
2020 fall CMU-BIDA 面经 [2020.02.04]

[日期:2020-03-26] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:dyy222dyy [字体: ]


  • If you could share a meal with any two people, past or present, whowould you choose and why?



  1. Tell us a time when you get assistance from your teammates.
  2. Tell us a time when your team face difficulties because you and your teammates have different perspectives/ Sharing the experience of having difficulties with your team and how you handle it (same as Q3)/ team work很重要,请分享一个team work的经历,When have you experienced it and how you go about accomplishing it at the end?/ How have you worked with a team to build consensus? (same as Q4)
  3. Share an experience you build motivation among team members/ Illustrate how you acknowledge your teammate’s achievementTell us a time when you offered great help to teammates
  4. Tell us about a time when your ethics were challenged. How did you handle it when your honesty was put to the test? /when you have ethics challenges, what do you do?
  5. Imagining there is a student who is disrespectful towards a professor, how would you handle this situation?
  6. Describe a situation where you use an improved approach to solve a problem or identify an issue./ Tell us a time you address an issue using a unique method
  7. Give an example of a time when you had to be relatively quick in coming to an important decision?/ Tell us a situation when you had to solve a problem weighing the advantages and disadvantages of a number of options/Tell us a time in which you were in a hard situation and how you handled it
  8. Tell us about an experience that you managed your emotion in a hard situation. /Tell us a time when you were able to identify a factor of a problem/ Tell us a project you were working on failed
  9. Tell us a time when you had multiple things to do and how you handled that situation
  10. Share an experience when you manage to control your emotion when facing a difficult task/ Tell us about your first paid job and what you learned from it
  11. If you could share a meal with any two people, past or present, who would you choose and why?
  12. How would you like to spend a day not considering all factors that may affect it?
  13. Describe the most important accomplishment/ Tell us about your most meaningful accomplishment outside of the workplace and academics. Tell us what steps you took to achieve this accomplishment./ Besides your academic and career, which activities do you dedicate most of your time? And how can it benefit the community when you study at CMU Henz
  14. Tell us what's interesting about yourself that is not reflected in any other applying materials.
  15. 项目提升-说一个你在项目中需要就其中某一部分进行提升的经历
  16. How you prepared in academic or co-curricular aspect for graduate studies at the Heniz College
  17. What are your long term career plans and how Heniz facilitate them?/ Why this CMU, Why this program/ What specifically interests you about the Heinz College? Why are you interested in coming here versus other programs?
  18. what motive you to apply for a graduate study/what's your motivation to go to graduate at this point
  19. Why Heniz admits you
  20. 你为什么对于你想要申请项目相关的industry感兴趣?(这里的industry应该指的是行业领域,金融、教育、工程 etc.)




打印 | 录入:steven


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