
各位JJMMGGDD: 愿我的尸体铺平大伙通往US 的道路!

[日期:2005-01-08] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:valentine [字体: ]

各位JJMMGGDD: 愿我的尸体铺平大伙通往US 的道路!

有2 处硬伤,望大家为我多提意见,千万不要再犯我这样的错误!Welcome to write to my by valentiney2002@yahoo.com


I-20 上total expenses is 42,000, 但personal saving 只有5000, 其余37,000全是父母的。我已工作三年,首先5000太少。其实我个人存款有20000刀,其余15000刀未在I-20 上体现。如果VO问我How much can you support your study? 我怎么回答?5000 还是20000?(我的资金证明和存单上面可以看出我的个人存款不只5000。)

具体原因:去年我家买房我用了15000,房产是我爸的名。今年父母又把钱还给了我,但是在受到I-20 之后。所以I-20 上personal saving 只有5000。

问题: 我上次在VO 问我salary and how to finance study 的时候主动提及了买房之事。但是由于故事太长了,VO听不懂,且产生了此地无银的感觉。“Waiting a minute, let me think about it for a while.” 最终给我下的定论: I think there is problem in your finance issues.

下次我怎么准备How much can you support your study?这个问题?以及如何解释5000 and 20000 差异的问题?我可不可以简单的告诉VO, I have several deposit slips. 5000 on I-20 is only a part. I have another part with 15000 which did not show on I-20? 但又如何解释为什么15000没在I-20 上?

2. 有关changes in career plan 的问题

第一次的career plan is to join the local management of investment banks such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley because I once helped them purchase 3 billion bad loans from three Chinese banks. After graduation, I can continue helping them develop Chinese bad loan market.

第二次想改成: I will go back to the corporate finance department at Big Four accounting firms and help my local clients with M&A.
请问各位大虾,如何解释两次之间的差异?且对于差异的解释是VO 主动问我时我才说,还是应该主动说, 或将解释理由写在appeal letter 当中?

我想了2 种理由请各位大虾多加指正:

1. Last time, I did not make myself understood. I want to provide financial advisory for my local clients, especially in M&A deals. Although investment banking has M&A business too, it is better for me to come back to Big Four accounting firms. I have strong work history and credibility at Big Four: three years working experience. Moreover, financial advisory is accounting firms’ strength, not IB’s strength.

2. Last time, I did not make myself understood. I did mention IB and non-performing loans (NPL). But I did not actually want to join IB. From the analyses of non-performing loans, I found out the root reason of NPL is business failure among local companies. And their failure is due to their poor corporate finance knowledge. So I want to focus on corporate finance for my local clients.

不知道哪种更convincing 一些? 如果大家觉得都不好,欢迎多加指正,并提出新的方案。







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