
HKUST Mfin Round1 question 整理 [2020.01.14]

[日期:2020-02-14] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:judejoe [字体: ]

LZ最后决定去HKU MFIN, 已经交了留位费。但是UST的MFin也是一个非常好的项目,也就是往年的投资管理~收到了UST Mfin一面和二面,可惜二面因为表现的不太好被wl了哈哈,算是带一点遗憾~

之前整理过了UST MFin的round1 question,并且附上了自己回答的思路。个人自认为整理的比较全吧,后面准备这个项目的同学除了可以参考一下,这个word,也可以针对个人准备一些比较personal的问题。资料来源于CD为了回馈大家,发给大家参考~



  1. 对你的CV/PS要非常的熟悉,例如你的internship的主要职责/你在某个项目中的角色担当/遇到的困难和收获等。
  2. 表达时候口语要很流利顺畅,即使内心很紧张也要透露出自己的自信很从容(关键)。
  3. 一面特别nice但是不放飞。
  4. 面试一开始会有一个testing,就另一个账号打电话过来和你说面试的流程什么的,一般会在面试前15分钟到5分钟之间,一下下就test完了,不用担心错过test,因为开始之前会在skype上pm你。面试结果和录取结果一般都在上一个步骤结束后两周内通知。
  5. 所以大家等待的时候一定一定不要关掉 interview room 的网页!
  6. 这个面试的内容不在于你的回答多有新意多棒棒什么的,毕竟这些basic的问题怎么答也就那样了,主要就是看一下你的英文啊表达能力啊怎么样,不用太紧张啦,就像正常聊天那样就好,当然我穿了个白衬衣,但是在交流的过程中可以比较放松一点,不用正襟危坐一板一眼的太僵硬,掌握好度就好。

一、I would introduce myself as a well.


Key List:

Introduce yourself(1-2min)

well-rounded, strategic and ambitious student, who always strives to find the best in life. Meanwhile, I am passionate about art and photography, and have been collecting music records for more than 10 years. On the professional side, following my recent graduation, I have been working at xxx, preparing for my CFA and consolidating my quantitative and financial skills. Within the field of business, I particularly enjoy studying finance. This is because it contains so many fascinating variables, and through experiences such as a consulting project I completed at xxx, I got the chance to dig deep into the process of management consulting. Specifically, conducting a market trending analysis of the Asian beer market, I explored market forces and made forecasts for the future, to help a prestigious client with their M&A decisions. Working alongside consultants from McKinsey, as well as various managers and distributors, this was a hugely valuable experience for me.

Lastly, I would also describe myself as a highly international student. Taking a dual bachelor degree program in China and Australia, attending summer camps, traveling and volunteering, have all given me a broad understanding of the world.

二、Career Goal/ What personalities and skills you think is necessary to work in the industry you desire? 做了什么准备?现在你觉得你离你的职业规划欠缺的地方在于?

  • Short term: Equity research analyst in investment bank
  • Long term:investment analyst in buy side / VC

Essence of equity research:value investing 因此提高自己的行研能力就是提高自己的value investing ability。


  1. develop business insights/对商业模式,profitability对理解 在实习中 比如咨询/券商/credit analysis 在academic research中对projects的研究中
  2. 另一方面提高自己的quantitative ability: cpa/acct
  3. 对金融的基本知识的了解 cfa/pe

Specific finance knowledge

Exposure to more finance opportunities

三、 How can IM help your career goal

  • a. 目前通过实习cultivate了business insights和accounting knowledge但是仍然lack sufficient finance knowledge base,比如估值建模之类的知识 + 港科的教学注重case study和cutting-edge knowledge&application
  • b. Based in HK+提供networking机会,可以帮助我找到第一份工作

四、 Leadership experience/ team work & leadership/ Team work experience?

  1. 斯里兰卡国际志愿者经历 领导来自于不同国家的人完成志愿者活动 key:对对方的文化和bg有一定了解+communication/respect/understanding
  2. intern:与新加坡的分析师合作。分析Asian beer market:理解和学习不同的国家的分析师的分析思路
  3. 领导Beijing的实习生,charge this team。 Key: planning+schedule/project management(使用一些app 的skill)
  4. big 4: coordinate with others toward a common goal key:work distribution/ share duty/ use other‘s work

五、 Other programs you applied

  • 港大金融/insead的mim/港科经济
  • HK优势: western education system
  • base in HK(离大陆近,可以感受到大陆的新的投资机遇与风向
  • mature capital market with freedom)

六、Ask a question

  • Why the investment management and financial analysis are integrated as this program?
  • Future planning for MSF? 想让MSF朝什么方向发展?

