
哥大 ERM 面试 with Jay [2019.04.24]

[日期:2019-05-16] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Emmmmmmmmm [字体: ]


To start, what about telling me something that I don't know about you, something not in your resume or essays./有什么能让我在众多申请中记住你?

Why major, career goals, courses

  1. Why ERM. /你什么时候开始发现自己对 erm 这个项目感兴趣的/ERM 能带给你备选专业所不能给你的什么?
  2. 你还有考虑其他什么专业?
  3. plan for 5 years. /dream company ERM 能如何帮助你达成目标/After graduate, what would you do with this degree?
  4. ERM 的课既包含 technical skill 也有 communication skill,哪种对你比较重要?
  5. 哥大的课程会有很多 presentation,会觉得 comfortable 去 evaluate 吗?假如别人的 presentation 做的不太好,你会怎么办?
  6. What are your academic strengths?/有什么特质让哥大录取?/你有什么精神使你能够在风险控制领域获得成功?
  7. What are your academic shortcomings?
  8. What you can bring to ERM program?
  9. If not ERM, what is your career path?
  10. 如果录了其他专业,你会觉得没有录了 ERM 那么满意吗,还是你都会觉得很满意?

Experience, specific problems

  1. 朋友会用哪三个【形容词】描述你?
  2. 在闲暇时会做什么?
  3. 最珍贵的物品。
  4. 好老师的品质。
  5. 如果我到中国旅游会推荐什么地方?
  6. 有没有去过纽约,觉得生活在纽约会是什么样?
  7. to be a good leader 的品质。
  8. 在大学最喜欢的课程是什么,为什么?
  9. 最不喜欢的大学课程。
  10. If you wanted a change on yourself, what would it be?/ what do you need to improve in your professional life?
  11. 你不喜欢在团队中遇见哪种人?
  12. Leadership experience/Most biggest achievement. 最开心的事情/one goal you already achieved .
  13. 你觉得挑战性的一个group project,你学到了什么?/teamwork.
  14. 你喜欢合作还是单独工作? /work style.
  15. How do you define "success"?
  16. Columbia has a strict policy against cheating, if you found out someone in your team was illegally copying things from the internet, what would you do?
  17. How to persuade people to do something that they don't want to do?
  18. In your opinion, what's the difference between good students and exceptional students?
  19. What kind of working environment do you prefer?
  20. Tell me about your biggest life lesson./One thing impressed you in undergraduate.
  21. 小时候的职业目标是什么?如果变了为什么变化?
  22. One problem in your country that concerns you.
  23. How do you think about listening skill as a team leader?
  24. 最 risk 的经历。
  25. 是否是 risk taker?
  26. 介绍家乡特色。
  27. 讲一个性格和你完全不同的人,并发表看法。
  28. 你做项目的时候如何 deal with criticism,你会 defense 还是 accept 批评?
  29. 你的老师如何评价你?
  30. A movie or book you recently watched.
  31. 如果你所在的公司有违法行为,你会怎么做?
  32. What is your approach to tackle a task?
  33. 什么事情会让你生气?举个例子。
  34. 一个关于运动的问题,你是希望做一名最好的运动员在一个很差的 team,还是一个最差的运动员在一个很好的 team?


  1. 认为你的英语对 professional 的学习有问题吗/Do you think your professional English can support you to do your future work in big companies, such as Fortune 500?
  2. 你对使用英语作为日常语言 comfortable 吗?
  3. 有没有在与 English speaker 沟通的过程中出现问题?
  4. What languages do you speak?




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