
Emory MSBA 2020 video essay 题目整理(悄咪咪觉得是全网最全)[2020.01.02]

[日期:2020-01-22] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:另起一段 [字体: ]

DDL Fighter献上热腾腾VE题目!(虽然有点晚了 但还是希望能够帮助到大家~)顺带求人品爆发顺顺当当拿Offer!

  1. Do you have a mentor? Describe the importance of the relationship.
  2. If you can live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
  3. 你曾经得到的最好的建议是什么?
  4. 你想让未来的同学知道的一点关于你的事。
  5. Emory Goizueta的 corevalues (courage; integrity; accountability; rigor; diversity; team; community) 选一个
  6. 你最珍惜/珍贵的一件东西talk about a possession or memento you treasure and why
  7. 除开工作学习,讲关于你的一点Outside of family andwork, what is something you are passionate about and why?
  8. 你在工作之外最大的成就是什么?
  9. If you have an extra hour every day, what will you do?
  10. When you were young, what did you always want to be when you grew up andwhy?


  1. What's your favorite book and why?
  2. What is your favorite song/artist/album?
  3. If you could witness any event -past, present or future - what would it be?


  1. 如果你是一个mentor,你能从这段relationship中得到什么?
  2. 描述你的第一份工作。
  3. Talk about a time when you had to correct a situation. What prompted itand what was the result?
  4. Talk about a time when you confronted fear. -dead meat.


  1. Do you feel pulled to a specific social cause? Describe yourinvolvement. NarcissisticInside voice?
  2. What has been your most significant cross-cultural experience?




打印 | 录入:steven


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