
WUSTL KIRA 面经 [2020.01.14]

[日期:2020-02-17] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Cielllllllll [字体: ]


  1. Share sth interesting about yourself that others may not know.(其他人可能不知道的关于你的有趣的方面)

  2. If you could have a superhero power, what would it be and why?(如果你有超能力,这会是什么,为什么?)

  3. How did your undergraduate degree prepare you for the MSBA program?(你的本科专业是如何帮助你做好上xx项目的准备的)

  4. How did you develop an interest in data analytics?(你是如何对数据分析产生兴趣的)

  5. One place in St Louis that you are excited to visit.(想在圣路易斯参观的一个景点)
    5+Share with us what interests you about St. Louis?

  6. **How will Olin prepare you for your career? **(奥林商学院对你的职业生涯会有啥帮助)

  7. 你收到一件最有意义的礼物是什么?why?

  8. Share three words that best describe you. explain why you chose those words.(三个能最好描述你的词,并解释为什么?)

  9. if you could have a meal with someone that is important to you, who would it be and what you will talk about(你和一个重要的人一起吃饭,这个人会是谁?你们要聊啥?)

  10. top 1 song in your playlist(你的歌单里排名第一的歌曲)

  11. 一个你在 olin 你想进的student club or organization。
    11+how would you get involved in Olin after graduation

  12. 如果要给朋友做一道菜,你会做什么?

  13. 根据你的 background, what can you contribute to the course and other students(根据你的背景,你能为课程和其他同学做出什么贡献?)

  14. Traits and skills that will help you become a professional worker in the industry.(你拥有的能使你成为这个产业领域职业人才的特性和技能)

  15. 你觉得什么技能对于分析市场很重要?

  16. 人口老龄化带来的最严重的挑战是啥?

  17. 做过最牛的一件事

  18. 做过最难的一次作业,收获是什么?

  19. which track are you interested in the MSBA/MSF program?(你对这个项目的哪个方向感兴趣?)

  20. 如果你可以去火星,条件是和你的家人朋友再也不见面,你愿意吗?

  21. What makes you a competitive candidate for MSF(是什么让你成为这个项目的有力候选人)
    21+根据你的background, what can you contribute to the course and other students
    21++would you rather be really hot or cold?

  22. You are the proud owner of a new boat. What would you name it and why?

  23. Why Olin?

  24. 你收到的最有意义的礼物是什么?

  25. how to you think MSF will prepare you for your future career

  26. Traits and skills that will help you become a professional in MSF?

  27. which track are you interested in the MSF program? 这个track对你后期职业生涯发展有什么帮助?

  28. What impact would you make in financial market and how do you keep relevant for your career?/How would you make an Impact on the finance industry (Describe the impact you will have on the finance industry and how do you plan to remain relevant in your career)

  29. how does knowledge of different areas of business within a organization benefit you?

  30. effective/innovative solution to the problems

  31. Favorite movie or book

  32. Share with us the funniest thing happened to you recently

  33. If we visit your hometown, where will you take us to visit

  34. Tell us one undergraduate course most challenging you and how does this course would help you when you study MSF?/What did you learn and how will you apply that to the MSF program?

  35. The most challenging course and how it means to your master study

  36. Tell us about the most important person in your life and why they mean so much to you

  37. A mentor that you learn from and what does he/she have you want to apply for this program

  38. Talk about a leader you have worked with, why do you admire him/her (Technical + interpersonal)

  39. Think about a leader or a mentor you have worked with, what do you hope to learn the program that will help you implement the skills and attributes you most admire?

  40. What qualities you want to learn from a mentor. how the program help you learn these qualities and attributes


1: A student is selected as Class President and is scheduled to accept the position and speak to the entire student body on Friday. On Wednesday it is discovered that the student has not completed a self-study course requirement that is mandatory for all student senate representatives. The course takes a week to be completed. Given that the student has not started the coursework and will not be able to finish before the announcement on Friday, please describe what actions should be taken in order to resolve the situation.

2: For the first time in many years the basketball team has made it to the championship game. In order for a player to be eligible they must have a “C” grade average. A few days prior to the game the coach learns that his two star players have dropped below the required grade average. According to policy, they should be suspended from the team but, if they are suspended, they won’t play in the championship and the whole team is depending on them. What should the coach do?

3:You have been offered an opportunity to interview for an internship with a company that is on your target list. The interview is on Wednesday at 10 AM on the north side of town. On Tuesday, you receive an offer from your top choice company to interview on the same day at 11 AM. The companies are 45 minutes apart by car. This is your dream opportunity, however,you have already made a commitment to the other company. What do you do?

4: A student has been extremely busy trying to wrap up a project for his/her internship employer, so unfortunately the student has not devoted a sufficient amount of time toward the completion of his/her final paper. The final paper is due tomorrow and the student still has not finished the paper, but the supervisor of the internship has requested that he/she join the team out at a local restaurant to celebrate the finalization of the project. Faced with this dilemma, what should the student do?




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