
UCSD MSF 面经(真题回顾+整理)[2020.02.01]

[日期:2020-03-24] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Vivianchan0823 [字体: ]


  • 11.30 递交
  • 1.25 大年初一收到kira面试邀请
  • 2.1 kira面试


  • 第一题:short-term career goal+rady school能怎么帮助你取得short term goal
  • 第二题:圆珠笔能写多远
  • 第三题:The decision to join the Rady MFin program is one that will forever become a part of your identity as a future alumnus of the School. Our graduates are great recruiters because they have been through the MFin program and know what it takes to be successful. Imagine that you are a Rady alumnus, and write an email to the Admissions team recommending a colleague or friend to the MFin program.




  1. What do you intend to do after graduating from Master's program 3 or 4years? What jobs, positions, functions?
  2. What does the 3-4 years look like after you graduate from your Master's program here at the Rady School of Management in terms of your career? Are there certain positions, industries, or companies that interest you?
  3. What are your short-term career goals, and what do you plan to do upon graduation here at Rady School of Management? What companies, functions, jobs, or industries interest you the most?



  1. Estimate the money spend on shoes in your country. How about the money spend on sandals
  2. Tell me how you would determine the number of times you could say the English alphabet in 24 hours. In doing so, please share all your assumptions with us so we can understand how you are figuring out this problem. What pieces of information do you need to find the real answer to this problem?
  3. 数到一百万要多久
  4. If you played your favorite song continuously for a year, how many times would it play? How did you come to this number and what assumptions are you making? What pieces of information would you need to know to come up with a more accurate answer.
  5. 圆珠笔能写多远
  6. How many pieces of popcorn does it need to be filled in the cinema? 有多少是什么什么unpoped的?
  7. 人一辈子要睡多长时间的觉
  8. how many taxi cabs are there in the largest city in your home country? How many are currently being driven and how many are not?
  9. How you would determine how many loaves of bread are consumed in a single day around the world? How did you come to this number and what assumptions are you making? What pieces of information would you need to know to come up with a more accurate answer?
  10. 25kg 大米有多少粒米
  11. How many people worldwide are in automobiles at any given time
  12. 从地球走到月球要多久
  13. 海洋里有多少条鱼
  14. estimate the number of 10 years old in your country.
  15. 此时此刻有多少飞机在头顶飞


  1. You have participated in a Rady speaker event. Please write a letter to make further communication with the speaker
  2. The decision to join the Rady MFin program is one that will forever become a part of your identity as a future alumnus of the School. Our graduates are great recruiters because they have been through the MFin program and know what it takes to be successful. Imagine that you are a Rady alumnus, and write an email to the Admissions team recommending a colleague or friend to the MFin program.
  3. It’s important to be able to describe complex ideas in simple terms. Think about a complex problem you worked on recently. Please write an email describing this problem to an acquaintance who doesn’t have a technical or quantitative background. Be sure to describe the original issue and goal, your approach, the tools used, the solution and/or outcome, and what you learned.
  4. Rady会邀请很多speaker来演讲,会有很多student和alumni来听,请写邮件邀请一位你在speaking event里面遇到的人(应该是指学生和校友,到时候再仔细看看吧)参加社交活动。
  5. 给Rady Speaker Event遇到的同学、校友、或local business leader发邮件约谈话(or保持联系)(我觉得1和4和5估计只有两题)
  6. 在Rady School社交很重要,给一位你上星期刚认识的、有共同爱好的新朋友写邮件,约他一起出来参加社交活动。
  7. Write an email to a recent graduate...然后提问你想知道的问题
  8. rady的学生都要跟老师多make connections.请写一封邮件给你一个professor,请求见一面讨论一个course related problem
  9. Reaching out to build a network within the Rady community is an important part of the MFin job search. Our alumni are comfortable getting request for coffee chats from current students, and revery willing to help others and give back to the Rady community. Write an email to a Rady alumnus whom you have never met asking for a brief meeting over coffee.





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