大部分雅思7(6)+G 700+的标配来说真的算是特别普通……一点都不出彩的BG,只能说是不拖后腿的BG。10.29考第二次G的时候看到660的分数其实心情很复杂,因为COOP最低要求650,我的660也只是刚刚好擦过了线,但我12月还有CFA所以实在没有办法再考了,我还是DIY选手,后面根本来不及写文书,所以我就没有再考,拿着660的G强行冲了。按下submit的一刻我还在想天惹我真的可以吗。



申请不是报菜名,当你的research做得到位,一切都是水到渠成的。包括选校,包括最后的选择,包括你怎么去准备essay,准备面试。 这是在最开始选校的时候就差不多能想好的决定,我自己是你现在问我我申请的这一堆我去哪个不去哪个,我都可以不假思索地排出12345,不需要让别人帮我选。所以当时中介说要帮我选校,我就说不用啊我早就想好了2333 我甚至连中介说的6个选校空位都填不满,因为我想申请的加起来也没有6个hhhh……其实这也是节省精力的,因为你一共加起来也没申请几所,每所学校可以投入更多的精力,而且录取了一定会去的那种。我一个保底校都没有申请,因为我觉得保底校来了我也不去,不要浪费申请费和时间了233……




  1. Introduce yourself;
  2. 因为我提到了我认识current student, Tony就很好奇我怎么认识的,我就和他讲了讲我在CD认识的,然后就讲了讲我和他们之间的交流;
  3. 接着我说我觉得他们上一届每个人都有Coop真的好厉害,第一个学期诶!!tony就说哈哈哈哈我们6年都是这样了,然后我就提了提我特别想去Coop,讲了一堆理由;
  4. 然后我就说了说他们那个LGSIF,说对我的career goal很有帮助,然后我讲了几分钟这个LGSIF有多好;
  5. 然后讲完这个时候已经过了十分钟了……?前面都在瞎吹,主要都是我在疯狂讲话,接着终于到Tony说话了,他说诶你是不是考了CFA,觉得哪门最难;
  6. 然后他问我你们财报学得怎么样,我说我们学过很多,这里我脑子抽了提了一下我们还学了杜邦分析,然后Tony说你知道杜邦分析怎么拆吗,我都要哭了,卧槽我不记得怎么拆了,然后我纠结了几秒还是跟他说呃不好意思我不记得了,这里大家一定不要乱自爆,就显得你像个傻子一样;
  7. 然后我们讲了讲我的LSE SUMMER SCHOOL,因为我是学行为金融的,Tony说你记得什么理论吗,我就说了心理账户和损失厌恶;
  8. 然后他说了说我现在的实习,我就给他介绍了一下我现在的实习在干嘛 9.然后他问我之前的一个行研实习,问我知不知道dcf怎么做,天惹我当时想卧槽dcf不是就是折现现金流吗还能怎么做,结结巴巴瞎说了一堆,这里自爆*2;
  9. 然后之前还有个印度小哥,这个印度小哥全程快乐地在划水看外面,我都感觉大哥一点都不想理我,他一直在看外面!!!大哥好像回过神了问了我两个问题,一个是你最喜欢的课,我说公司金融鸭,然后给他解释了一下我的research interest是fundamental analysis,就顺理成章地给他说了我的career goal;

其实面完我特别气,因为他都没有问我几个技术问题,就问了个我不会的杜邦分析(气死我了我为什么不说FIFO),我准备的那堆beta WACC capital budgeting全部没用上。所以最后能拿到offer可能还是口语还行(因为我沉迷了一年Cate Blanchett和Sandra Bullock),口语在磕漂亮阿姨中飞速成长,没啥卡顿也没啥吞吞吐吐,就把口语那个5.5给抵消了,第二个是research做得好,非常非常非常了解Laurier,第三个就是CFA考出来了抵消了技术面不会的负面影响?



