
Columbia SIPA Video Essay 面经分享 [2019.11.01]

[日期:2019-11-04] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Meredith_z [字体: ]

一会儿要做 sipa 的 video essay 了,前两天在论坛上找了半天,只找到了一道题,昨天半夜才想起来去外网碰碰运气,结果还真找到了个外网论坛分享了一些题目,不过也来不太及准备了,只能放轻松了,不过大家也说了这些问题就放轻松答就好了,没关系的。

现在也快 ddl 了不知道还能不能帮到什么人,但鉴于自己挣扎了很久,还是把找到的稍微整理了一下发上来吧,当攒人品了! 我们都可以的,一定行的,不会失学的。

  1. How do you intend to make this world a better place?
  2. What do you think the "ideal" SIPA student is?
  3. How do you think your academic experience has prepared you for SIPA.
  4. Tell us about a favorite childhood memory.
  5. What you were most excited about at SIPA
  6. What is a major trend you see in your chosen field/area of study?
  7. What local development had an impact on a country's foreign policy?
  8. How do you handle multi-tasking?
  9. What course did you enjoy the most as an undergraduate student?
  10. What fundamental knowledge have you learned at Elementary School?
  11. Describe your morning routine.
  12. Do you have any talents?
  13. How has the unstable global climate affected you?
  14. Tell us something that makes you excited and happy.
  15. Which newspapers do you read?
  16. Do you think international organizations are effective?
  17. Do you consider elderly care or youth support programs more important?
  18. How did you spend your summer/how was your summer?
  19. Describe the last book you read.
  20. What is the biggest challenge you have faced? How has it shaped your personality and what did you learn from it?
  21. What is the leadership experience at work that you are most proud of?
  22. Are people in your hometown engaged in politics?




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