
[已录] WUSTL BA 申请 Timeline+面经+一些碎碎念 [2019.10.06]

[日期:2020-02-20] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:dorothyzyyy [字体: ]



  • 985/211文科专业,
  • GPA3.87(WES认证后),
  • T112/GRE161+167+4.0
  • 目前刚开始本科阶段的第6份实习,之前做过B2B mkt,pr agency,咨询pta,快消mkt,现在在做乙方的mkt research

我只申请了四个项目,目前除USC CMGT还没出结果外,西北IMC/JHU mkt/WUSTL BA都已经拿到了offer,分享下自己的申请timeline吧,应该还是挺独特的,希望可以让一些朋友放松心态,

【WUSTL BA customer analytics track】


  • 10.6 录Kira面试
  • 10.10 提交申请
  • 11.11 补充了我上过的三门数学课的syllabus
  • 12.18 接到电话通知录取

Kira 面经(6道口语+1道写作):

  • 口语1: Use 3 words to describe yourself
  • 口语2: A place you want to visit in St. Louis
  • 口语3: A student club or organization you want to join or found at Olin
  • 口语4: Why are you a competitive candidate for our program?
  • 口语5: If you have the chance to have meal with someone important to you, who would it be and what would you talk about?
  • 口语6: Why are you interested in data analytics and what would you do in this industry in the future?

写作1: A student has been extremely busy trying to wrap up a project for his/her internship employer, so unfortunately the student has not devoted a sufficient amount of time toward the completion of his/her final paper. The final paper is due tomorrow and the student still has not finish the paper, but the supervisor of the internship has requested that he/she join the team out at a local restaurant to celebrate the finalization of the project. Faced with this dilemma, what should the student do?

写作2: You have been offered an opportunity to interview for an internship with a company that is on your target list. The interview is Wednesday at 10 am on the north side of town. On Tuesday, you receive an offer from your top choice company to interview on the same day at 11 am. The companies are 45 minutes apart by car.This is your dream opportunity, however, you have already made a commitment to the other company. What do you do ?



这个项目是比较quant比较硬核的,也有先修课的要求,让很多文科生望而却步。我非常感谢学校在大一的时候把微积分列为必修(哪怕我是文科专业),我大二的时候又碰巧自己选了一门统计的通识课,所以刚好可以满足先修课程要求。但由于我上的这三门的名字和官网上要求的Calculus I and II and Statistics不完全一致,提交完申请后,我又向AO补交了这三门课程的syllabus,或许这也起到了一些证明自己数理能力的作用。其实先修课看重的是你受过训练有这个能力,所以哪怕课程名字不完全一致也可以和AO积极沟通,看是否满足要求。




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