
麦吉尔 McGill MMF interview with Ruslan Goyenko (附整理的往届面试题) [2019.12.18]

[日期:2020-01-07] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:luohaiwee [字体: ]

McGill management in finance,申请的timeline:

  • 11月中旬交齐资料
  • 11.29 interview(Ruslan Goyenko面试的,是MMF任课的一个教授)
  • 12.17 offer + C$10000奖学金




是加本念的geology,因为是想转行到金融所以申请了麦吉尔的这个项目,希望能给申请的小伙伴一些参考。因为是转专业,等结果的那几天非常忐忑,那段时间正好还赶上final week……不过还好幸运的录了,转专业的同学也可以鼓起勇气试试啊~



  1. Because most MFin programs are early-career, you will likely be probed about your academic experience and your quantitative coursework. Also, you may be asked about your undergrad experience overall, including extracurriculars. Present anecdotes and examples that show intellectual/academic engagement and show yourself to be a contributor to the academic and school community.

  2. Many MFin interviews will test your quantitative skills indirectly. They won’t ask you to recite a formula or solve a problem, but may ask how you would approach a problem or to discuss the potential application of a theory or formula. Be prepared but not worried; everyone I’ve talked to who has faced such questions has said they are not “gotcha” questions, but rather probe your thought process and fundamental knowledge. (my undergraduate research study, use MATLAB, my summer research, use R to perform the model.)

  3. Because many MFin applicants have similar educational, internship/work, and even cultural backgrounds, look for opportunities to differentiate yourself. (my experience of science and climate research, my ability to corelate difference fields of study.)

  4. They want their students to succeed in their internships and post-grad jobs, and that requires being able to interact effectively, work in teams, etc. So it wouldn’t hurt to show you appreciate this fact by discussing it and bringing it into examples and anecdotes. (my experience of collaborating with others, to gain different perspectives.)

  5. You should prepare to discuss your interests and hobbies as confidently and concisely as you answer questions related to the classic interview topics of expertise and motivation. When you say that you are interested in politics and current affairs, you should be able to talk about the latest developments in your country or internationally. This part of the conversation is designed to evaluate the width and depth of your interests and the extent of your curiosity.


  1. introduce yourself
  2. why McGill, why MMF
  3. favriote subject and why
  4. 技术面 比如我的是 举个例子说明宏观政策对国家经济的影响


  1. introduce yourself
  2. why MMF
  3. favorite subject
  4. finance 领域最喜欢的part, 毕业后就业打算(部门)
  5. 为什么从accounting转finance
  6. 一系列专业问题(会计做账,ratio举例,P/E ratio)
  7. 金融里最喜欢的课程
  8. CAPM model
  9. career goal short&long
  10. mmf里最吸引你的课



(1)Your financial future career planning关于未来金融的职业规划是什么?
(2)Concept of quantitative analysis什么是定量分析?
(3)Concept of qualitative analysis什么是定性分析?
(4)resume and essay, work experience根据简历和essay上所写的信息进行提问,主要提问工作经验
(5)Why choose our program为什么来我们项目?
(7)Concepts or key points of important terminology学过的重要的专业术语的概念或关键点
(8)Introduce your mathematical and analytical skills 介绍一下你的数学和分析能力
(9)Amazing experience 详细介绍一次令人惊讶的经历
(10)Academic background or characteristics 介绍一下自己的学术背景的特点等等
(11)Your future plan and goals 你的未来规划和职业目标
(12)Why choose our university为什么选择我们学校?

Mcgill MMF

  1. why mmf?
  2. why mcgill?
  3. 本科在中国两年法国三年不会有功课重复吗?
  4. 描述你一下你的quantative背景。
  5. 你最喜欢的功课?
  6. 描述一下里面的一个知识点。
  7. 多伦多大学和麦吉尔大学金融硕士申请要求对比分析
  8. 麦大的金融学主要有3大研究方向,分别是International Financial Markets,Asset Pricing and Risk Management 和Corporate Finance and Governance.
  9. 加拿大多伦多大学金融硕士专业毕业生总体上的就业方向有经济分析预测、对外贸易、市场营销、管理等,如果能获得一些资格认证,就业面会更广,就业层次也更高端,待遇也更好,比如特许金融分析师(CFA)、特许财富管理师(CWM)、基金经理、精算师、证券经纪人、股票分析师等。麦吉尔大学金融硕士毕业生可以选择在商业银行或者是投资银行、制造和服务公司、非盈利组织和政府、非金融企业等领域从事工作。
  10. 那些不需要工作经验的加拿大商科及相关硕士项目
  11. 请谈谈你是如何解决一个不熟悉的问题的?结果如何?你从中学到了什么?
  12. 请介绍一下你们高中的校园文化,你是如何参与并为之做出贡献的?
  13. 你最看重什么,为什么?(about the preparation for the interview )


我刚开始面试的时候很紧张,感觉面试官会judge我说的每一个词,很担心会说错什么。没有练的很够,导致语速,语气,内容都和准备的有很大出入。后来我会觉得interview更像是conversation,需要做的无非就是share my experience,know their life,然后了解自己想了解的东西,说错什么开个玩笑就过去了,面试官也不会很care。最重要的是可以很熟练很自信地share自己的experience,让面试官更了解自己,也让自己更了解这个公司,看是不是自己喜欢的。

对于我而言,面试的时候的气氛特别重要,时不时开个小玩笑活跃气氛可以让自己更放松,表达地更流畅,也能和双方都更enjoy this conversation,同时面试成功率大大提高。

我觉得很重要的其中一点是要有本地实习。面试的氛围很轻松,但是回答问题,share experience的时候需要逻辑很清楚,面试官会一直根据你简历上过去的经历来提问问题。有了实习的话,就有很多可以聊的,包括你都做过什么,都有什么故事,顺便穿插着适度的小笑话调节气氛。另外一点很重要的是background匹配度。实际上我的专业和这个工作需要的完全不搭,从finance跳到data,但是这是一家media-related company,而我之前有比较长一段在公众号当小编的经历,在面试刚开始hr把我介绍给manager的时候特意强调说she has a passion about media。所以不要小看任何一段经历,也不要放过任何一次机会,you never know。




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