
IC IWM 面经及汇总 [2019.03.22]

[日期:2019-04-18] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:L-Dopamine [字体: ]


2 月中旬提交完材料,3.15 突然收到面试邀请时候我是又惊又喜的,觉得要为俺村争光了,IC 啊男神校!结果呢,拖延症不得 house + 申请日期集中、面试日期也集中,直接导致我 2 天之内 3 个面试 ddl,而且都是提前不到一周才邮件通知(看以前的贴申的早的常有人提前半个月通知) so,IC 的大大大面经题库我看不完,拼了老命通宵准备地七七八八了,真面起来发现完全不是那回事,每道题 1 分钟真的十分十分短,对着屏幕假笑一下 5 秒没了,写作 5 分钟,而且是包括读题时间,读完题一看进度条,这一分钟已经没了吧???写的时候不知道自己在说啥,大概是我好仰慕您啊,您能给我个工作吗?best regard 连自己名字都没打完,我肯定是目前 IWM 见过最菜的申请人了啊同学们,一生之耻啊同学们。

总之我绝对送人头了,在下给各位优秀的 offer 候选人拜个早年吧。

抱着这样破罐破摔的想法,我刷了贼多次……现身说法题库都是之前大佬们总结过的,我在 2019.01 一位大佬总结的基础上更新到了 2019.03,2019 fall 的同学们看这一个文件应该够了,造福大家吧。


整理于 2019.03.20 by L-Dopamine

接受 offer.

Dear Mr. Summers,

Thank you for your offer of employment as a grower at your Fruit ville, Florida site. As we discussed on the phone this morning, I am delighted to accept your offer and look forward to beginning work with Summers Fruit Company.

You indicated that I will be receiving a salary of $______ per year, and will have initial duties reporting to Andrea Caruso. As your offer stated, I will begin work on August 1st. In mid-July, after relocating to the area, I will call you to see what information or materials I may need before August 1st.

In the meantime, please let me know if I can provide you with any information. Again, thank you for offering me this exciting opportunity.



Dear Mr. Schulman,

Thank you for offering me the assistant manager position. Regretfully, I must decline your offer since I have just accepted a position with another firm. While I was very interested in the opportunity and working with your team, the position I accepted is better matched to my credentials and career aspirations.

Thanks again for taking the time to meet with me and for the generous employment offer. I am impressed by your company's goals, mission and commitment to quality and service, and wish you and your colleagues much continued success. I hope that we meet again in the future.

Best regards,


  • 自我介绍 + 常规问题 记不太清了。但其他面经肯定都有覆盖。
  • writing: 第一节课自我介绍
  • 专业题: low interest rate environment下会发生什么


  1. 自我介绍
  2. 课外的爱好,这个爱好对你有什么 value
  3. 一个 team members 有不同的 personalities.怎么 get the best out of them?
  4. 你的一个 achievement.
  5. writing: networking 上碰到了你申请专业的 graduate,给他写个 message, 怎么开始一个 conversation.
  6. 2008 金融危机的影响


  1. 自我介绍 1 分钟,需要拿护照在屏幕前超过 20 秒。
  2. fail to achieve goal 原题!但说完上传的时候自发断网了我的悲剧就这么开始了……
    断网后新题:有什么life goal, how to plan to achieve it
  3. 团队中有个人有一个错误,你要怎么指出才可以没有副作用?
  4. proudest achievement outside classroom
  5. 写作:选举学生会如何说服其他学生?
  6. 专业题偷偷说我刷了好多次。因为觉得不抱希望了就准备刷到准备好的再讲。
    b corporate banking 跟 consumer banking 的区别


面试基本按 CD 往年大神给的题做的准备,个人觉得最重要的是找准几个点,题目一直在变化。

我面的题记不太清了但是有的是题库没有的。面之前大概找到了五六十个题,但是没有办法一一准备好并且背过,所以最关键的是找好自己所有的优势,准备不同优势的稿子,我个人觉得一定要突出 ps 以外的甚至 academic 以外的特性。在自我介绍 part 可以提一下自己 excellent 的academic performance,但是剩下问题除了明确说明的可以多提及自己别的长处。我在两三个问题中分别提及了自己做了多年义工对自己思想的改变,常年旅行对自己面对 contingent 的应变等等。可以与自己能力相联系。在 CV PS 中已经充分体现自己的专业水平的情况下,多展示不同的自己可能有不一样的效果。

