
[原创]MBA 1000 Pass in SH (29 July) [2003-7-29]

[日期:2005-01-08] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:tutuxu [字体: ]


Just returned from MeiLongZheng. Pass successfully! Bravo! Bravo!

Quitely frankly, it's a tough experince. Long-hair blond is really type of killer, because she never believe what you say and present easiliy. You must have very logical and persuasive argument to convince her that you are a honest and smart guy.

The interview process went like:

VO: Good Morning!

Me: Good Morning!

VO: So you will go to United States for study?

Me: Yerp! I will go to *** School, *** university for two-year MBA program

MO: What will you learn in *** Univeristy?

Me: MBA, General Management specifically!

VO: How long have you worked in *** company?

Me: I have worked for six years as *** manager in *** Company.

VO: What's your current pay?

Me: OK, I will show you my latest salary increase notice. You can find the annual salary information on that. Annual salary is about RMB *****.

VO: mmm....So how do you pay your tuition?

Me: I will pay 1st year by myself and second year by both my personal and family funds. I have put funds summary and two-year expenses on one page to help your justification. Would you like checking?

VO: Yes, please!

Me: And my certificates of deposits...

VO: OK...(thinking...) But I can not believe you can have such a big of savings as your current annual salary is only... So what's your starting salary?

Me: RMB ***.

VO: Yes, that's my concern...You salary can not support your savings information.

Me: Don't worry! I will show you my income summary within last six years. And BTW I worked in ****(another European country) for half of a year.

VO: Good! ....(Checking...) It's just six month, very short...and I still can not believe you can have such a big savings? So where do you put all your money?

Me: OK, I will show you my bank books. Here you are! That's mine and that's my parents'.

VO: OK! So what's your plan after MBA graduation?

Me: I plan to return to China to pursue a factory manager position in manufacturing company.

VO: What about pay level of that typ of position?

Me: I consulted with several headhunters in SH and knew the annual pay level ranges RMB 300K to 500K. I have full confidence that I can payy off all the cost on MBA within at most five years in China.

VO: Oh, you can not earn that much...

Me: That's true! Would you like checking my contact record of headhunters? I bring all business cards and email record...

VO: No, thanks! ....(Thinking....)

Me: Please think that way, Miss! I can definitely have the senior position in China, because I will leverage my strong background in *** and operation management areas and solid general management foundation educated in b-school in U.S.

VO: You are too young...

Me; Yes, perhaps age is a matter of fact. But personal capability matters most, right?

VO: Silent....

Me: I am a very competent young professionals. Would you like checking all my certificats of professions and trainings?

VO: No, thanks! Which industry will you choose?

Me: Chemical and pharmaceutial industry.

VO: OK. (Smiing at me) I hope you can return to China before thirty. (Hand in me a guidline booklet about studying in U.S.)

Me: (Give a cute and sweet smile at blond) Thank You! Have a nice Day!
(Then...) Yes! Yes! (Guys behind me were just looking at me)

The key to success is confidence, confidence and confidence! Like any other tough experience, no shortcut to success. I do a lot of homework within past several weeks, incl. paper work and Q&A list.

Meanwhile, the first impression is very critical. I dress up smartly, keep smiling all the time even when Blond challenged me, and try to comfort her and help her understand even I can not return to China right away after MBA graduation, I can still come back right after I pay off all investment in U.S., because I am quite a caliber in U.S. and will finally come back China for my career. 

That's it!  God bless all of us!








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