
[原创]MBA全自费北京1000 险过 [2003.6.27]

[日期:2005-01-07] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:puma_eagle [字体: ]

6.27签, MBA Top *, 全自费, 北京过 (非DTT,XTT,ZTT,美男)

排队两个半小时,脚都麻了,才轮到,在DTT,XTT的队伍中间晃了半天,终于排到了一个不知道是谁的VO的窗口. 前面哀号遍野, 同一批大约200-300人,大概也只过了20-30人. PPMM还是比较受VO青睐,过的比例比较高,兄弟们就被砍瓜切菜般砍倒一片一片. 我经过尽20分钟的争论和演讲,终于把说服VO, 当时的情形不可谓不险!

M: Good afternoon, Sir(届时已经等到了12:30)
V: en..hum…
M: Here is my Card (拿到了心爱的酒红色, 还不错)
V: So, you are going to *** University?
M: Yes, to pursue my MBA education, to obtain more sophisticated....
V: (Took a look at my I-20 and calculated) Hum… You are going to spend *** in two years!
M: (Smile) Right, It is a related big investment, but I think it worth, because …
(其实,我认为在这个时候这个VO就已经决定据我了,剩下的问题都是为他的决定找理由,而且,在我据理力争和陈述的时候,他就一直在摇头,一副不信任的样子, 几次都准备举起那个该死的章子, 而且在后来已经说出了”I am sorry that…” 此为后话,暂且按下不表)
V: What’s your current Job? (此VO说话声音很小,很难听清楚,可能是届时中午,还没有吃饭吧)
M: (声音太小,我听错了,Faint), I will ***.
V: I am asking you what are you doing now. Okay, so what will you do with your MBA degree?
M: Oh, I apologize, I will…. In fact, I have discussed this with my ex-bosses and my career advisors who are all executive level managers in this industry, and they all support my plan that I will have a bright future if I can combine the MBA study from *** University with my previous working experience…
V: (shaking head)
M: (不理他,继续!) The idea of pursuing the MBA program was initially aspired by the story of my Ex-manager, who has just returned from the United stated with her **(Top 5) MBA degree and ….
V: What more did your advisors say?
M: (刚张嘴)….
V: Now let’s back to what’s your current job now?
M: I am ***
V: How Long?
M: ***
V: so how much is your current salary?
M: My total income of salary and bonus and….
V: I only ask you about your salary!
M: ***
V: And what did you do before that?
M: ***
V: Salary?
V: How Long?
M: ***
V: it is good in China, why are you still want to go to study?
M: Because…
V: (在草稿纸上计算)However, it is not enough for you to support your study in the US for two years.
M: beside the salary…(在这中间,VO一直就在打断我的话, 根本不听我说完, 可惜,他在这中间大概是太想据我了,犯了个错误,所以,对后面的事情反而有所转机,大概是想弥补吧)
V: So, you have only worked for * years, and you are going to invest such a big money into study. If you can’t find such a good job when you come back, I am afraid that you will in deep water. I am sorry that…..
M: (我毫不犹豫, 马上打断!) Excuse me, sir, but I am afraid that you have made a mistake and I suggest you take a careful look at my forms, I have been working for more than & years, not only * years. I also worked for ** for ** years and && for $$ years before that, you just didn’t finish listen to me just now.
V: (长大了嘴巴, 哼哼了两声, 有点害羞),突然说道: So you have changed your job many times, it is not so good that… (其实是想挽回面子, 强词夺理)
M: 我毫不示弱,马上应到(In fact, my income doubled every time I changed my Job!
V: (还在强词夺理,而且有点生气被抓到把柄,有点老羞成怒): So all you should do is just changed your job again and again, and you salary will be doubled and doubled again, and you will be…
M: (我马上把话题引开) That’s why I choose to study right now, because I feel I am stunned on my career progress, and I feel a little frustrated so that I need more sophisticated managerial….
V: (Impatient) no No NO…
M: That’s why I choose this university over the other two offers with even full tuition scholarship..
V: (他又听错了,翻到我的I-20,用笔敲着上面说) Scholarship? I didn’t see any scholarship.
M: 我很耐心地解释: Sure this school didn’t offer me any scholarship, I meant that there are other two schools offered me scholarship, one is full tuition waiver and the other is 40% tuition waiver for two years.
V: which schools?
M: ** University and ** University, both are also top MBA programs.
V: Do you have the prove materials of these scholarships you mentioned?
M: (push over the documents), Sure, you can find it on page 3 and page 4.
V: (很仔细地看着第二页,但是那个学校的Admission和Scholarship是分成两张纸的) I can’t see any scholarship information here.
M: (still patient) it is on the next page, they are separated on two pages.
V: hum…. (Look carefully at the two pages containing scholarship information, 后面还有我准备的各个MBA的排名情况,并用High lighter 把所有录取我的学校标出来了)
M: 趁机说道: I chose this school over those two with financial support means two things, first, I do think it is worthy investment, and second, my purpose for the VISA is only for study, otherwise, I will choose the one with full tuition waiver for any other reasons…
V: (还在考虑我的学费问题,没转过弯来) You should take the offer, full tuition waiver…
M: I still insist on my decision, just as I choose **University rather than Tsinghua when I entered the undergraduate university…
V: (又听错了,感觉抓到了我的小辫子)跳起来说”Tsinghua? You said Tstinghua? But on your I-20…
M: (这次我是真的没有耐心了, 我一字一顿地说) I~ Chose ~** University~ Rather~ Than ~Tsinghua~because this university is the best in this field, though my scoore can garuntee me the admission of Tsinghua!
M: (乘胜追击), My score was the highest in my grade and my student ID was ended with 01, which meant that I enter the university with the highest academic performance, do you want to take a look at my transcriptions?
V: (这时的气势已经完全被我压倒,默然无语)
M: (开始询询诱导): This University only admitted * from ** applications this year, it is really a good chance for me to get a better career that I should cherish. I have a supporting letter from Mr. **, who is … would you kindly take a look at it?
V: (木然拿过,看了看,突然两眼放光), Is this man a Chinese? Or is he an American?
M: (知道他又以为有机会了,但是还是实话实说) He is an American working in China now.
V: so, what’s does this matter your situation?
M: (予以无情的打击) First, his letter represented ***that …. Second, As you can see, such a successful business man also come to China for his future career….
V: I see…. (然后开始语无伦次) but… I still.. I am …hum…
M: (这个时候,我知道他的决心已经动摇了, 我采取了古人的兵法”一张一弛,文武之道也”) Sir, I would be very, very appreciative if you could seriously consider the all facts that I presented and stand in my position to think about future career, why I gave up the full tuition waiver, why I chose to invest two years and such a big amount of money into my education…..
V: Silence…
M: Silence…
V: Okay, please give me your financial supporting documents
M: (知道有戏了,飞快地塞进去) Here you are, sir.(然后一条一条解释)
V: (还在最后负隅顽抗, 指着我最前面一个Contract 说): The salary was so low, how could you…?
M: Sure, this was the salary of my first year of working, please look at the next page, it indicates what my salary was after my promotion. (然后不失时宜地加了一句) You can see that I brought all the information here just to tell you the truth.
V: (完全投降,深呼吸,然后敲键盘, 有点无奈地说) Okay, man, I will approve your VISA application, but remember to come and see me when you come back to China.
M: (心平气和地说) Sure, thank you, sir. Actually, we might meet next summer when I come back for my internship.然后就等着我的小黄条,但是….

