
NEU MSF R2 KIRA 面经附整理文档 [2020.01.22]

[日期:2020-03-05] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Katrina_soo [字体: ]



  • 1.7 递交,
  • 1.10 收到kira面试邀请,
  • 1.22 才做的面试。


  • Q1:(口语)If admitted to our program, what do you expect to be able to contribute to the learning environment at Northeastern? (新)
  • Q2:(口语)What makes you a uniqueapplicant? What accomplishment you have got outside the class?
  • Q3:(写作)如果你的一个成员犯了一个重大的错误,你会怎么做?(10mins;新)
  • Q4:(口语)interesting thing about youbeyond application


想问问申请Tulane MSF的朋友,需要递交official的GT成绩吗?在官网找不到相关的送分码 但是checklist又说没收到我的GT成绩。





  1. Please give me an example of a time when you were overwhelmed with the amount of work that you had to complete in a given period of time. How did you overcome this challenge, and what was the outcome?
  2. If admitted to our program, what resources, groups, or clubs on campus would you take advantage of during your studies at Northeastern? (30s准备,60s回答)
  3. Things don’t stick to plan, how you deal with it and result? 45/90
  4. interesting thing about you beyond application 30/60
  5. What opportunities would you take advantage of in this program? Why do you think that Northeastern is a good fit for you? (准备30s,回答60s)
  6. please give me an example of a time when you have to face stress. how do you manage it and what is the result?
  7. Tell me a time you need learn something new in order to complete a task. How did you handle this and what is the result?
  8. Please give us an example of an academic or extracurricular activity from your current or previous education that has taught you something important, or changed your perspective in some way. Why do you think this is?
  9. Please tell me about a time when you got involved in your school or work community outside of your required tasks. What impact did this have on you and why was this experience important to you?(30s;60s)
  10. Please tell me about a social cause that you care about. How are you involved in helping this cause? What impact has this had on you?(30s准备,60s回答)
  11. What makes you a unique applicant? What accomplishment you have got outside the class? (30s/60s)
  12. short term goal + why fit
  13. NEU最让你excited的是?(30s准备,60s回答)
  14. 面对变化时(项目也好,目标也好),你是怎么应对的,结果如何?
  15. 经历:需要学新东西来应付一个situation
  16. 你为进入东北大学商学院学习做了哪些准备。东北大学为什么适合你?
  17. outside work and study的经历,你怎样为community做贡献,就分享一段志愿者经历之类的
  18. Tell us a cause and issue that is important to you.
  19. 最近读了什么书,对你产生了什么影响,为什么呢?
  20. 讲一个你没有指导(no direction)把事做成的例子,你是怎么办的,结果如何(45s准备,90s回答)
  21. 讲一个你干一件你really cared about的事情,你学到了什么(30s准备,60s回答)
  22. 你准备怎么检验你来到NEU 的这个决定? the first step to examine your decision of choosing NEU
  23. NEU是如何匹配你的5年内的职业计划和8年内的职业计划的?
  24. 你之前被professor critical challenge了或者批评的经历,之后怎么做的,结果怎么样。(45s,90s)
  25. 当你做一件事情没有方向的时候,你会怎么办。分享你的经历,结果怎么样
  26. 除了完成coursework以及学术方面的一些事情,你还想在东北做些什么
  27. If admitted to our program, what do you expect to be able to contribute to the learning environment at Northeastern?


  1. A member disagreed with you, how do you solve this and result?
  2. insurmountable roadblock surfaced, how you personally settle and result?
  3. when you are working in a group setting, a conflict arose and hurt productivity, how do you solve it personally and what is the result
  4. describe a time that it is difficult for you made a discussion?what stratgy and outcome?
  5. when you are working in a group setting, 有一个difficult individual, how do you help him(help him这里不确定) personally and what is the result
  6. Please tell us about a time when you were working in a group setting and the designated leader was not being an effective mentor or a coach according to your standards. How did you personally help resolve the problem? What was your solution?
  7. Please give me an example of a time when you needed to adjust your learning or working style in order to achieve an objective. How did you approach and manage this adjustment, and what was the end result?
  8. Tell me a time when you need to defend your decision in the classroom, facing with the disagreements from professor or classmates.
  9. 团队中出现矛盾
  10. 小组中要和一个difficult individual打交道,怎么personally解决
  11. 一个你觉得情况非常不clear 的场景并说出你是如何解决的
  12. in a group setting, 你的队友不同意你做的一个改变,你如何应对?结果是什么?
  13. 在一段经历中,你的观点最初受到了批评和反驳 (pushback),你是怎样坚持下去的?最后的结果是什么?
  14. 在一次小组工作中,一个成员不同意另一个成员的观点,你是怎么解决这个问题的,最后的结果是什么?
  15. 一个group里面每个成员有不同的性格、外貌、想法,你怎么解决的
  16. 讲述一个你在一个group里的在move forward前遇到的ethical dilemma,然后问你怎么处理这件事情的
  17. 遇到挫折如何应对,结果如何
  18. 和一群来自不同文化背景的人一起工作,请问怎么解决?outcome?
  19. 讲一个故事,你在group setting里做project,你implemented a change but other members didn't agree with,你怎么resolve problem并且结果如何
  20. 一个成员想要完全主导group conversation and 她一个人开始分配组员任务,你怎么做的,结果是啥 ?
  21. 团队中有1名或多名成员不回你消息的经历,你采取了哪些步骤?结果如何?(10min写作)
  22. describe a time你参加团队活动,你们团队的沟通不当导致你的工作无法进行,你的personality怎么帮你解决的问题?结果是什么?
  23. 描述你的decision被group members反对的经历,之后是怎么做的,结果怎么样。
  24. 如果你的一个成员犯了一个重大的错误,你会怎么做?




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