
帝国理工 IC MSF Mfin 面经 攒人品/新鲜出炉 [2020.01.24]

[日期:2020-03-03] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:kove [字体: ]


我的ddl是uk time 23号23:59,我是踩着beijing time 23号23:59才终于upload上去的,但其实我大概从九十点就开始准备了。


  1. 老规矩:introduction
  2. 如果你要创业,你要怎么样向investor推荐来筹钱?
  3. If you are given ?1, 000 to invest, where would you invest?
  4. 说一个你在完成一个goal时遇到的setback,以及如何克服?
  5. witten:不熟的校友在你想去的公司工作,写封邮件介绍自己。
  6. How do you do to socially engage to teammate, how does it benefit your team?







  • SITUATION: What was the problem, need, or concern? Include obstacles you had to overcome.
  • TASK:
  • ACTIONS: Describe steps you took, incorporating skills you employed. Focus on what you did as an individual rather than the group as a whole. Own your accomplishments.
  • RESULTS: Quantify the results you achieved if possible and relate them, your skills, and actions to the organization’s needs



  1. 你在career fair中怎么样让公司的人记住你?/ 电梯里遇到你仰慕的boss,怎么介绍自己?/在IC的第一堂课中你要如何向同学们自我介绍?你希望他们记住你哪点?/You meet a recruiter for a company that you would like to work for at a careers fair. How would you make sure they remembered who you were?


  1. 实现了什么goal让你在comfort zone以外建立自信/一个你已经完成的long-term goal
  2. Goal of life/ what's one of your life goals, how will you meet it?
  3. How do you define success in your career and how to measure your progress?
  4. 描述一次你have a high level of drive to achieve a goal


  1. What attribute sets you apart from your peers? / what attributes do you think you have that will make you highly employable after your MSc?
  2. Give an example of how your previous experience has prepared you for a Master's at our School.


  1. Ambition/passion other than your career and studies and what you have done to achieve it/ a non-academic project/ your accomplishment outside study
  2. What's one of the important skills developed from your hobbies or interests?/ 描述某些你认为对你今后工作有帮助的hobbies或者interests
  3. what do you do with your community outside of class, and what impact you have made
  4. your hobby/interest that you pursue to a high level/What is your proudest achievement outside of the classroom and why?
  5. The most unusual hobby, Do you think it is necessary to give some time for hobbies and interest, why?/Tell us about your most unpopular decision and what did you do?,


  1. 说一下你想在financial sector的哪一块工作?
  2. 为啥要选这个program啊?有啥吸引你的地方?
  3. How to contribute to Finance Industry/你会做些什么来提高自己在这个领域的水平
  4. You are overwhelmed by overdue promotion? how will you pursuade your boss to give you more time
  5. characteristics of successful portfolio manager/What successful global businesses have in common?
  6. (a company you wanna invest)


  1. What steps have you taken to prepare for your future career?/ what research have you done about your career and what was it help/ What steps have you taken to prepare for your future career?/ one of your future goal and your approach to it/ What is your future goals and what are you doing to meet it? /
  2. what research have you done about your career and what was it help.
  3. what is your career path and if it does not work, what is your plan B?
  4. how to manage your time to fulfill your short term and long term goals


  1. Your team is losing momentum and how will you motivate your teammates? / You are leading a team of people with different personalities and objectives. How would you adapt your approach to get the best out of different team members? / 如果你的team里有人不合,你会怎么解决?/你发现你的teammate犯了一个错误,你要怎么在不伤害他的motivation的情况下提醒他?/团队里每个人认为解决问题的最好方法不一样你该如何去说服他们(在不伤害他们的情况下)/团队来了一个新成员,你如何让他们和谐相处,完成工作?/ if your project is at deadline how you motivate your teammates. Pay them what they are worth;
  2. How do you do to socially engage to teammate, how does it benefit your team?


  1. how do you keep your news up to date? Why is this important in business world?/ Most valuable source of

financial news

  1. 如果你要创业,你要怎么样向人推荐来筹钱?
  2. 如果你跟leader的想法有冲突,你会怎么做?
  3. 说一个最近你感兴趣的金融新闻
  4. 金融危机的影响/ How 2008 financial crisis affect the sector?
  5. financial innovation 对 investor 的影响/ give example of technology change to financial sector & How it influences
  6. 解释retail和corporate banking的区别
  7. 关于 hurdle
  8. If you are given ?1, 000 to invest, where would you invest and what factors would influence your choice?
  9. Talk about difference between fiduciary service and asset management
  10. retirement investment/如何劝说一个缺乏金融知识的朋友进行退休投资?
  11. How do you see the Brexit vote affecting the financial industries based in UK?
  12. Should companies like Google and Apple pay more taxes?


  1. 说一个你在完成一个goal时遇到的setback,以及如何克服?/ give an example under a difficult situation. What keep you motivated and what you will do next?
  2. one time you lack skills to complete a task, what did you do?怎
  3. Describe a time when you failed to meet a deadline and how did you deal with it?
  4. Describe a time you experienced challenge, how did you overcome it?

Written (250 words)

  1. When did you first hear about IC and what attracts you? 什么inspire you appl/对比其他学校的msc finance, IC的哪点更吸引你?
  2. Write about a single element that excites you about the MSF program at Imperial College./这个项目对你personal achievement有什么帮助?/imperial college is incredibly diverse, how it would improve your experience?/这个课程内容中的哪点对你未来有帮助?
  3. 说你的优点和缺点,等上了这个program怎么发挥优点,怎么改变缺点?
  4. How do you plan to become an active part at Imperial Community?
  5. Write a follow up email to the recruiter you met in career fair. 250 words
  6. You have set an appointment with a CEO that you are interesting to work for, but he told you that he will not be available for the original timeslot. Write an email for this scenario
  7. network event上见到了你想去的公司的senior management,写邮件推荐自己
  8. 不熟的校友在你想去的公司工作,写封信请校友引荐
  9. Most exciting about learning in London
  10. if you received the internship offer from your dream company, you respond in email?
  11. 给一个你觉得做的不怎么成功的实习公司manager写thank you and farewell letter/ You’ve just completed an internship that you feel wasn’t a success for you personally. In around 250 words, craft your ‘thank you and farewell’ email to the manager you reported to for the internship.
  12. 给chairty board 写一封email
  13. Draft a pitch to your fellow students about why you should be elected to the Student Council.
  14. 实习结束给老板写一个thank you letter/由于要到Imperial 读书,这份实习即将离职。这个实习你非常喜欢并且打算读完书之后申请,给manager写一封 thank you email。
  15. You’ve just received an offer from your second-choice internship while still waiting on an offer from you first choice. You might still have a chance at your preferred company, but don’t want to lose the offer. In around 250 words, draft an email response to the internship that has just given you an offer.
  16. You’ve just received a rejection for an internship at your ideal company. In around 250 words, draft your response email.
  17. 小时候崇拜的hero是谁,他是如何激励你的?
  18. Describe how you learn through an independent work.




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