
Ivey MBA 面试 with Meagan [2019.07.04]

[日期:2019-07-05] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Ronnie_wai [字体: ]

一直想申 Ivey, 也提前去 Campus Visit 了。坐在课堂里体验案例教学,印象很好。从各方面了解信息,与校友聊天,了解了学校好与不好。我觉得 Ivey 的 reputation 真的有点underrated。如果对案例教学感兴趣可以看看这个 link,https://www.mbacrystalball.com/blog/2013/12/03/case-study-in-business-schools/ 个人觉得自己比较喜欢小班教学,体验过课堂环境之后确认了这一点。每个人选择 MBA 考虑的因素不一样,也看到过 M7 毕业的五年之后发展的并不是很理想的,所以单单考虑排名我觉得不够。

6 月下旬提交材料,一周后安排面试。面试前 Julia 打电话给了我一些 Tips, 也看了 CD 上很多同样申请 Ivey 的面试遇到问题,感觉面试也基本就是那些问题。

面试官为 Meagan, 感觉不是那么的 interactive,整个过程当中完全没有笑过,从头到尾都在玩头发……不知算不算是一种面试技巧,整个过程表现得很生硬。我尽量保持冷静积极的态度去回答了每个问题。

有几点与之前面过的同学还有跟前辈分享的经验不太一样,Julia 也和我说过面试官会问很细的问题,因为他们会研究每个人的申请,但这个面试官一上来说没有看过我的 application.所以整个过程中没有比较深入的问题。


  1. Tell about yourself.
  2. Why MBA?
  3. Career goal, target companies, and plan B. Also asked me whether I would like to get into the LOA program. I replied "No", and I reasoned.
  4. The hardest decision that you have to make in the last 6 months in your organization.
  5. A time that you drive change. What risks did you have to take?
  6. A time that has to make a decision without full information.(这个题目我准备的一直不是很好,回答的时候也没有很好)
  7. Conflict management.(dealing with a difficult colleague and people)
  8. What is the most common thing that people misunderstand about you?(我回答了不是 business and work environment 相关的 misunderstanding,她提醒我 let's try to make it in a work environment)
  9. Any other schools that you are applying.
  10. Is there any hesitation to stop you from applying Ivey?
  11. any questions for me.





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