另外 writing 部分一定一定要准备,哪怕只是在脑海中每个可能的题目都过一下,五分钟推荐写 250 基本上达不到的,但是如果只写几十的话可能也有些不太合适,界面会有字数提示,不要太过紧张,把该写的内容尽量通顺的写出来就可以。我的题目就是 coffee chat 的,所以把自己的优势和理解 manager schedule tight 并且很希望能够 have a chat 的意愿表达出来就算比较完整了。

面试完我本来很懵,因为每个题在时间结束的时候都没有说完,十分懵逼,但是可能对于呈现自己的经历做的比较好,提及了自己在课内课外的 group work 中作为 leader 的成长等等。


  1. 你有什么技能让你 highly employable?
  2. 团队成员有意见,如何说服且不伤害关系?
  3. 你有什么爱好,这个爱好对实现你的职业目标有什么用?
  4. writing: 你的教授给你介绍了一位 CEO,你想去 CEO 公司工作,如何沟通?
  5. 你用什么方法了解最新的金融资讯?


  1. 15 秒准备,自我介绍。
  2. biggest achievement in undergraduate study.
  3. 安慰一个正在 struggling 的同伴。
  4. ???
  5. writing:给朋友写信介绍一个人去他们公司。
  6. 对冲基金有什么优势,为什么价格这么高还有人买?


  1. 自我介绍
  2. how to discuss a disagreement with your teammates without harming your relationship?
  3. 一个重要的skill,对于你的学习和工作是否有帮助呢?
  4. 讲你完成一个目标的过程中遇到的困难。什么 motivate 你前进?
  5. writing 收到理想公司的 intern 拒信,邮件回复。
  6. 宏观经济对于金融部门工作的人来说有多重要?


  1. introduce yourself.
  2. 描述一段你在课外 benefit other 的经历。
  3. 假如你的上司对一个 overdue promotion 产生犹豫,应该如何劝说她?
  4. 描述一个碰到的难题。
  5. writting:draft a pitch 关于如何劝说别人选你进入 student council?
  6. brexit 对英国的金融机构有何影响?



  1. 准备 15 秒说 1 分钟,自我介绍 + 展示 ID。
  2. 准备 30 秒说 1 分钟,讲述一次 you have a high level of drive to achieve a goal.
  3. 准备 30 秒说 1 分钟,你 outside classroom 的一个爱好,why it is important to you?
  4. 准备 30 秒说 1 分钟,你最好的朋友会怎么描述你?
  5. 写作 5 分钟:你的一个 professor 办了一个活动,其中有以为是你很想去的公司的 executive,写一封邮件给 professor 请求他为你做一个 introduction?(给 executive)
  6. 准备 30 秒说 1 分钟,专业题:你认为 tech 怎样影响了 financial sector,举例说明。


  1. introduce yourself holding id.
  2. a challenge you have overcame.
  3. a time you were the leader.
  4. the effect of global financial crisis.
  5. write an email to your director. (记得不太清了,就是你知道你的老师认识你想去的公司的人,想他帮你介绍),asking for a reference.
  6. 不记得了.


新鲜出炉的 IC IWM 面经(跟老题库内容差不多)一共六题。

  1. 准备 15 秒,自我介绍 1 分钟,其中要拿着 ID,展示 20 秒。
  2. 准备 30 秒,描述一个你完成了的目标。(这个目标给你带来很大的满足感)
  3. 准备 30 秒,展示你在 IC 第一堂课的自我介绍,你会想要让同学们看到你的什么方面?
  4. 准备 30 秒,讲述一个你参加的非学术的项目,你在其中起到了什么作用?
  5. Writing,准备 30 秒?,一共 5 分钟,给一个你在招聘会上交谈过的 target 公司员工(好像是管理人员之类的,不重要)发一封 follow up 邮件。
  6. 准备 30 秒,你认为了解宏观经济对从事金融行业的工作人员重要吗?


  1. 自我介绍。
  2. 困难情况下的 achievement.
  3. motivate my team under stress.
  4. biggest achievement and challenge.
  5. follow up email.
  6. financial news.


