
2020 FALL JHU MSF Kira 面经 [2020.01.05]

[日期:2020-02-03] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Rebecca854 [字体: ]


  1. Tell me about a time when the things go wrong.(记不太清啦,差不多意思是事情没有按照你想象中发展)
    What was the outcome and what did you learn?
  2. 如果一个项目有短期的收益很高,但是长期来说对国际的伙伴有不好的影响,你会不会take it?(这个是面经的原题~)




A. Self-experience


  1. Tell me about a time when you misunderstood expectations and had to improvise at the last minute. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
  2. 讲一个你没有准备的public speech的经历,结果是怎么个,学到了啥?


  1. Tell me about a time when you had to scrap everything and start from scratch halfway through a project. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
  2. Describe a time when you have no idea what to do next. What is the outcome and what did you learn?
  3. Tell me about a time when you had absolutely no idea how to get started on an important project.
  4. 讲述一段经历,当你unsure about next step outcome and learn what?
  5. What was a time when you couldn't solve a problem and what did you learn from it? 寻求帮助
  6. Tell me about an experience when you met a problem but had no one to ask, what's the outcome and what did you learn?
  7. Describe an experience when you ask for help despite feeling uncomfortable. What is the outcome and what did you learn?


  1. Tell me about a time when you became lost while traveling in a country other than your own. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
  2. Describe an experience that you knew you handed a completed incorrect assignment.
  3. Tell me about a time when you wanted to participate in a club or activity, but weren’t allowed too. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
  4. Tell me a time when you got second place in a competition. What is the outcome and what had you learnt?
  5. Tell us about a time when you think you are more qualified than your mentor, what's the outcome?
  6. 你需要批评一个人但是那个人不会很好的接受,这个经验的结果是什么,你学到了什么?
  7. 一段你得到的worse than 你预期的经历,结果和学到什么
  8. 说一个你曾经没有keep promise的经历,结果如何?你从中学到了什么?

B. Teamwork


  1. Tell me about a time when a member of your team received less credit than deserved for a successful group project. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
  2. Tell me about a time when you received more credit than you deserved for a successful group project. What was the outcome and what did you learn?
  3. Tell me about experience when one member in your team took credit over he/she deserved, what outcome? what did you learn?


  1. Tell me a time that you disagree with your teammates on group work. What was the outcome and what did you learn from it?
  2. 如果你的组员不能理解对方的观点,你该怎么做,为什么?
  3. Tell me a time when there is a bully on your team. What is the outcome and what had you learnt?
  4. 团队冲突案例,有一个人想做完全部的工作,问结果学到了什么?
  5. Tell me about an experience that 组员没有积极参与组内活动,问你结果和学到了什么?
  6. Tell me about an experience that 组员没有积极参与组内活动,问你结果和学到了什么? 团队角色
  7. Tell me about a time when you were working on a group project and assumed a leadership role despite other team members being unsure in your abilities. What was the outcome and what did you do?
  8. 如果和队友在一个队伍想要做担任一个角色,你会怎么样?结果如何?学到什么?
  9. 在一个项目中,发现自己并不能贡献自己的能力的一次经历,结果是什么,学到了什么?

C. Another Country/Culture Difference


  1. Where would you like to go if you can go back to 100 years ago? You can choose any country except your own.
  2. If you have unlimited funds and can travel to anywhere in the world, where do you want to go and why?
  3. 你最想去哪里旅游?
  4. 如果费用全部cover 你想带你的父母去哪里旅游 为什么?
  5. Which country do you want to live after 3 years of graduation? Why?
  6. If you want to live in a country where speaks language you don't know, where will you choose and why?
  7. Imagine that your best friend offers you a job in a country other than your own. Where would you want it to be, what job will it be, and why?
  8. 去一个别的国家工作会选择去哪个国家? 想学什么文化
  9. What is one thing that you really want to learn from a foreign culture. Why?
  10. 想学习关于哪个region of world
  11. Imagine that you have the opportunity to learn how people live in different countries. What country’s people might you choose to learn and why?


  1. Imagine that you are asked whether or not you think it is important for students to learn that people from other cultures can have different values. How might you approach your answer to that question?
  2. 你如何考虑whether or not students should learn 不同的文化 as early as possible设问也有点奇怪,how might you approach this problem


  1. Imagine that you are trying to resolve a cultural dispute between two individuals of different cultures. What would you do and why?
  2. 如果你现在率领一个不同文化背景的团队在一个不是你祖国的国家完成一项任务,然后DDL紧迫,你会做什么来保证完成任务。

D. Humanity


  1. Imagine that you are preparing a business case for a project that would make a positive impact on hunger or malnutrition in different parts of the world. How might you pitch this aspect of the project to a socially conscious stakeholder?
  2. 如果你的项目有positive impact on poverty, what aspects would you pitch and why
  3. Imagine that you are asked whether or not you feel a responsibility to do something about the poor conditions that some people in the world live under. How might you approach your answer to that question?
  4. 说一个你最想解决的本国社会问题,为什么?你会怎么做? 对一者有益对另一者无益
  5. If you are presented with a business idea that profitable in your country but not in other countries, will you accept it and Why?
  6. 如果有一个商业企划可以在你自己的国家很成功,make much profit in your own country,但是 insensitive in other culture, will you accept?
  7. 如果一个项目有短期的收益很高,但是长期来说对国际的伙伴有不好的影响,你会不会take it 企业相关
  8. If you are a CEO of a successful cooperation, which product/service you would like to offer, why?
  9. 如果你的公司有一个有助于保护环境climate and global warming的项目,你怎么去说服shareholder
  10. 如果一个项目,对男女平等有很好帮助,你该怎么向股东来推销这个项目

E. Others

  1. If you are asked whether or not you could help solve the problem of the world, what will you respond?
  2. Do you think you are the citizen of the world?
  3. 第二道题目问最近有学到什么new skill,这一道题乱讲的,因为一时半会短路没有想到什么skills
  4. If you could talk to a politician, philosopher, business leader, artist in history, who would you talk to and why?
  5. 如果能和一个名人一起共进晚餐的话你最想选谁,为什么?
  6. If you have chances to face a 国外领袖,并且你不能回复(还是还嘴的意思?)你会选谁 为什么
  7. 你需要做一个作业解释经济危机对一个国家的影响乃至影响整个世界,你会用什么方法去完成这个作业,为什么?
  8. 选一个货币做international currency的




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