
[已录] UMN/明尼苏达 MSBA 20 Fall R1 Skype 面经 with Luna & kira 题库 [2019.11.18]

[日期:2019-12-31] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:mindy98 [字体: ]



11.18 9am Central Time,面试官是Luna,人很甜很nice,微笑typing。全程30min,无follow-up,按照准备的内容说就好~

  1. A data analysis project.
  2. Career goal and dream companies?
  3. Best strength and weakness?
  4. How do you motivate yourself?
  5. Most constructive criticism and how you respond and what you learn?
  6. Programming languages and your proficiency?
  7. Explain what is business analytics to non-technical stakeholders?
  8. How do you handle conflicts in the team?
  9. Two favorite courses in Carlson?
  10. Outside of the curriculum, why Carlson?
  11. Other schools applied for?
  12. Q&A.


  • 10.31 提交
  • 11.1 interview invitation
  • 11.18 interview
  • 12.13 录取 with $8k scholarship


中游985金融 3.7 325+ 105+ 3 big name 相关实习。



Video Essay Bank of Questions:

  1. Describe a academic or extracurricular activity that helped you shape your personality.What did you lea mn?
  2. Describe a situation where you were a team member.How did you decide when to lead and when to follow, and how did the results impact you?
  3. Describe a time when you showed great resilience and tenacity and it paid off.What were the results?
  4. Describe your biggest risk you took at work and what was its outcome?
  5. Explain a situation when you had to change your communication style.What was the outcome and what did you learn?
  6. Give an example of a situation where you had to change your priorities due to an unexpected task and what was the outcome?
  7. How would you describe your current thinking about diversity.and how has your thinking changed overtime?
  8. If you had unlimited time, to what would you devote it?
  9. Imagine you were transported to the year 1900.How would you explain a smartphone(or shared network drive such as google drive) to aperson from that era?
  10. Talkabout an activity or extracurricular experience and how it changed your perspective,
  11. Talkabout the time when you made a wrong decision, what was the setback and how did you handle it?
  12. Tell about a setback you experienced, how you dealt with it.and the results.
  13. Tellus about a time when you handled a task on which you had zero information.What were the steps you took to begin with, what were thestrategies and what were the end results?
  14. Tellus about a time you encountered an individual who was resistant to change, how did you deal with it and what was the outcome?
  15. What accomplishment are your really proud of and why?
  16. What does it mean for you to have a commitment to diversity?How have you demonstrated that commitment, and how would you see yourselfdemonstrating i there?
  17. What is the key ingredient for building and maintaining professional relationships?Provide examples.
  18. What is your definition of diversity and how or why do you think diversity is important?
  19. What's the best piece of constructive criticism you've received and how has it influenced your work?
  20. What's the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn't learn from your resume alone?




打印 | 录入:steven


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