Laurier Coop 面试准备

刚刚结束面试 收到了unofficial offer,我觉得重点是要形成活跃的 two-way communication 的氛围,也可以酌情展现一下你与其他candidate不同的地方。至于问的问题,很大程度上根据个人简历而来建议多准备一些金融基础知识。


与面经那种一题题准备的方式相反,好的面试的准备应该是“最小化”的。什么意思呢?就是首先你要有个概念就是面试的准备基本不会大于你之前写ps的准备(它们从来也不是割裂的两个“产品”),如果写ps时就已经把很多问题搞清楚了,那么面试的问题也就已经搞清楚了,甚至可以说“不需要”准备面试的。比如你说现在看到面经问why ic这样的问题还要重新组织语言找答案,那就说不过去了吧。







五、面对一些态度性的问题,我的建议就是讲心里话。比如ic问你如果我觉得你不能进你现在面试的这个专业,把你放到另一个专业可不可以?回答这样的问题不要“想多了”,各种内心戏想自己如果回答“是”是不是就是在“放弃”现在的专业,回答“不是”是不是整个就没戏了,然后就来各种雅思作文式辩证回答又前言不搭后语的。这样的问题就按照自己内心回答就好,比如本来就不会接受调剂,那么就通过这个来表达自己的自信,顺便也是强调why this programme。或者本来就愿意接受调剂,就通过这个来讲清楚为什么ic作为一个学校对于你更加重要,顺便也在回答why ic这样的问题。

六、面对一些非常规问题,不要惊慌。大多数时候,一个问题是非常规的,那么这个问题就不存在严格意义上的对错的,或者一定要有一种结论的。回答问题的思路和体现的逻辑才是问题想要考察的。尽可能多提高自己的逻辑思维能力并在面试里用清晰的一二三四推进出来。 最近我知道有不少学生在准备申请面试,在这个环节你们可以从很多地方得到不少有用的建议,我就说几个我觉得挺重要的吧。



  1. What is your story?
  2. Have known Laurier for half and one year-in CD (forum of business school application)- become friends later- common topics about Canada, especially about choosing program,
  3. I met Liam and Kevin-Watch how Liam apply, be admitted by Laurier, gives me lots of help
  4. Practical curriculum- focusing on finance theory
  5. Suitable for my career goal- there are many students working in my target institutions in similar positions,
  6. COOP- Liam and Kevin told me the whole procedures about coop-every students in 2019 session found coop jobs- no wonder Laurier is the biggest co-op programs in Canada- shows how competitive Laurier students are in the job markets . Co-op is the best way for international students like us to accumulate local experience and adapt to Canada environment.
  7. LGSIF: portfolio manager, equity research analyst,risk analyst
  8. LGSIF investment strategy is fundamental analysis -fits with my research interest
  9. Want to join as an equity research analyst 17:9, 2018 the number of equity analysts 50 percent
  10. The training sessions- how to write an equity research report do the financial analysis, pitch a stock with the top investors in bay street.
  11. Introduce yourself:
  12. I will describe myself as a fast learner, my strong learning ability help me adapt to new environments efficiently. I have completed three internships in finance industry and now continuing the fourth internships in HSBC.I was the only undergraduate student in equity research department of E fund, the biggest public funds in China. /This internship aspired me to pursue my career goal as an equity research analyst. I also interned in
  13. I have four internships in Finance industry, including E fund, the biggest public in China, I am the only undergraduate student in equity research department. And I also interned in KPMG in Financial service department as an audit associate. Recently passed CFA Level I exam.

Career plan:

My occupational goal is to become an equity research analyst, ideally in the financial institutions like BMO captial or RBC. I must say that Laurier career center has built a really wonderful website, and I found there is equity research introduction by an alumni called Kelvin Chan, he is an equity research associate now in MGI securities, and his shares is of great use of me when I think about my career goal and write the essays. And there are also many excellent alumni working in the similar positions as I can find in Linkedin. Also, the financial analysis skills I can develop in the master of finance program is indispensable in the equity research valuation.

