
JHU Video 面经总结 [2019.03.02]

[日期:2019-04-22] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Lalalaso [字体: ]
  1. Imagine that you are asked whether or not you think you can do something about the problems of the world. How might you approach your answer to that question?
  2. 没能 keep promise 的经历 outcome 学到了什么?
  3. Tell me sth you planed to do that you did not work on.
  4. what is the important of the leadership in the organization?
  5. tell a setback you meet in job.
  6. tell a time when you need to influence key stakeholders.
  7. Imagine you were offered a position at a small local company or the same position at a large foreign company. Which position would you choose and why?
  8. project 失败的经历,结栗如何,从中学到了什么?
  9. 三个词形容你自己。
  10. 你最大的成就。
  11. 如栗你来选 candidate,你会注重什么?
  12. 你觉得怎样才能成为一个 good listener?
  13. Tell me about your experience in working with community organizations.
  14. What's the most challenging part when you start your study of masters degree?
  15. 在相同条件的所有 candidates 中,你觉得你 rank 多少why?
  16. how you fit carey?
  17. 你期望毕业后第一个工作是什么样的?
  18. 说一个你希望 admission committee 记住你的 one thing.
  19. How do your classmates describe you?
  20. Is Carey Business School your first choice? why or why not?
  21. what is your ideal work environment?
  22. Describe 2-3 of your weaknesses.
  23. 一个失败的经历你学到了什么?
  24. 你的前 professor 对你的评价。
  25. in what situation will your colleagues rely on you.
  26. what is your initiative?
  27. what motivates you?
  28. Give me an example of an accomplishment you are proud of?
  29. Comparing other candidates with a similar background,how do you rate yourself?
  30. how to define success in team project?


  1. What is your ideal career? Long-term & short-term career goal?(有可能会分开 )
  2. Prefer: routine or challenging work /routine or frequently change in your daily work?
  3. 是喜欢独自工作还是在团队中工作?
  4. What do you looking for in your first job after graduation 你想从第一份卫作收获什么?
  5. What is your motivation of dream career? What is your motivation to success? what energize you?
  6. 你想要什么样的工作环境?What is your most effective work setting?


  1. What professionalism means to you?
  2. why finance? Which area you want to be professionally? 你想在哪方面提 高自己的专业素养?
  3. describe an interesting book that u read in your field.
  4. Introduce academic background.


  1. Describe a work that you finished it beyond requirement'.Give me an example of an accomplishment you are proud of?
  2. 讲一下你的实习经历、实习中最大的收获、写自己交流能力的收获。
  3. How will you prioritize your work load?

Teamwork & leadership

  1. 举一个 example 体现你的 leadership.
  2. leadership 很重要,你一定做过一些事情来提升你的 leadership 吧?
  3. Describe a situation that you resolve a conflict in your team.
  4. 你认为 leader 应该具备?
  5. When is the last time you work in a team? What role did you play?
  6. define success in team project.
  7. 说一个你曾经做 project 失败的例子,如果再给你一次机会你会怎么做? 失败的经历?Benefit from the failure?
  8. Tell me about a time when you persuaded others?

Activities & Hobbies

  1. 你在 sport 或 hobby 中学习到了什么 discipline?
  2. How do you find it important that you spend time while you are not working? free time 你都做些什么?


  1. Three words to describe you?What makes you unique? What's your strength? things you feel strong about?what's your most outstanding personality?你的朋友是怎么描述你的?你的 key skills 是什么?
  2. describe a skill that you developed in school or during internship.
  3. Give me an example of your problem-solving ability?how do you approach problem solving?你是如何 solve problem 的?
  4. How do you rate your communication skill? in what situation you find difficult to deal with people?what are effective communication skills?talking about your communication skills?
  5. 说说 listen and respond 的能力?你认为什么 skill 在 communication中是最重要的?
  6. 你认为自己在 candidates 中的 rank 如何?
  7. how is your writing ability?
  8. what challenges do you enjoyed?
  9. 你有没有想提高的 shortcomings?


  1. Carey 是你的 top choice 吗?
  2. 为什么 Carey 要 admit 你?你有什么 ability 或 skill 能带给 carey 的吗?
  3. 你什么你如何 fit Carey‘s mission?
  4. What do you consider about our mission to be?
  5. Why do you want to pursue graduate degree in the US?
  6. 如何理解校训 humanity 商业不忘人文关怀。


  1. 你在学校、实习中学会、使用的一个专业技能。
  2. 你碰到的一个困难。
  3. 如果你有机会与一个历史名人见面,你希望是谁,为什么?
  4. what do you benefit from a failure in your life?
  5. How will you approach making difficult decision?
  6. 谈谈你的一个 ethical dilemma.
  7. Is there anything you wish you had been asked on your application, that you would like to share? What you want to tell me to let me remember you.
  8. what is something that you have never done before but want to try in the future.
  9. regardless of talent and money,你想成为一个啥?
  10. How will you do when you hearing and accepting critical feedback?
  11. what did you do yesterday?
  12. If you were interviewing candidates, what would you look for?你看重什么?
  13. 如果你有 unlimited time,你会做什么?
  14. 你怎么处理你的 stress?
  15. 十年后的你是怎样?
  16. 最 inspire you 的 movie?
  17. Describe your management style. How to manage your time?
  18. What is the challenge you face now? What do you think would be most challenging in your master?
  19. what situations will your colleagues rely on you?
  20. 你最简单和最难的决定是?The most challenging or risk decision you have made.
  21. Comparing other candidates with a similar background,, how do u rate your-self?你认为自己在 candidates 中的 rank 如何?
  22. 你在工作中,有没有发现过现有的程序 or 制度中的问题,你是怎么解决的?
  23. 工作和学习之余,为你的 community 做了什么?
  24. 除了申请材料里已有的内容,还有什么和我们 share 的?
  25. 你来 brandies 之后面对的最大挑战士什么,怎么处理它?
  26. 你的国家现在面临的一个问题?如何解决?
  27. (writing)最宫欢的电影
  28. If you can learn c culture from a foreign country. What kind of culture would you learn?
  29. 实在是想不起来了,但是跟练习的题目完全不一样,跟文化或者商业工作相关吧。
  30. Give us an example where you took some risk at work in order to achieve better results.
  31. What does it mean to you to be an involved alum?
  32. Please give an example of a time when you had to deal with distractions at work or school. What did you do to deal with the distractions, and how did it turn out?
  33. 帮助别人没结果怎样?
  34. give an example of a time when you feel there should be better awareness of how to deal with ethical dilemma in the organization
  35. give an example of 因为你的 limitation led to under performance. what did you do and was was the outcome.
  36. 作文是你很 concern about your grade 然后发一封邮件给你的教授问问他,差不多就是问问分数这个意思吧。
  37. 在学术或者工作中,发现自己的知 iR 需要 update 的时候,结果怎、么样?
  38. 如何通知別人,如何葡保他人室到了通知?
  39. Example of establishing two way communication and how you facilitated this process.
  40. Please give an example of a work or academic experience you felt particularly motivated. What did you do, what was the outcome?
  41. describe a time when you had to analyze a problem to arrive at a solution. What steps did you take, and how did your analysis help you to deal with the situation?
  42. what is it about our program that sets our school apart for you?




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