Alternative Question List

七、 海外交换经历,收获是什么。在国外和国内上课的不同体验 (包括两个学校给你的感觉有什么不同、老师有什么不同、学到什么)

  • 海外:critical thinking/English ablity/advanced business knowledge/more practice chances
  • 国内:more practical knowledge of china capital market/career orientation

八、 Why HKUST? Why IM?(与其他港校项目比较/与澳洲和内地项目比较)/Why HK?

  • Best business school in Asia
  • Strong combination academic & employment(speech/career affair/networking resources)

九、 从哪知道的项目信息?

  • Official Website/ friends’s recommendation/chasedream course setting/requirements
  • Linkedin employment/class profile

十、 My advantages over other students from mainland China and how I can contribute to hkust?

  • 可以看问题从more comprehensive的角度 因为 international bg/ respect diversity/
  • Eg: research on m&a in cms:我的bg让我对美国对零售行业有一个good understanding。长期生活在国内的经验让我知道中国企业可以从美国的历史中学到什么,在分析美国企业的时候。同时类推出什么样的中国企业能成功。

十一 internship?

  • How you get this experience
  • Contribution
  • Difficulties
  • Gain
  • For future career goal

十二 你有参加任何社团活动么

  • 中国有参加学院的academic club,并且帮助俱乐部举办过会计相关的比赛 with the sponsor and coordination with big 4
  • 在澳洲做editor + organize annual gala。 Develop interests/meet new friends from diversity bg

十三 What do you think of other countries like US/ Australia

十四 strength and weakness of your personality(与quiz 3问题合并回答)

  • think a question deeply。 Unique 所以会有business insights passionate/ambitious towards my goal

十五 为什么要放弃工作读书

  • 一直对金融更感兴趣,所以一直想读金融的研究生来帮自己实现目标。 工作只是为了再次巩固自己的财务的知识,以及增加一些与金融相关的实际的工作经验

十六 Econ/mim/msf你会选择哪个

十七 what are you doing now?

  1. Now I am working on auditing xxx.
  2. It is challenging but interesting
  3. I got a chance to understand inclusive finance policy/credit analysis and risk management of commerce bank
  4. CFA I

十八 why dont u choose to apply an accounting master?

  • 一直对金融更感兴趣,所以一直想读金融的研究生来帮自己实现目标。 会计只是辅助自己做投资决策的工具。因为觉得理解财务信息对于做决策十分重要也基础,因此选择了会计的本科

十九 Offers from other university? How's your choice if we give u admission offer?

  • Academic knowledge:, finance is more specific,
  • Program quality: mature/ nice location advantageous for career

二十 Network?

二一 对港科im特别感兴趣的课程

  • Equity valuation:之前在cms的工作更偏向于产业研究,工作涉及到估值建模的比较少,但是觉得这个对以后对工作非常有用,希望学习
  • Esg investment 别的学校似乎没有开这门,但是这门和之前在澳洲学的business communication比较像,希望从投资的角度去理解
  • Advanced vc investing 似乎可以simulate一个vc的投资策略,似乎很有趣

二二 会选什么track?

  • Security analysis concentration.
  • Because I want to working on investment research field, this concentration can provide me with practical and applicable skills such as financial modeling, valuation modeling.

二三 能为班级、学校做什么贡献

希望自己也可以成为业界精英,为其他的同学提供更好的networking resource,为这个项目做贡献。

二四 difficulties and how to overcome

  • 这段申请的时候,要同时兼顾工作,以及申请,还有cfa考试
  • Most important things in every phase
  • High efficient
  • Sacrifice some spare time

二五 Academic activities

  • 3个 won award/ others research
  • Have a deep interest in it/体现了我看问题的前瞻性
  • 培养了我研究 分析问题 teamwork的能力
  • 一些问题比较prospective 比如 保荐人那个 今年科创板就提出了
  • 大二做的普惠金融实施中可能会遇到的问题 大四成为社会热点,也成为我第一份工作的key field/high credit risk。

二六 How to balance your academy and experience since I noticed your experience is very rich?

  • High efficient
  • Work hard
  • 懂得如何用你从一段经历中学到的去更好完成你的下一个任务

二七 去了那么多地方旅游最喜欢哪个国家

  • America especially new york
  • Country City of dreams/ anything is possible
  • Make me feel i‘m alive chase dream/chase your career goal
  • 但是远离中国 不适合作为equity research刚起步发展的地方,未来mba可能考虑去




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