In Laurier, I plan to take advantage of the resources of the Career Development Centre and find relative co-op opportunity of equity research associate. To improve my competitiveness before finding the first co-op opportunity in term 2, I will attend résumé critique sessions and business etiquette workshops provided by the center and strengthen my skills in Excel, VBA, and Bloomberg through training. Besides, for adaptability, I plan to participate in the management of the LGSI Fund and stock pitch meetings with Bay Street's investors. Then, with the geographical advantage, near Toronto, the finance center of Canada, I will apply for equity research co-op opportunity in some well-known financial institutions such as CIBC Capital Market or TD Securities. For professional designation, since I passed CFA LEVEL I exam in December 2019, I plan to complete the rest of the CFA exams to strengthen my competitiveness.

After graduation, I will seek an equity research associate job position to pave a way for my career. Previous co-op experience may bring me a return offer directly, and if not, it will still equip me with instrumental skills to pursue other full- time positions. I plan to start my career in sell-side institutions. My previous equity research internships was in buy-side funds, I think colleagues of buy-sides are too experienced, yes, they are investment experts, every has a very strong background, and the problem is that:they are too experienced to work with. They will tell you what to do but they won’t tell you why, so one of my colleagues suggested me that sell-side is the best choice for entry-level freshmen like me. I think I will acquire research skills within the shortest time through multitasking of sell-side institution including research and sale of ideas and standard trainings. .Moreover, I will learn how to communicate with clients and build financial models when I advance my expertise.

In the long-term, once I accumulate enough investment insight, I will seek opportunities to break into buy-side and contribute to actionable ideas to help funds generate better performance. I will help funds like TD Mutual Funds improve their investment performance with my investment experience. Also, big data plays an essential role in transforming the finance industry, so I seek opportunities to combine my investment knowledge with data analytics technology in the decision-making process.


  1. 最喜欢的课
  2. 刚开始的时候先是随便聊了聊,问问来自哪,让我直接自我介绍,把职业规划兴趣爱好都说给他,然后问了问我的实习和考过的证(当然我怕问到我之前的更水的实习所以故意强调了一下最近做的实习和考的证)。中间会问到一些细节性的东西,所以还是要做一点准备(至少不要完全靠编,因为感觉一细问就可能露馅)。还问到了你怎么了解到我们的项目。因为考过cfa一级所以还问到了我最不喜欢哪个科目【这题感觉有点致命emmm】。
  3. 自我介绍、career plan,会根据回答的内容继续问

    My career goal is become an equity research analyst in financial institution like RBC or BMO capital market.
  4. self-intro
  5. career goal
  6. what do you expect from Laurier MFin
  7. CFA Level I 中感到 most uncomfortable 的科目,why


  1. 学没学过risk相关,夏普比率是什么,对标准差的理解
  2. 宏经内容,央行作用,刺激经济需要如何调整利率
  3. WACC Weighted average of cost of capital ok It’s a firm’s cost of capital in which each category of capital is weighted by its percentage.
    It’s including common stocks, preferred stocks, bond debts and the formula is : E/V * RE+ D/V* RD * (1-T) it has a tax shield effect And the cost of equity -CAPM- capital asset pricing model risk-free rate + beta multiply (Rm-Rf) CAPM describes the relationship between systematic risk and expected return
    Risk free rate describes the time value of the stock, and the other part describes the risk premium, beta describes how much the risk will be added into the investment. Beta can be calculated by the covariance of the return of a stock and market divided by variance of the whole market, it is a measure of systematic risk it describes the activity of a stock, how responding it is to the market. A higher beta of indicates a higher risk. It is also the slope of asset characteristic line, the regression of asset returns against market asset returns DCF model – value a stocks DDM- discounted dividends models discount all the dividends in future to present value use the required rate as discounted rate If the dividends grow in a constant rate, we have Gordon growth model – Do* (1+g)/r-g
    R is required rate of return, g is the growth rate- retained rate * ROE
  4. Mean-variane analysis
    Is the process of weighting risk, expressed as variance, against expected returns. It allows investors to seek the biggest return in a given risk level. Variance is a number represents how spread out in a given data set. b
  5. First in first out, last in first out ok
  6. 如何capital budgeting
    It is a process of evaluating a potential investments or projects. It often involves with a large amount of money so we need capital budgeting in advance. To do this, a company need to know the potential cash flow, inflows and outflow, to determine whether the return rate will meet the sufficient required rate. One simple way to do this is pay back analysis, we can calculate it by use the initial investments divides by annual cash flow. The shorter pay back period, the better. But it ignores the time value of the money, so we have NPV and IRR.
  7. 谈论一个感兴趣的金融市场新闻
  8. CAPM
  9. Balance sheet
  10. 学习的课程以及学到了什么,你最感兴趣的课程,某个课程中你最感兴趣的part
  11. Equity valuation models
  12. 财富金三角理论
  13. 公司如何进行长期投资
  14. Impossible trinity三元悖论 free flow of capital; fixed exchange rate; independent monetary policy
  15. 美元汇率以及你对于fed rate上升怎么看
    portfolio theory 和 beta
  16. capital budgeting
    楼主会计,先问财报:直线折旧和双倍折旧对net income的影响\ 直线折旧 cost- residual value/ useful life ; 2/ asset lives in years * net book value at this year
    (2)财报:Do you remember FIFO / 答案: FIFO :the oldest goods are sold first LIFO the latest goods are sold first FIFO: Inventory; LIFO: COGS inflation
    (3)固收:how to calculate the price of a bond
    (5)数学:how to calculate whether the average mean returns of two portfolio are the same, given a large sample of data(记得复习商务统计...)