  1. introduce yourself.
  2. biggest achievement outside of class, what impact on you?
  3. disagreement with teammates, what will you do without destroying relationships.
  4. what do you do with your community outside of class, and what impact you have made?
  5. email:how to persuade fellow students to support you for the election go student council?
  6. characteristics of successful portfolio manager. (a company you wanna invest)


都是去年库里的题,60 秒回答好快,大部分都没说完。凉凉,发面经攒一下人品:

  1. 拿着 id 自我介绍。
  2. achievement outside class.
  3. characters that make you highly employable.
  4. motivate a team member who's struggling.
  5. writing: Mentor introduces you to the CEO of a company that you want to work for. Write an email to invite the CEO to a coffee chat.
  6. tell an recent interesting financial news.


  1. introduce yourself.
  2. give an example under a difficult circumstance and what motivate you keep going.
  3. biggest achievement.
  4. motivate the team member.
  5. write an email to recruiter you meet at job fair.
  6. buy side and sell side.


  1. 自我介绍。
  2. Which of your personal attributes are most important to achieving success?
  3. You are leading a project which is running out of funds. How would you convince an investor to commit more resources to the project?
  4. 一个课外团队合作你 make a difference 你做了什么?
  5. One of your university professors sits on a charity board with a senior executive of a company you would like to work for. In around 250 words draft an email to your professor to try to arrange an introduction. (断网刷了一道)
  6. You attended a careers event and one of the panel members was a very senior executive at a company you would like to work for. In around 250 words, draft a follow up email to them.
  7. 苹果和谷歌应不应该多交税



6 个题目(包括 1 个写作)

  1. 写作题:校友在自己喜欢的公司工作,向校友介绍自己。
  2. 已经 achieved 的 long-term goal?
  3. How did you plan for it?
  4. 你的兴趣爱好是什么?留时间给兴趣爱好重要吗?
  5. 新成员进入了你的项目你会怎么跟他相处?
  6. 如何和金融新闻 engage?



  1. introduce yourself 拿着 ID.
  2. 一次 high level of drive to achieve a goal 的经历。
  3. 你有什么特质让你从人群中脱颖而出?
  4. IC 第一堂课上你怎样介绍你自己?你最希望他们知道你的哪一方面?
  5. 写作:推荐朋友去认识的 ceo 公司工作的 email(5 分钟,250 字)
  6. 苹果和谷歌该不该多交税?




  1. 自我介绍。
  2. 遇到的 setback,如何 handle?
  3. 说服投资者多投资 commit more resources.
  4. 科技如何影响了金融?
  5. 在课外 project 扮演的 role,如何 make a difference?
  6. 写作:实习即将离职,给 manager 写一封 thank you email.


5 道题分别是:

  1. how to motivate your team member?
  2. career and how to measure your success?
  3. hobby.
  4. written: introduce yourself.(想说自己运气挺好的,抽到的题比较简单)
  5. buy side sell side.


12.28 递交的帝国理工 MSc investment&Wealth Management 申请 01.09 收到面试邀请,今天刚刚赶在 deadline 之前做完

主要的问题都是 motivation 类的,5 个问题,其中有一个 written question.

  1. your personal attribute that will contribute to success.
  2. 如果你是一个 team leader,你会如何领导的问题?
  3. proudest achievement outside classroom.
  4. written question:写一封 email 给老板。
  5. hedge fund 的有关问题。


  1. attributes that make you highly employable after graduation.
  2. an experience of leading project with tight deadline, how did you motive your teammates?
  3. why choosing this programme?
  4. writing: 给校友写信,想进他们公司。
  5. 专业:recommend a company for investment, why?


  1. 描述一个 achievement.
  2. a project you work hard that benefit others.
  3. how do you ensure that you are up to date with the financial news?
  4. a role in the new team.
  5. 心仪公司给了你拒信,如何 reply?



  1. achievements & how factors into your career goal?
  2. you arrive at Imperial College Business School on the first day of term. how would you introduce yourself to your classmates? what would you most want them to know about you?
  3. tell me about a charity or community project that’s important to you. What have you done to support it?
  4. 收到心仪公司拒信,怎么回复?
  5. low interest rate 对公司的影响?(刷新了)
  6. 宏观经济学对金融行业的人来说重要吗?


  • 被公司录取怎么回复邮件?
  • 被心意公司拒绝怎么回复?
  • 怎么拒绝给 offer 的公司?




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