
[已录] CUHK Macc 附timeline及面经汇总 [2020.01.21]

[日期:2020-04-08] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Mavis_zhang [字体: ]


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CUHK Macc:11月底提交-1.15面试邀请-1.21面试-2.4offer。


  1. 首先是自我介绍(简历上没有的),然后大家讨论一个问题,我们当时是有关于为什么大陆人更偏向香港保险,并且大陆政府为什么要遏制这种情况的发生?
  2. Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co., the Tokyo-based company with business focus on Over-the-counter (OTC) products, including energy drinks, cold medication and hair regrowth treatment, is nearing a deal to buy U.S. pharma giant Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.’s French OTC unit UPSA which sells painkillers, flu medicines, and nutritional treatments. Bristol-Myers has sought to sell the unit to streamline its business globally so that it can focus on other growth areas. This year has been a busy year for the consumer-health sector globally. GlaxoSmithKline Plc agreed to a $13 billion acquisition of Novartis AG’s stake in their consumer joint venture in March, and a month later, Procter & Gamble Co. agreed to buy Merck KGaA’s consumer-health business in a 3.4 billion-euro ($3.8 billion) deal. Using consumer-health sector as example, discuss the possible reasons for acquisitions and the risks involved.
  3. Barclays is planning to cut the 396,000 pounds ($508,068) pension allowance it pays Chief Executive Jes Staley by around half, echoing moves by rivals who have pledged to rein in executive pension perks following a campaign by investors. The British lender is consulting shareholders on the proposal in a review of its remuneration policy to be voted on at the bank’s annual meeting next year. The possible changes follow protests from investors and employee unions over the disparity between pension payouts offered to Britain’s top bank bosses and their staff. Share your understanding on formulating remuneration policy for executive managers.
  4. [BBC News] Swatch, the owner of the Omega and Longines brands said net income fell 11% to 415m Swiss francs (?340m; $420m) in the first half year of 2019. Sales fell 4.4%. The company has been taking action this year to stop its watches being sold at steep discounts online. That move hit its sales. The company said it had been taking "uncompromising action" against dealers which have been selling watches to unauthorised retailers - often online watch sellers in Asia. The company has stopped supplying some dealers completely and some have been warned about their activities. Explain why Swatch took this action and how this action would affect the company’s short-term and long-term financial performance.
  5. Part1是自我介绍,说是可以分享关于自己的一切有趣的东西,时间一分钟以内。我感觉大家都说了超过1分钟,也没被打断。 Part2随着科技发展,会计行业有哪些新趋势?如何应对? 由于我们组有个同学没上线,时间短,又追问了,会计专业与计算机专业的同学相比,编程等能力是相对较弱的,怎么认识这个问题,我们的优势体现在哪里?
  6. 上午场是自我介绍+巴宝莉产品过剩对财务的影响和应对措施、手表厂商拒绝线上经销商降价促销的原因及长短期对财务的影响 下午场轮到macc项目特立独行的美国教授Patrick登场,取代了一分钟的自我介绍改为讨论自身有趣的地方。后续案例分别是H&M利用大数据和AI、三星的企业本土化、中国人口结构对经济的影响。 整理了几十个宏观中观微观近期的财经政治时事热点、百余个金融财务管理商务英语单词、拿出了管理学课件重温各种模型
  7. part1 自我介绍,不要讲CV上的内容,讲点有趣的,限时一分钟,明显超过时间会打断。
    part2 case
    Vincent, a staff auditor, has been informed that he will need to work over the weekend to meet the reporting deadline. However, the senior-in-charge asks Vincent not to record the hours worked in order not to exceed the time budget. Firm policy prohibits this practice. Another staff auditor said that this is common practice in the firm. Is it ethical for Vincent to work hours and not record them as hours worked in this situation? Who may be affected? How are they affected? What alternatives does Vincent have? What are the advantages and disadvantages of different alternatives?
