
UCSD R2 kira 面经 [2020.01.31]

[日期:2020-03-18] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:梁嘉祎(yi啊) [字体: ]

刚刚完成了UCSD的kira面试,每道题之间都显示因为硬件问题而需要重新载入,不过影响不大,marketing size 那个题准备了好久,欢迎大家来讨论思路。直接上题:

  1. 常规题,职业规划+项目能帮助什么?
  2. Marketing size 遇到了一个个人认为最简单的,估算一下一个人一生能睡多少小时,然后说明assumption以及需要的三个information to be more precisely。
  3. Share with us the most complex programming that you've done to solve a situation. What program was used? How did you use it, and why did you choose that? Is that the programming language that you prefer? Please share any details with us about your abilities in programming.
  4. Please share with us a project that you've completed either in school, your personal life, or at work that used analytics. What did you use- statistics, probability, or regression? What problem was being solved, and how did you solve it?
  5. (Writing) Describe complex ideas in simple terms. Think about a complex problem you worked on recently. Please write an email describing this problem to an supervisor who doesn't have a technical or quantitative background. Be sure to describe the original issue and goal, your approach, the tools used, the solution and outcome, and what you learned.





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