
CWRU MSM Fiance R1 Kira 面经 [2019.11.22]

[日期:2019-11-27] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:DesmondRicardo [字体: ]

今天下午刚刚录完 CWRU 的 Kira interview,下面来分享一下面经。

  1. introduction of yourself. What else do you want us to learn from you outside your application.(必出题)
  2. Writing:why case? what interests in Weather head? how Weather head help you achieve your career goal? how to  enrich the learning environment in Weather head? (必出题)
  3. share us other programs and schools you applied,reason?(必出题)


  1. Please give me an example when you helped a team member at work or at school. What did you do, and how did it turn out?
  2. Describe a project that you worked on where you had to gather and analyze vast amounts of information.What factors were considered in analyzing this information, and how did this information help with the completion of the project?
  3. Please give me an example when you gave your team members more autonomy and asked them to take more responsibility. What did you do, and how did it turn out?
  4. Please describe a time you had to think outside the box to solve a difficult problem. How was your approach unconventional? What was the outcome?
  5. How do you remain involved in the community when you are outside school and work?

我记得去年有很多大佬们整理了 CASE 的面经,里面题目很全的,和今年的也基本重合,大家可以去翻一下那个帖子! 我觉得 CWRU 的题目还是比较难的,我做的也不是很好,心里也没底,希望大家准备充分一点!祝大家好运!


  • 11.05 提交
  • 11.16 收到面试邀请
  • 11.22 面试完




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