
[原创]2003/07/31 SH 1000 签正经历实录

[日期:2005-01-08] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:tian [字体: ]

731 上海一签pass签经

Me: Good morning, sir.
VO: 看电脑,看我的表格
V: so, why do you go to US?
M: to study for mba
v: yes, why go to US?
m: because US offers the best mba education in the world..(打断)
v: did u apply to schools in china?
m: no
v: did u apply to the schools in other countries except US?
v: so why US?
m: first, because US offers the best mba education in the world, second, the mba from US get better paid..
v: how do u know that? how can u reach this conclusion?
m: from my friends, and students from UW b school. most of graduates this year came back to china....(打断)
V: most of them, eh, not all..
m: yes, most of them
v: it is a 3 yrs program?
m: no, it is the longest possible time, i mean ,if u choose less credits it will be more time, but usually, it will be 2 yrs.
v: but it said 3 yrs here.
m: yes, but it is the longest time, i mean, 3 yrs at most, i plan to finish the degree in 21 months.
v:how do u think that u can finish it in 21 months?
m: i am the only one among their incoming students to get scholarship, i am confident enough that i can finish the program within 21 months.
v: where r u working now?
m: AAA
v: how long have u been working?(此处他怎么说得我不记得了,但后来的对话证明,我理解错了,我当时以为他问我在现在公司工作多久)
m: 2 yrs. i am one of the first employees of this company.
v: how many employees do u have?
m: nearly 20, to be exact, 15.
v: ok, so what is ur salary now?
m: about *000 per month
v: what is ur starting salary?
m: about #000 per month.
v: so, ur salary is nearly doubled, how is it promoted?
m: i got a promotion last july, from #000 to @000, and at the beginning of this year, i got another promotion, from @000 to *000.
v: ok, let's see what u r making...(在电脑上算,我一共赚了多少钱)
m: i have made a summary for ur reference...
v: so, u only make X00000 in the two years, and it shows that u have XXXXXX in the bank, so u have saved all ur money....
m:一直想解释,又不敢打断,后来就说,no, i also have some income from my former employer, ...
v: just now u said u have been working for 2 yrs
m: i have been working in this co for 2 yrs, but before this, i work for another co
v:ok, where did u work before this co?
m: BBB
v: how much did u make there?
m:(犹豫了一下,想起了聊天室聚会时朋友们的忠告,没报工资,直接报的总数)%000, including &000 basic salary and sales commission, i am a sales there
v: ok, so ...(继续在电脑上加)
v: ok, altogether, there are..., u nearly saved all ur income in the bank, don't u need to pay for the house, living expense etc...?i dont believe u have the money...(手放在据签章上,开始占印泥)
m: no, i also worked as a part time teacher in ...
v: 怎么说的记不清了,大意是你一会儿说,哦,你忘了这个了,一会儿又说,我忘了那个了,。。。叫我怎么相信你?你哪里来的那么多钱?我没有那么多的时间。。。越说越生气,我感觉他已经想举起章盖上了,因为他说这些的时候,手一直放在那上面。
v:(这个问题忘了是什么时候问的了,插在这里把)but ur visa application last yr said that u were making .. at that time
m:yes, i was making ...at that time.
m: i understand ur reasoning, but it is the first time for me to stand here for a stu visa, so i am a little nervous, u can understand that, right?
v:ok, now tell me directly where are the mony from?
m: ok, it is from 3 resources, my full time job in AAA, full time job in BBB, part time teaching job in CCC,
v: 又说了一句没听清,大意是还是不相信我会赚这么多钱
m:很真诚又似乎无可奈何的看着他,but this is really from my working...
v:since u have got so much money in china? why go to us?
m:已经被轰炸的疲惫了,事先向好的答案也忘了,本能的反应脱口而出:i am really tired last yr, working both full time and part time, i really hope to look for a better paid position and make myself living better,这时候又意识到我居然忘了说career,也太不象一个mba了,就画蛇添足似的又补上一句, and for more career success.
v: why do u decided to pursue an mba?
m:my boss graducated from DDD, said i was born to be a business professional, but i lack formal business education...
v: so, what is ur undergraduate major?
m: enlish literature
v: how can u transfer from literature to business
m: i have been working in business field for more than 3 yrs, i love this. and i hope to be a sucessful business professional
v: so english has nothing to do with u in the future?
m: no, english is my tool, my enlish offered me many chances, many opportunites to work with my foreign partners, direct communication with them....
后面大概说的是,i will issue u visa but remember to come back to china...


再次感谢所有帮助、关心过我的CD网友,真是数不胜数,子溪,tsljz、ok, plioteer, lvmei, dennis, thomas, 等等等等,忘写哪个名字的话,别介意,现在真的脑子很累;P







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