
新鲜的Michigan, ROSS面经

[日期:2007-03-03] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:duckling1101 [字体: ]

I got the invitation yesterday and wake up in the stinky time, 2:30 am. got only 1 day to preparation. make preparations in advance in case a unpected short-notice!

A young lady speaks very very fast, and has a little acent. and in a very hurry.

20 mins:

  1. walk through your resume
  2. a strange question: what is the job responsibilities of you. (since I was the boss of my company, it can be a strange question)
  3. what made you build your own start-up?
  4. what is the most significant impact you have (both  professional and community service)
  5. what are your career goals, why mba
  6. why ross
  7. to describe the team work experience you have

In following 10 mins, i asked 4 questions to her.

I find the interview is much more like a test of Tofel listenting comprehension.

Good luck to all!



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