
2020Fall Brandeis kira R2 面经 [2020.01.15]

[日期:2020-02-17] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:禾禾几 [字体: ]



  • T1: 你的dream job,想要和怎样的人一起?
  • T2: 介绍你的家乡

作文:what do you want to do for fun?with whom?







p.s. 这个题库的分类都是我自己所认为是一类的,可以套用同一个内容的才放在一起,所以有的类别比较多看起来会比较乱。是Brandies 2020fall R2面试及之前的我能找到的内容了,仅供参考!



Go through your resume and explain why you make the choices. 必考题
/ What does graduate school excite you most
/ 是否留过学 没有的话想要去哪里?
哪些技能是研究生所需要的,如何掌握 taking course

① 工作

  1. A job posting that would excite you. What would have to be different from this posting compared to others?

  2. Assume you have two job offers in the same city. Job A is at a large, prestigious company but the salary is lower than expected. Job B is at a lesser known company and the salary is higher. How would you make your decision on which job offer to accept?/ 实习中最重要的是什么?

  3. Tell us a time you were a leader and what you learned about leadership style. 领导力的经历

  4. 团队合作的经历 想要放弃的时候:

  5. 介绍你的第一次实习?//// Describe a time when you had a conflict with a colleague. How did you handle it? In hindsight, would you handle it the same way now?
    和别人有不同看法的时候:talk+ listen to others + understand his opinion
    Unpopular position: sales assistant----- work hard---- improve myself

  6. what company you want to work directly after graduating from Brandies International Business School?
    //// dream job 和谁一起工作 + If you know you will never fail, what will you do? (I will do what I want to do. I will follow my short-term and long-term career goal to achieve my dream.)

  7. Innovation的概念,结合future career goal 对工作观念和方式的影响

  8. 你怎么使用networking to achieve you professional goal?

  9. three or four factors that are important for your success in work
    用三个词形容自己(是如何影响personal and professional的)

②生活:what technology bring you most joy/ 最想尝试的新事物


  1. 你最想和哪三个人吃饭?influence you:

  2. two people you admire一个人认识的一个不认识的;他们有什么共同点why inspire u
    +++ 自己遇到困难的时候找谁帮助?为什么?(Minzi)
    +++ notable figure: Davy want to be a person like him
    +++ trait/ skill 想要possess

  3. 你的同班同学或者同事认为你是个怎样的人,你觉得他们的描述准确么?(性格特点)
    + professor经常夸我什么?给我什么建议

  4. 如果现在的你可以和五年前的你对话,你最想说什么。如果这个对话真的发生了,你觉得你的生活会有哪些改变?(自己的缺点?)

  5. 最喜欢的名言是啥

  6. prefer to communicate in what way 更喜欢用什么方式交流
    * 你觉得怎样做一个好的listener?

  7. 违反纪律或者诚信的事情,如果有你会怎么办,没有会咋样。 最喜欢的teaching environment: more freedom----- group discussion
    讲一个你犯过的错误,以及你是如何moving on的:(e.g.迟交作业

④ 旅游

  1. 最想去的目的地是哪里?/ 如果周末你没有计划,你会去做什么?+ 除了工作学习外你会做什么/ 你想要住在哪里?/ 这个世界上你最喜欢的地方? 介绍家乡:

  2. 你选择什么方式旅行?(交通工具、步行之类的)为啥

⑤ 事件

  1. Tell me an important issue faced by your country? What is required to deal with this issue?/ 改变世界我能做的事情/ 有趣的新闻 为什么和你有关系/ most exciting development: have the new policy/ witness the event: present----policy

  2. 被推出舒适圈,从这些experiences学到了什么?/ What organization or cause is your passion? + 学校社团经历/ 你最近遇到的risk/ What achievements are you most proud of? why? 课外最大的成就/ extra effort/ 什么事情影响了你的outlook--- we need to protect the earth

  3. 当今的political environment 会让世界经济business(还是贸易)更easy还是更难?为什么?

  4. what is big data and why it‘s important to understand it

⑥ 书:what do you read book for pleasure. A particular kind or different kinds or books?


1、你觉得你在研究生阶段会面对的最大的问题是什么? from graduate school

2、最喜欢的电影 the latest movie you saw, why to see it, do you like it or not?

4、 What is your favorite app and why?

5、Are you an early riser or a night owl? Would you prefer to switch? 早起?晚睡? 早起

6、Go to 1000 years in the past or 1000 years in the future? Event?最想见证的

7、your favorite childhood teacher? what makes him so special?


9、hardest food or drink to give up

10、your favorite number? why?

11、what item can you never resist on a restaurant menu? why? 不能拒绝菜单上的物品/ 最想做的一道菜以及为什么?/曾经想尝试的一个让自己开心的事情 what new things you are happy to try:做自己很喜欢的一道菜/ 做什么事情来for fun: cooking

12、Which book do you think every child should read

13、If you could spend the day shadowing anyone on the job, who would it be and why?

14、superpower---- country




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