好了感觉说了很多现在刚刚开始面试= =

  1. Tony说言归正传,先做一个自我介绍吧
  2. 然后又问为什么选择Laurier
  3. 卤煮每个问题都回答得挺久的,说了一大堆
  4. 然后Smith又问你最喜欢哪门课,我当时没做这方面的准备,就情急之下说因为本科是CGA然后接触的都是会计类的课为主,扯了一些想到的成本会计的内容,还说喜欢Managerial Accounting因为现在实习的Boss就是财务的Director,他让我看到了这门课的实际的应用,因为他来了以后业绩从-20%增长到-8%,是很大的突破了
  5. 然后又问你知道Capital Budgeting嘛?其实当时我在准备别的时候是了解过的,但是Laurier可以说没怎么准备这方面的问题(一开始CD上不知怎么的没找到说会问学术的帖子,还想着没什么可准备的,就是常规的问题。然而面试以后才看到去年面的很难,还有学术的=+=诶,想来有点后怕,果然是“无知”的勇气。。。。。)
  6. 最后问我有没有什么问题,我问了两个
  7. 估计是我没有问什么时候有结果,Tony主动说周五会有结果,你双休日就可以知道啦,又说基本上没问题啦,语言OK会计知识OK表达OK并且have done my homework


  • CFO cash flow from operating activities such as purchasing
  • CFI cash flow due to acquisition or sale of long-term long term assets\
  • CFF cash flow from retiring or obtaining capital
  • BASE 法则: Re = Rb + NIDIVIDEND
  • Unearned revenue -预计收入
  • Accrued revenue应计收入 accounts receviable
  • Prepaid expense预计费用 accrued expense 应付费用= accounts payable
  • EBIT= gross profit – operating expense
  • Diluted EPS = NIdividends of preferred stocks + dividends of convertebile + diviends of debts* 1-tax rate 分子是numerator 、 weighted average shares outstanding + pre, debt, stock options
  • 固定收益:
  • Callable bond: give the rights to the issuer to retire the bond, so it often has a higher yield and a lower price. American style -call this at any time; Europe stylecall date; Bermuda stylespecific date following the whole period
  • Discount all the future cash flow and sum them up to get the value coupon, book value, YTM
  • YTM and coupon rateinverse relationship YTM > coupon rate discounted
  • Clean price: agree price, dirty price clean price + accured interest
  • Liquidity risk; option risk; credit risk
  • Duration is the slope of price-yield curve, and it describes the sensitivity the bond to the interest rate. the longer the term period, the higher duration is. And it’s also the weighted average of time until the cash flow will be received. Macaulay duration. It is also the percentage change in price of 1% change in yield.
  • Question:
  • Contraction riskshorter maturity than it’s expected market rate is lower
  • Extenson riskprepayment rates slow, the security has a longer maturity than it’s expected because the investors are reluctant to prepay market rate is higher.
  • Interest rate risk
  • VaR potential largest lost




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