
USC MSF Kira 面经小总结 [2020.01.16]

[日期:2020-02-13] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:井姑娘 [字体: ]


Moral dilemma:

  • A situation when you have to choose between success and honesty?
  • Choice that kept your honesty and do you regret?
  • 讲一个你认为你做了right thing的事情? 你是否后悔?
  • 一件事情本来有更简单的解决方法,但是你坚持了自己的想法?
  • *Describe a time you failed to meet a commitment. If you could go back, what would you do instead?
  • Handle with multiple deliverables (multitasking)?
  • 你有什么weakness?怎么克服?学到了什么?

Teamwork & Leadership:

  • Leadership experience. What did you show in that experience?
  • 当小组有disagreement是怎么解决?什么结果?你学到了什么?
  • Teamwork experience when others disagree with you?
  • 在project/school work中有没有went beyond expectation的经历?怎样确保你做的是对的?学到了什么?
  • *Describe a situation you work with people of different education backgrounds and levels. What did you contribute?
  • Describe a time you went beyond expectation. What is the outcome?


  • Tell about an experience that you are assigned a task but no direction is given.
  • How to use fully resources to prepare for an assignment or a program?
  • A time when you fall behind school/work?
  • *Describe a time you found your grade is lower than you expected. What steps did you do and what was the outcome?
  • *A course that you can’t understand the context in the first time?

Why USC:

  • *What direction are you passionate about? What do you want to accomplish in USC MSF program? And how will you realize it?
  • USC MSF项目为什么吸引你?Use concrete examples.
  • USC help your career plans?
  • Why do you think the MSF program at USC is different from other schools or programs?
  • Why do you want to pursue a graduate degree?




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