
帝国理工 IC Fintech 面经 附CD/微博面经总结 [2020.01.27]

[日期:2020-03-09] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:MEW_ [字体: ]


  1. 自我介绍
  2. High level of drive to achieve a goal
  3. 如何说服他人对自己的项目进行投资?
  4. 学习之余你还热衷于哪些活动,为什么?
  5. 写作:收到心仪公司的intern offer,写信回复
  6. What do you understand by fiduciary care as applied to asset management?



  • Please introduce yourself, and then hold up your government-issued photo ID clearly in the camera for at least 20 seconds.

  • Describe a time you fail to meet a dead line and how did you deal with it?

  • Tell me about some of your greatest achievements. How do these factor into your future career goals?

  • career goal

  • Draft a pitch to your fellow students about why you should be elected to the student council

  • 最后悔的一件事/mistake

  • What’s the most adventurous thing you have ever done outside of your studies? What did you learn from the experience?

  • high level of drive to achieve a goal的经历?

  • 你如何向你想应聘的公司介绍帝国理工这个项目为你带来了怎样的提高?

  • 你学过的哪一门课对你的帮助最大,请对这门课进行描述并解释对你在这个专业的学习有什么帮助?

  • How to lead a team with different personalities?

  • 给你帝国理工的校友写信说你想加入他的公司你怎么写求职信 250字左右

  • 面试之后给面试官的感谢信

  • 你觉得哪个公司发展潜力最大,如果是你,你会投资哪家公司

  • 解释下你对投资公司的了解比如SE Capital

  • 科技进步体现在哪些方面?

  • 遇到的挫折 如何面对

  • what's your most unusual hobby? How did you discover it?

  • team work时有一个人struggling了,你作为leader该怎么做

  • You are working on a group project and need to convince a majority of the teammates to take a certain action. They are hesitating. Show us how you would persuade them?

  • ddl临近如何motivate teammate

  • 如果和队友有矛盾 你怎么办

  • 写作是follow up email 给career fair的招聘官

  • 推荐自己的朋友去认识的CEO公司

  • your mentor introduced you to a CEO in a company that you want to work for. write an email to invite the CEO for a coffee chat

  • 专业题:financial innovations如何帮助investors

  • 专业题是sell side buy side区别

  • How would you advise a less financially aware friend to invest for their retirement?

  • 英国脱欧影响impact of Brexit vote on the financial industry




打印 | 录入:steven


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