V: I apologize that there are some error with the SEVIS system, it is not common, but I am afraid that you might have to wait for our phone call and then to pick up your VISA the other day.
M: It is all right, thanks and have a nice weekend!
至此, 耗时近20分钟, 我已经心憔力瘁了. 但是还是很开心,终于可以面对父母,老婆,XDJM的支持和关心了!

1, 许小平老师的”签证圣经”虽然我没有钻研过,但是常常听人说起, 深决中间的几个要点十分正确: 自信(绝对绝对重要), 真实(一定要,VO都是经验十足的老江湖,骗不到的,到头来只会骗了自己), 详细(老美的思维直接,详细明确的东东,中国流行的大而空的套话没用的,最好是数字说明.

2, 自己加上的两点:

A: 逻辑. VO 最擅长也是最常用的就是逻辑陷阱, 一不小心就中标. 一定要反复推敲自己的工作,时间,金钱,家庭,未来,事业前景之间的真正的逻辑联系,在现在的形式下,如果有一个漏洞,就是致命伤.

B: 个性化: 听到太多的”I will be a professor, I will come back to China, I will….” 千篇一律,没有人要听的, 一定要结合自己的实际来考虑, 如:”I am going to obtain more sophisticated ** skills by leverage **** “ 就比” I am going to study at…University” 好.

其实, 假如连这两点都想不清楚的话, 我到是建议就是签证过了也别去了, 那时浪费你自己两年的青春(如果还是青春的话) 和大量的金钱.

3, 沉着冷静: VO很专业, 也很有效率, 他们的每一句话都不会是废话, 都有深意, 所以要冷静分析,有的放矢, 而不是答非所问,或是正好中圈套.

4, 据理力争: 虽然, 现在离我们能够以”移民倾向”据签美国人的时候还有距离,但是,请记住,我们有自己的国格和人格, 我们和VO是平等的, 而且, 正是这样高尚的品德才会赢得尊重. 我们不要三八骂街,也不要苦苦哀求.冷静地陈述事实和阐明逻辑关系,才是最有效的.

5, 仔细准备: 虽然其实VO不会问地那么全(比如我, 一家人有一半现在在美国,准备了好多,但是VO根本没提过这个茬), 但是只有上帝知道他会选择问哪一个

6, 询询诱导: 其实,第一二个问题最重要, VO一般不可能看全你的资料,所以,他是边问边发掘, 对有疑问的地方刨根问底 (现在的形式下看来, 就是找理由据你没商量!), 所以,最好的办法就是诱导他问你想他问的问题, 比如: “我去**学校学**, (不要停, 加一句诱导的) 因为她的**最符合我的Future Career” , 这样,他自然就会顺着问你的”Future Career Plan”了.

好了,很夜了,就写到这里吧, 希望对有志之士有帮助.

有问题可以发到bradbau@goldenter.com, 我尽力回复大家







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