
Ivey BA Round 4 面经 [2019.08.31]

[日期:2019-09-02] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:beyondleeelaine [字体: ]

Ivey BA 申请被拒,从 GMAT 到申请材料到面试,从 CD 获取很多信息资源,开个贴回馈一下大家。


总的来说和 CD 上之前的总结没有新题,kira 有新题没看到过的,面试没有新题都是experience and behavioural question.

我的面经主要都是 CD 上大家帖子的汇总,只有一道是自己碰到的新题,如有涉及侵权请联系我删除谢谢.

LZ 申请的是第四轮,8 月 8 号赶在这一轮 12 号截止日期以前交的申请,9 号收到面试邀请, 面试以后一周被拒。

BG:比较差,7.5 3.5 590,500 强两年工作经验。


  • What business trends are you following that demonstrate a passion/dedication to business?
  • What are you most significant accomplishments to date and why?
  • What are situations where you have motivated/influenced/developed others?
  • How have you taken constructive feedback and used it as an opportunity to mature?
  • Do you understand the complexity of relationships and can effectively manage stakeholders at all levels?
  • What are situations where you have demonstrated flexibility to respond to changing interpersonal and environmental situations?
  • Introduce yourself
  • Why ba?
  • Why ivey?[focus on ivey]
  • Talk about leadership in your own words.
  • Talk about an own experience to be a leader in a project, detailed in describing how you connect with team members.
  • 如果小组有人什么都不干活,作为 leader 该怎么办/your teammate not contribute enough effort, how did handle it?
  • 自己面对突然改变的 project scope 或者 trend 怎么应对[story with theory].
  • 你觉得能从 global lab 学到什么?
  • Which company do you want to go after graduation?
  • Please tell me your experience that you have to convince others.
  • Tell me your experience that you have conflict out of your groups.
  • Tell me your most success project you have in your experience. and the difficulties you overcome.
  • Please tell me your favorite newest business news[important][prepare more]
  • Tell me your most creative experience/自己有一个 creative 的 idea,怎么得到组员的支持,怎么 implement.
  • If you get the offer, what kind of preparation you will do.
  • 你能给 program 带来什么贡献 & 你想从 program 里获得什么好处?
  • 在自己的经历中有没有什么觉得失败的地方?/ please tell me your experience in XXX company,遇到过什么困难,学会了什么?
  • If you could go back, would you change anything?(不要说什么没有,说没有也会被继续问)
  • 你的 weakness?
  • long-term goal?(因为之前的回答涉及过 short-term goal 所以没有问到)
  • 你收到过的 negative feedback,but you think you were right?
  • 完成一件事情在信息不足的情况下。
  • 怎样让自己保持和这个商业世界的联系?
  • 讲一个经历关于接到一个你认为不可能完成的事情,how did you do with it?


  1. 面试官问问题

  2. 请介绍一段简历上没有的的经历



  1. 在信息有限的情况下做一件事的经历(追问了你觉得有限的信息带给你的 challenge 是什么)
  2. 分享你完成了一件比较有挑战的事情的经历(lz 说了一件团队合作的事,面试官追问说你说了很多团队做的事,你在其中的角色和工作是什么呢?
  3. 为什么你适合这个项目?
  4. 有没有人当面和你说过你的不足,你的反应及处理方式?
  5. 在无领导小组项目中你怎么说服别人接受你的想法?
  6. Career goal: short term & long term,what target companies you want to go during internship and after graduation?
  7. Once you took risks.
  8. Once you made a mistake.(讲了 example 后,被追问强调了要 admitted mistakes 的情况……于是又讲了一个 example)
  9. Challenge you think you could not overcome & project with ambiguity. (因为我说对 ambiguity 回答的的 example 和上面是差不多的,跳过这个问题了)
  10. What preparation will you do for analytics lab?
  11. Tell me about an experience that you have to gain support from others.




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