
ICBS Management 面经 [2019.12.02]

[日期:2019-12-09] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:claireqiuqiu [字体: ]

楼主申的是 ICBS 的 Management 项目,前两天 Video 面试结束啦!

准备面试时主要看 CD 前辈帖子里的题目,整理下来后一道一道自己写思路、再张口练习。前前后后准备了一个多礼拜吧!最后正式面试的时候基本上都压中复习过的问题,证明大家好好准备还是有回报的,现在楼主还不知道录取结果,先分享一下整理的面试题目吧,希望后面面试的旁友们有个参考,然后自己攒个人品。

【整体】共 6 题:开头自我介绍 + 三道口语回答 + 一道写作 + 一道口语回答。 口语回答都是 30 秒准备、1 分钟回答;写作 5 分钟,要求 250 字左右。

【题目】网传 ICBS 题库一共有 300 多道题,不要方!这些题目都大同小异,大致可以分成自我介绍、领导力、宝洁八大问、专业题等这几类,建议大家按照分类来准备,下面我整理了 40 几道吧。


  1. How would your best friend describe you?
  2. Your attribute and quality.
  3. What are the most important attributes that contribute to your success?
  4. First day at imperial, introduce yourself to your classmates. what do you want them to know about you?
  5. Introduce yourself to your boss.
  6. 当到了公司招聘时,展示下你会怎么介绍自己?

Leadership and Teamwork:

  1. Please tell me about an experience where you led a team that consisted of a group of very different individuals.
  2. If a person in your team is struggling, how would you support him?
  3. your group members are hesitating, how to convince them?
  4. If you need to work in a new team, what role you'll assume yourself to be. Why?
  5. What is the group work? How different groups work together?
  6. If you are in a situation where one of the team members in your team isn’t participating, what would you do in that situation?
  7. Explain an instance in which you noticed that a team member did not speak up, what you did and what was the outcome?
  8. When having disagreement with team members , how to express your opinion without damaging relationships?
  9. 你的小组成员个性和目标都不同,如何调和使小组有最大的 outcome.
  10. 怎么不让一个人的错误影响团队?


  1. Why this program and why IC?
  2. 你在之前的经验(an experience)做过什么让你准备进入研究生的学习?
  3. 你之前的经历对于申请这个专业有什么帮助?
  4. IC 如何帮助你实现 personal goals?
  5. What do you think you'll enjoy most about studying in London?


  1. Your short & long term goal?
  2. Your career path and plan B?
  3. What motivate you to achieve your career goal?
  4. Research you done about your career and what was it help
  5. How your hobby or interest benefit your career development?


  1. 什么 personal goal 让你走出 comfort zone,你做了什么?
  2. Difficulty you overcame, what made you through?
  3. 一个技能不足的故事。
  4. Biggest challenge you face? and achievement?
  5. Proudest achievement outside classroom, what impact on you?
  6. Tell me about one of your goal and how you plan to achieve it.
  7. An experience you have to demonstrate a high level drive to your goal.


  1. A hobby outside academic study that you have pursued to a high level
  2. What is your biggest passion outside of study and career? How to achieve?
  3. What skill have you achieved recently, how was it useful?


(商学院下不同专业在这一 part 的题目会不太一样哦。楼主申的是 management,下面整理的都是 mgt 相关的题目。sm,esb 等专业的小伙伴自己在 CD 里找一下,面经都有的)

  1. 举例谈谈某个企业的 corporate social responsibility,这个重要吗?为什么?
  2. Why are an increasing number of companies and businesses employ a certain proportion of female employees?
  3. Find a successful strategy from one company.
  4. Recent business story that interests you, what you learn?
  5. Talk about a company that develops quickly over the past few years.
  6. If you were given ? 50k, which company would you invest to, and why?
  7. The most significant challenges in today's Business World.
  8. How will the artificial intelligence influence the business sector you chose?
  9. The demographic change in a country and how will the change influence businesses in this country.


  1. You met a senior executive at a career fair, follow up through email.
  2. 让 professor 引荐 a senior executive of a company you want to work for?
  3. 回 Email:CEO 约你喝咖啡,他临时不来了,你要怎么回复?
  4. You’ve just completed an internship for a company that you really want to join after finishing your study in IC. In around 250 words, draft your ‘ thank you and farewell’ email to the manager you reported to for the internship.
  5. Write an email to respond a rejection from a dream company.
  6. You didn't perform well in an internship, write a thank you and farewell letter to your manager.
  7. 回复 ideal company 的 offer.

【一些面试 tips】

  1. 可以机智地从 PS 和 CV 的内容里找答题素材!
  2. 一分钟的说话时间很短,务必把自己的故事和信息表达完整,清晰有逻辑。
  3. 有可能的话,回答要有记忆点。
  4. 自信上场!相信自己是最棒的,千万不要紧张哦,回答的时候看着镜头会显得自信而大方。
  5. 写作部分建议事先写好完整段落,因为现场 5 分钟真的打不了这么多字,身边有些小伙伴现场直接复制粘贴,不知道后台有没有记录,不到关键时刻建议还是不要铤而走险。





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