    昨天有corporate social responsibility(CSR)、socialiy responsible investment(SRI)、digital currency,今天还有paper-making company怎么应对电子化冲击这种
  8. 中国开放了二孩政策,但生育率并没有提高,对中国的经济会有什么样的影响,以及政府应该如何做才能提高生育率?
  9. Samsung has closed its last smartphoneplant in China in 2019, supply chain experts said that other smartphone makers,unlike the vertically integrated Samsung which makes it owns components andassembles them in-house, are unlikely to be able to move away from China, evenas wages rise in China. Companies like Apple, which rely on contractmanufacturing rather than running their own factories, have spent decadesinvesting to educate their suppliers’ workforce in China. Vertical integrationis when a company controls more than one stage of the supply chain. Discuss onthe pros and cons of vertical integration.
  10. 雀巢之前投资了徐福记和银鹭,现在因为这两个品牌面临需求不足的问题,雀巢在考虑是否要撤资。问的是一个企业在投资和撤资时需要考虑什么?
  11. toyota的just in time系统的重要性和改进措施,第一轮每人发言了一次,第二轮面试官问出了质量丑闻,公司应该怎么办,第二轮也是每人发言了一次
  12. 三星Note 7爆炸事件对三星公司的影响和如何完善产品质量控制。 答题思路:
    1. 影响 从市场、消费者、竞争对手和利益相关者的角度分析问题。例如,影响其他电子产品的市场份额,消费者对三星的产品失去信心,竞争对手利用这次事件攻击三星,金融投机者卖空三星的股票等;
    2. 质量控制 调查此次事件的原因,增加内部控制,对设计、采购、生产等流程进行检查和完善内部管理规范等。
  13. After four years of planning, Tesla Inc. finally broke ground on its planned $5 billion factory in China, the world’s biggest auto market, in January 2019. The factory is the electric-vehicle maker’s first car-manufacturing facility outside the U.S., and it will be used to produce affordable versions of Tesla’s Model 3 and Model Y for Greater China. Tesla’s Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk wrote in a Twitter post: “Shanghai Giga output is just for greater China, not North America. Affordable cars must be made on same continent as customers.” Share your understanding on this point and discuss the financial impacts of domestic production.
  14. 如何解决美国蓝领工人短缺问题
  15. 要求我们说家乡和最喜欢的吃的
    • case是关于药企develop&research的
  16. UNIQLO is one of the most famous retailing brands in Asia. The company produces high quality and innovative clothing at affordable price. Its revenues and market share have increased quickly in Greater China, Southeast Asia and Oceania. However, its expansion in US market is not successful. Although the company started its business in US a decade ago, it only achieved mediocre sales revenue and small market share. One important reason is US consumers assume UNIQLO's products are low quality and disposable. They cannot differentiate UNIQLO from other fast-fashion companies like H&M or Forever 21. What actions can UNIQLO take to improve its brand awareness in US market?
  17. 对电子商务进行收税、立法规管的影响
    • A.对customer来说,好处是会有一个更加安全放心、可以信任的购物环境,因为售卖假冒伪劣产品的现象会在规管下减缓。坏处是可选产品的多样性会受影响,原来很多五花八门的小作坊可能因为不合规格最终退出市场
    • B.对商家来说,市场进入成本的提升,促进商家高效管理,同时保护了靠谱优质的商家。缺点是运营成本会提高,价格相应提升,对比线下的价格优势降低,低效从业者可能被迫退出。
    • C.对平台来说,优点是更多的市场规管会带来更好的口碑,让消费者信任,长远看可以发展得更健康。缺点是过多的不完善的规管会成为限制平台丰富多样性的条条框框,短期内可能会引起消费者不满。
  18. 香港加班严重,政府想出台政策限制加班,让employee每周上标准的40小时,问支不支持这个政策
  19. 给了医药行业合并收购的案例进行分析
    • why 大家热衷合并和收购
    • 这样做的风险
    • 最后时间有多,又加问了涉及跨国收购时,如何解决文化差异问题
  20. 阿里巴巴双十一成功的原因及未来展望
  21. A公司是一家日本跨国汽车零部件生产商,在四大洲均有产地,与众多知名车企有合作,但因为其生产的安全气囊有质量问题,导致这些车企要大规模召回车辆,所以A公司赔偿赔到破产了。后来它的主要竞争对手B公司(不太记得是中国公司还是美国公司)收购了A公司,问为什么B公司在质量丑闻后仍愿意收购A公司?让大家分析一下有哪些可能的原因。
  22. 加拿大政府逮捕了孟晚舟的事情,然后导致加拿大鹅要在中国开旗舰店的计划推迟了。问你觉得政治和经济的关系,以及对于这个公司在开拓中国市场方面的建议。
  23. 大陆游客是香港旅游业的主要来源,provide comment on the sustainability of Hong Kong tourism industry and give suggestion.


  1. 一分钟介绍自己最喜欢的电影。30号是关于自己有趣的内容。
  2. 群面讨论case,2分钟准备。第一轮顺序发言,第二轮随机发言。一共20分钟吧。
  3. 建议穿正装





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